Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ludacris: Hired by McCain?

Ludacris really lived up to his name yesterday. By signing a song gloating about how the blacks are going to totally run things now that Obama is here, he wrote a more effective ad then the KKK ever could have.

If Ludacris is a friend of Obama's, then he sure has a strange way of showing it. Obama's reaction to Ludacris should have been MUCH more severe than it was.

Draft 1: 7/31/08

Friday, July 25, 2008

Augustus Obamus in Germania

While it is certain impressive that Obama can gather a crowd of 200,000 Germans, it is also rather weird. Somehow it seems inappropriate for him to be making these speeches. It is as if he thinks that he is already president, or he thinks that he is a diplomat. He is only a junior senator at this point.

He seems to be rather presumptuous, or possibly delusional, in this regard. He is acting as if he is already the President, and he is not. He is acting as if he is John F. Kennedy, and he is not.

Another disturbing incident is that after Obama's visit, Iran changed their stance on Nuclear development. Is this because Iran was taking a queue from Obama's dovish stance, and his popularity?

This is part of what I'm talking about. Obama is setting himself up as some sort of major American ambassador/policy-making, and he is not. If he wins the election, fine. But for now, he is just a neophyte and a candidate. He is not a person who should be representing himself as a major spokesman for U.S. foreign policy.

If reminds a little of Godfather 1, where Sonny jumps into the conversation between Vito Corleone and Sollozzo the Turk. Don Corleone essentially tells him to shut up while he's talking. Afterwards, Don Corleone says to Sonny to, in effect, never talk to outsiders about the affairs of the family.

And so it is with Obama. He's over there in Germany bubbling away with "brilliant" advice and campaign BS, and he is really someone who is totally un-authorized to be stating American policy. And indeed, as the Iranians have shown, his statements can have a very unintended effect.

Curiously, on CNN they were commiserating for John McCain because he was giving a news conference to 1 reporter in a Food Mart. But interestingly, McCain might be the smarter of the two. McCain remarked how shocking it was that a gallon of milk was over $4 a gallon. That is what Americans REALLY care about now. They don't give a hoot about Germany, and they aren't really listening to Emperor Augustus Obamus's brillian speeches about Global partnerships, etc.

But they DO pay attention when John McCain goes to a food store and shares their real concerns about the price of milk. This is in sharp contrast to Bush, who has pooh-poohed increases in food prices, and who never goes to Food Marts. Obama also apparently never goes to Food Marts.

That may be why old John McCain seems to be making some progress at cutting Obama's lead.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Better to be Last to Pick a VP

Being the first of the two candidates to pick a VP is not smart. It's much better to wait for the other one to make his pick, and then strategize against that.

For example, if Obama picks a MALE VP, then the strongest VP for McCain becomes Condi. That would pick up a lot of the disgruntled female Democrats who will be furious about Hillary being passed over. Condi would also steal Obama's black thunder. He would no longer be so important, because blacks would be getting a black Prez or VP either way. So black voter turnout would go way down, plus Obama would lose black conservatives who would other vote for him.

On the other hand, if Obama picks Hillary, Condi is a much less attractive pick. Then, his best pick becomes Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney will pick Democrats who are annoyed with having a female VP as well as all of the Blue Dog Democrats who will be repulsed by having two very liberal candidates.

Similarly, Obama could adjust his choice against who McCain chooses, if he does indeed choose early.

I think that either Mitt Romney or Condi would be formidable opponents to Obama. Old Huck isn't the worst either. He plays a mean guitar. But his policies are totally insane.

Draft 1: 7/23/08

Obama Looking Good on Diplomatic Tour

I take back what I said a couple days ago (see below). Obama is actually looking pretty good meeting with all of those heads of state. Most importantly, he looks strong and comfortable meeting with them, and they seem to have a liking and a respect for him.

This is actually the kind of activity that I have been looking for. I've been very annoyed with Obama for just giving us nice, safe, pre-digested BS. I find TV commercials to be annoying, and I dislike his speeches, because they go unchallenged.

I want to see him in more one-on-one situations where he can't so easily BS his way thru it. At least these diplomatic situations are one-on-one's with important people, so they show that he is not just an empty suit.

I really think that it would be to Obama's advantage to debate McCain one-on-one in those Town Hall meetings. He should not be avoiding them. Certainly Obama will LOOK much better than McCain, since he is taller, younger, healthier and better-looking. He also needs to show that he isn't afraid of McCain, and that he isn't afraid of the truth.

Part of the reservations that people have against Obama is that they don't feel that they know him. So it does not help him to avoid debating McCain, just as it did not help him to avoiding Hillary in the final weeks of the primary.

