Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, October 30, 2008

HILLARY Should Have Spent 150 Grand on Clothes!!!

And guess what? If stupid Hillary Clinton had spent $150,000 on her warddrobe, the Democratic ticket might today be reading "Hillary/Obama".

What was Hillary's problem? She and Bill made $109 MILLION dollars in the last 8 years, and then how does she DRESS? She dresses like a starving high-school English teacher who hasn't bought any new clothes in 10 years!

Here's what Hillary SHOULD have done: Hired at least two TOP clothing designers. Pay them EACH a few hundred grand. Hire first-rate make-up artists and colorists.

Yes, she probably should have spent a few MILLION on clothes and designers. Her clothing should have been specifically DESIGNED to make her big butt and thighs smaller.

Did she not realize that her hips and thighs look FATTER in those HORRIBLE pants suits? Is she DUMB enough to think that US MEN don't care about that?

Does she not realize that US MEN are totally superficial ANIMALS who only interested in the female anatomy? As Marilyn Monroe once said, when asked about how she was going to get something from some guy, "he's a man, isn't he?"

So that's my advice to Hillary for "next time". IF there is a next time. Hillary: Spend a few million on CLOTHES. It could have won you this election!!!

Obama attacked Palin DELIBERATELY, and CLEVERLY, to make her self-conscious and to get her to dress cruddy, so she wouldn't look so HOT.

Mission accomplished, Obama. Your SLEEZY TRICKS triumph again. Too bad that the media is DUMB to notice.


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