Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, October 30, 2008


One final note. I am currently the self-appointed chairman of the Floridian die-hards for Hillary! Revenge is SWEET!!!

Obama and the rest of the DNC FASCISTS disenfranchised us in the primary. They had the incredible AUDACITY to totally ignore the fourth largest state in the USA.

They ignored that Hillary won Florida 50% to 37%. Can you IMAGINE what would have happened if OBAMA had won Florida 50-37 and THAT had been ignored???

They would have been RIOTING IN THE STREETS!!! The Clinton RACISTS are IGNORING our votes!!! Etc. ad nauseum.

Now is the time for REVENGE!!! Vote for Hillary NOW!!! Your vote WILL be counted THIS time. Stupid Obama will probably win anyway, but at least we can make a STATEMENT that we ACTUALLY CARE about whether the FASCISTS at the DNC disenfranchised us.

And maybe it will cause McCain to win. All the SWEETER. Obama is an inexperienced jerk.

ADDENDUM 11/21/08:
I wrote in my vote for Hillary, but I have been unable to even find out how many votes Hillary even got in Florida, or elsewhere.

HILLARY Should Have Spent 150 Grand on Clothes!!!

And guess what? If stupid Hillary Clinton had spent $150,000 on her warddrobe, the Democratic ticket might today be reading "Hillary/Obama".

What was Hillary's problem? She and Bill made $109 MILLION dollars in the last 8 years, and then how does she DRESS? She dresses like a starving high-school English teacher who hasn't bought any new clothes in 10 years!

Here's what Hillary SHOULD have done: Hired at least two TOP clothing designers. Pay them EACH a few hundred grand. Hire first-rate make-up artists and colorists.

Yes, she probably should have spent a few MILLION on clothes and designers. Her clothing should have been specifically DESIGNED to make her big butt and thighs smaller.

Did she not realize that her hips and thighs look FATTER in those HORRIBLE pants suits? Is she DUMB enough to think that US MEN don't care about that?

Does she not realize that US MEN are totally superficial ANIMALS who only interested in the female anatomy? As Marilyn Monroe once said, when asked about how she was going to get something from some guy, "he's a man, isn't he?"

So that's my advice to Hillary for "next time". IF there is a next time. Hillary: Spend a few million on CLOTHES. It could have won you this election!!!

Obama attacked Palin DELIBERATELY, and CLEVERLY, to make her self-conscious and to get her to dress cruddy, so she wouldn't look so HOT.

Mission accomplished, Obama. Your SLEEZY TRICKS triumph again. Too bad that the media is DUMB to notice.

The "Scandalous" Decision to Try to Make Sarah Look Good

Eeeek!!! How scandalous! Spending MONEY to buy a warddrobe for Sarah Palin and her associates that would actually make her look GOOD!!! How HORRIBLE! How OUTRAGEOUS!!

Don't you know that it is REQUIRED that ALL female candidates dress like Hillary Clinton? Yes. The Hillary uniform: HORRIBLE pink pant-suits that make her hips and butt look patriotically like Mount Everest. HUGE!!! Expansive!

And it is REQUIRED that female candidates wear UGLY shoes! No high heels allowed! What? Sarah Palin does not want to look like a HAG? What??? Is she UN-FEMINIST? She must be reported to the House Committe on Un-FemiNazi Activities!!!

But in all serious, what I find MOST OUTRAGEOUS about this Sarah Palin NON-SCANDAL is how Obama's HUGE sums of money this month have been totally ignored by the Obama-worshipping media.

For those few journalists who have been trained in mathematics, the "extravagant" $150,000 that has been "squandered" on making Sarah look good is a teeny ONE TENTH of ONE PERCENT of the $150 MILLION dollars that Obama raked in this month.

And does anybody in the media CARE about how Obama "spreads around" that 150 MILLION bucks? How many people his workers are bribing? How many votes he is buying? The MASSIVE advantage he has over stupid John McCain who agreed to federal funding of elections (as HYPOCRITE OBAMA once promised)?