But as you can see, Obama has increased my respect for him by appearing with important foreign dignitaries.

Draft 1: 7/23/08

Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama's Michael Dukakis Moment?

It appears that Obama in Iraq is in grave danger of committing another Michael Dukakis. You know, where Dukakis is riding in a tank with a helmet, looking totally out-of-place?

It seems to be much the same with Obama in Iraq. Like some out-of-place Alfred E. Neuman, Obama is over there telling military generals and foreign policy experts how to run the war.

On one side of the room are the seasoned officers and military generals, who have been in Iraq and Afghanistan for a couple years now. Along with foreign policy experts on that area of the world.

And over there is Obama. Like some goofy-looking cross between Alfred E. Neuman and Rocket J. Squirrel, telling all of the military brass how to run the war.

I think that it highlights a serious problem of Obama's: Arrogance. Since when is HE so smart. What evidence is there that HE has all the answers. He has never even gone thru Basic Training. He has hardly even visited the area. But yet he is telling all of the military and foreign-policy experts, who have been fighting and sweating over there for years, what they need to do. What makes HIM so special? What evidence is there that he knows his posterior from a hole in the ground?

Very little, I would say.

I am getting increasingly impatient with Obama's refusal to debate McCain. First, he refused to debate Hillary for the final 2 months of the primary. Now, he refuses to debate McCain. Instead, all we get are endless TV commercials and long, boring speeches.

It is only by seeing Obama under STRESS, in a head-to-head encounter with McCain, that people will come to feel they know him in any way. I do NOT watch his TV ads and I do NOT listen to his speeches. These are just BS.

I want to see what the guy is made of.

McCain Should Taunt Obama About Debates

I haven't seen a huge amount of favoritism for Obama over McCain from the press. However, there was a HUGE amount of favoritism for Obama over Hillary. It was OBSCENE: Chris Matthews and the chill up his leg. Keith Olbermann attacking Hillary every day like some insane pit-bull while mercilessly sucking up to Obama.

Quite frankly, I think that it is SHOCKING that Obama was able to get away with not debating Hillary for the final 2 months of the primary. And it is equally shocking that he has been able to so easily ignore McCain's invitation to Town Hall debates.

Obama always speaks unopposed. Either he is giving a speech to thousands of screaming teeny-boppers, or else he is appearing on a TV commercial. Occasionally he is interviewed by some TV interviewer who supports him. He never appears with any TV interviewer who opposes him.

But this can work against him, because a lot of people simply feel that they don't know who or what he really is. That could be better defined with more head-to-head Town Hall debates.

McCain should challenge Obama more. He should taunt him about why he won't accept his challenge to debate. I am sick and tired of seeing Obama's "act". I am sick and tired of seeing the well-rehearsed Obama giving yet another speech full of little digs that go unopposed and unanswered. I am sick and tired of endless TV ads paid for by all his money. He's no different than Bush.

Indeed, the press is AWOL. The press should be blasting Obama for not debating. But they don't say anything. Maybe they're all afraid of being labelled "racists", and all of the trouble that that can be.

Friday, July 18, 2008

On Michelle Obama

I dont' see any reason why Michelle is beyond criticism. Her statement about being proud to be an American for the first time is what it is.

She and Obama are constantly saying "what I REALLY meant was...". What a crock. We KNOW what you meant, Michelle. We are not idiots. You are a good communicator.

If elected, Michelle Obama will be a VERY powerful person. She is not a First Lady who will stay home and bake cookies. She will be a relentless activist. Cindy McCain, on the other hand, WILL stay at home and bake cookies, and brew beer. No need to criticize her, because she will not be an activist First Lady. But what would you criticize her for anyway?

I'm sick and tired of Obama being SECRETIVE about what he is. He refused to debate Hillary for the final 2 months of the primary. Now he has CHICKENED-OUT of debating McCain at Town Hall meetings.

All Obama wants to do is give us endless commercials about himself, and treat us to rambling "brilliant" speeches which he addresses to audiences of 50,000 teeny-boppers.

Altho I'm a Democrat, I am beginning to serious question Obama's qualifications for President. And indeed, I have NO IDEA who this guy really is.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Florida Democrats Suffering Existential Crisis

As a Florida Democrat, I am suffering an existential crisis. The DNC has informed us that only 50% of me exists. I would really like to go to the Democratic Convention, but how can I go, when there is only 50% of me?

Will it be my better half or my worse half? My left half or my right half? My top half or my bottom half? My motivation is halfhearted. Am I only half a man?

Hopefully, the Democrats at the Convention will resolve this existential crisis.