Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tom Tancredo and Michael Richards Vie for Biggest Idiot Award

Miami, UPI. Tom Tancredo and Michael Richards are now the finalists in the intense contest for the World's Biggest Idiot award. The awards are going to be presented in Miami. Tancredo objected to the Miami venue, since it is, of course, "a third-world city" which has been devastated by evil illegal aliens.

Richards also objected, since he said that Miami is "full of niggers and spics". He was seen standing on a streetcorner in Miami screaming at a picture of Fidel Castro, saying "you're a SPIC! Fifty years ago you'd be chopping sugarcane!"

New information has come forward about Michael Richards, however. An informant overhead a conversation between him and Jerry Seinfeld. It went like this: "Jerry! I'm in Pain!!! You gotta help me! I gotta do something about my racism!!! The other day I was having sex with a little black vixen, and just as I was about to pop, I started involuntarily screaming 'YOU'RE A NIGGER! FIFTY YEARS AGO YOU'D BE DOING AUNT JEMIMA COMMERCIALS!'. Jerry, ya gotta help me! I won't be able to make it with any more black vixens!!!"

We are eagerly awaiting the results of the contest.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Things I like about Microsoft

As promised, I said that I would write about things that I like about Microsoft. Here they are:

1. Free Beta versions. As long as the Beta's aren't too pukey. But Beta's are a good deal for them and for us.

2. Tons of online training videos. This is excellent.

3. Huge amount of documentation and support. This is not so much from Microsoft itself as it is from the huge worldwide user community. It's actually become easier to just "Google" for help than it is to use the "Help" on Microsoft systems themselves (which usually sucks).

As a matter of fact, Microsoft "Help" screens are one of the things I put on my "Things I hate about Microsoft" list.

4. MVP's on Google groups. Excellent people.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank God! Katherine Harris Lost!!!

I know that all the polls were predicting that Katherine Harris would get clobbered. But that did not stop me from worrying, for the past couple of months, that she would somehow manage to win. Like maybe she would fudge every voting machine in Florida. Thank God she didn't! As a Floridian, the thought of her as a Senator is mind-boggling.

Charlie Crist as Governor of Florida isn't too bad, even tho he's a Republican. He's prettty moderate.

The Democrats taking over the House of Reps is great. Maybe we can get back to being Americans again. Living under Bush has been like living in some strange foreign country, like Bushakstan, or something. Lets hope the Dems can get the Senate too. Maybe the country can get back on the right track.

Hooray for Joltin' Joe. Glad to see he won in Connecticutt.

All in all, a very nice election.