No. Let's all just focus on how the Republican Party "SCANDALOUSLY" tried to make her LOOK GOOD by buying some decent clothes!!!

And suddenly it has become some great point of honor for female candidates to brag about how LOUSY they dress. You know, a female Vice President is going to be meeting Heads of State, and people like that. It might be a good idea if they dress in something better then Haute Walmart. Or J Crew, as Michelle Obama disengenuously bragged to Jay Leno.

Michelle did not mention that she wears custom designed gowns. EEEEK! Does she not know that this is a CRIME! Does she not know that the 11th Commandment says "VP Candidates Shalt Buy All of Their Fig Leafs at Walmarts"?

But this attack on Palin was a very EFFECTIVE Obama PLOY. The Obama people attacked Palin's clothes SPECIFICALLY because she looked so good. Their object was to cold-bloodedly (as always) get her to dress shabby.

Unfortunately, IT WORKED. What Palin SHOULD have done was to turn around, lift up her Neiman-Marcus dress, bend over and shoot Obama a big 'ol Sarah Palin FULL MOON. And then say "Eat your heart out, black boy, you ain't touchin' THIS white butt."

But instead, the IDIOTS in the Republican camp actually bought into the ObaMorons media-simp criticisms.

Palin and McCain should have shot back immediately on the 150 MILLION bucks that Obama just SCAMMED IN this month, and where the F does it come from? Poor people my butt. Obama's getting HUGE amounts of money from VERY RICH and POWERFUL interests and is disguising thru his massive black money laundry.

I find the mass media to be so UN-UTTERABLY DISGUSTINGLY, UNFAIR to Palin that it is beyond words.

Guess what? Palin has MORE executive experience than Obama has. But she's just running for VP. Obama is going to be taking over as PRESIDENT, in an unprecedently complicated time, with NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER.

DUH. You think maybe the media should be concerned? Naw. Its OK, Colin Powel thinks he's great. Colin Powel, the guy who brought you Serin gas from Iraq. But I digress...

An Infomercial. How Fitting for Lying Pig.

In response to Obama's infomercial:

I'm sorry. I view infomercials as OBSCENE. They are filled with grade B actors and actresses trying to be enthusiastic about whatever stupid ripoff product they are trying to sell you.

I feel as we have sunk to some new low level of ape-like depravity where at least SOME of the American people sit around and actual WATCH this rubbish. This trash. This OBSCENE infomercial.

Here is my idea of how presidential campaigns should be run, and I think that this should be a LAW. EVERY WEEK, the 2 presidential candidates would be locked into a room with 2 chairs, and they would be required to remain there and discuss whatever they want for 2 hours. EVERY WEEK. Period.

What is nice about this, is that ALL forms of advertising, infomercials and other propaganda would be reduced to no value at all. EVERYTHING would depend upon how they related to each other.

And I am sure, in a short period of time, one of them would be the last man (or woman) standing. And it would be based upon their QUALITIES, not upon how much money they can scrounge up from Oprah and launder. Not upon how many negative commercials per hour they can produce. Not upon IDIOTIC celebrity endorsements (Colin Powell: You are a RACIST PIG. Go breath some serin gas. There's lots of it in Iraq, right?).

I did not watch this great mis-infomercial for ONE SECOND. It would have made me violently ill. I would have been spitting at my TV, as I used to spit at my TV after George Bush was elected. And indeed, Obama is AT LEAST as OBSCENE as Bush.

Also, in honor of the infomercial, I VOTED FOR HILLARY last night! It felt GREAT! I'm a Florida Democrat who voted for Hillary in the Primary, but FASCIST Obama and the simpering SCUM in the DNC refused to count my vote. So I voted for Hillary again. This time, they WILL count my vote.

The DNC FASCISTS, like Dr. Demento Dean tried to force Obama down my throat. But I said "YES WE CAN" vote for Hillary!!! Yes we can.

