Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Manned Mission to Mars is Idiotic

Bush's idea of a manned mission to Mars is one his most idiotic ideas. It is purposeless and counter-productive.

First, the technological problems are way beyond our current technology, and are basically problems that are a waste of time to bother solving. The biggest problem is simply HUMAN SAFETY.

Traveling to Mars, landing, taking off again and returning is almost breathtakingly dangerous. Furthermore, solving these problems is a stupid waste of time.

Why? Because by the time that these problems are solved, we will have thousands of cheap, expendable ROBOTS who will probably be better astronauts than humans. They will be millions of times more intelligent, have better vision, better hearing, and better brains. So what is the point in sending a human?

Secondly, by sending a robot, they avoid the enormous problem of transporting a hugely heavy and powerful rocket to Mars. Because of Mars HUGE gravitation, they will need almost as large of a rocket to get off of Mars as to get off the earth. That makes it almost impossible.

Thirdly, the whole IDEA of wasting money on a trip to MARS is totally IDIOTIC. America must continue to fight for the "high ground" above the earth. He who dominates space, dominates the earth. All that "love of humanity" stuff is a bunch of crap. See how fast THAT disappears in the next world war.

The idea of getting rid of the Space Shuttle program is ASTOUNDINGLY MORONIC. Only BUSH could be THAT dumb!!!

If anything, we should be working on building a redesigned Space Shuttle that is faster and cheaper than the current ones. They should have done that 15 years ago, when the last one blew up.

Fourth, the ONLY way that we can build monster interplanetary spacecraft in in-orbit factories. We need to develop a better space shuttle in order to build factories in orbit. Once the factories are built, then we can build the huge interplanetary "tankers" that will allow comfortable passage, and mineral tranport around the solar system.

One thing is for certain. Other planets, like Mars or even the Moon are going to contain minerals that are of ASTRONOMICAL value. The only way that we will be able to mine them is if we have orbital factories to build the kind of monster tankers that will be necessary to transport minerals.

Plus, shuttle technology will be key to the operations, since it will be necessary to have shuttles that are very fast and very powerful to transit between the planet's surface and the mining ships.

This is simply due to the fact that if you don't have to deal with getting off and on the planet's surface, it is a very simple thing to build a monster interplanetary spacecraft.

Fifth, what good does a direct Mars trip do? We went to the Moon in 1969. So what? What did it do for us? So we'll spend 78 guhzillion dollars and 30 years to get a man on Mars so that he can say "one small step for mankind", and hear the Martians say "there goes the neighborhood!".

Perhaps the only thing good about the idea is that Mars might be a good dumping ground for hardened criminals. Criminals sentanced to death, or sentanced to life in prison, could be given the option of taking a one-way bus trip to Mars instead.

Why not? I would think that it would be more fun to die on Mars than to die in the electric chair. And besides, much of the early colonization of "The New World" began by establishing prison colonies there.

To summarize, we should postpone the Mars project indefinitely, and focus on building a re-designed space shuttle. The shuttle should focus on providing transportation to and from the in-orbit space station/factory. Ultimately, this is where a Mars vehicle would be built. Probably 30 years from now.

Doing it now is idiotic.

Draft 2: 6/23/09

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rush hits Obama with right hook

Rush Limbaugh got in a good right hook on Obama yesterday at lunch. Rush played a tape of Obama's speech at Notre Dame where he was really laying on the BS about how he was first converted to Christianity by a cardinal in Chicago. Obama was going on and on about kind and gentle and wonderful the cardinal was.

Then Rush says, in effect, "oh yeah? Well then how come you joined a church for 20 years that was headed up by one of the most hateful people around". Then Rush played some of the various so-called "out of context sound bytes" of Jeremiah Wright, with his "Gawd Dayum America", etc.

While I'm not really a Rush fan, I must say that Rush scored a couple points with that one. Obama really starts getting obnoxiously phony at times when he starts in on his spiel about how we can all be together and happy, etc.

You remember all that happy horseshoot about how these aren't red states and aren't blue states, but they're the United States? And of course, he didn't follow any of that BS while designing his campaign.

Draft 1: 5/19/09