So I feel as if my vote counted. I have made a statement to the SLIMY, FILTHY, TRAITOROUS, FASCISTIC, SCUM who have hijacked the Democratic Party and who refused to count my vote. The DNC are FILTH!!! They are TRAITORS to every thing that America stands for!

So I am hoping for another 2000. To have it all come down to Florida again. And then to have it all come down to ONE vote. And that would be MY vote. But it was for HILLARY!!!

I'm not a Republican, but I vastly prefer McCain to that arrogant, inexperienced, pretentious, obnoxious, snake-oil infomercial PHONY Obama.

I saw a GREAT bumper sticker the other day. It said: "OBAMA: SHUT THE F--K UP!" My sentiments EXACTLY.

Please excuse this long-winded post, but I was trying to be EQUALLY OBNOXIOUS as Obama, and maybe fill up a HALF HOUR with OBSCENE, ONE-SIDED LIES, like Obama. Tell me, did Obama talk about how he went to Jeremiah Wright's church twice a month for 20 years, but never figured out that Wright was a black militant racist?

And, of course, he had no idea that Bill Ayers was a terrorist bomb-thrower. Even tho he knew all about Chicago politics and EVERYONE is Chicago knew about Ayers and Doran.

And of course, he probably said nothing about dear sweet Farrakhan and other Black Muslims who are so prominent in Chicago.

That is the WONDERFUL thing about infomercials: You can just go on and on about how wonderful you yourself is, without being bothered by troublesome debate opponents, or pesky interviewers.

And did Obama tell you about how he helped Al Gore invent the Internet? He also invented White Bread and microwave popcorn. Once he is elected, he is going to use Harry Potter's magic wand to instantaneously fix the economy!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama is not black, he is Obama

I tend to think that the number of people voting anti-black will be less than expected. Quite frankly, all things being equal, I personally would vote for a white instead of black Obama. IF there were a white who was REMOTELY as smart as Obama. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

And what with the stock market crash, we can't really afford to vote for some white turkey just because he is white. Considering the EXTREME crises that are currently facing America, we MUST vote for the most capable person. And I think that many other white people realize that.

If this were a more "normal" year, like 2004, I would probably vote for McCain. But this is not 2004.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with my PREFERRING to vote for a WHITE. Don't BLACKS prefer to vote for a BLACK? Isn't that why Obama got 90% of the black vote in South Carolina, and other places?

Why is it OK for BLACKS to prefer to vote for a black, and it's not OK for WHITES to prefer to vote for a WHITE?

That said, I'm still probably voting for Obama simply because he is so much more capable than McCain. And I think that the same thing is happening in much of America.

Obama has been very smart in fighting the "racist" problem. He seems to recognize that whites do NOT hate and fear all black people. Whites hate and fear blacks who LOOK hateful and scary. Blacks have a very high crime rate and many are extremely violent and lawless.

But almost all whites have a few black friends who they like and who they trust. These people are not really "blacks". These people are "friends". And I think that Obama, thru his 18-month campaign, and very MUCH with the help of the "Hillary-Obama Show", which America enjoyed for months, has become a "friend" and a household word in America.

That is the reason why the Ayers stuff is not sticking. Also, the Republicans started throwing dirt at Obama too little and too late. They should have been smearing him MONTHS ago. At this point, it's too late. People know their "buddy" Obama, and they know he isn't a terrorist (even if he really WAS).

People now feel that they "know" Obama. Even tho they really don't. But that's tough luck for the dumb Republicans, who were MASSIVELY outclassed by Obama. Just as Hillary was massively outclassed by Obama. That's part of why I like/hate Obama.

But Obama has spent tens of millions of dollars saturating the American public with his smiling face. On every page of the Internet, we see a picture of Obama's smiling face. All of this paid for with the 150 MILLION DOLLARS that he raised this month alone. Who knows where.

Meanwhile, McCain is ironically strangling on one of his greatest legislative accomplishments: McCain/Feingold. He has to sit there twiddling his thumbs while Obama rakes in 150 million a month. Never mind that this is an act of enormous hypocrisy by Obama.

We have become accustomed to Obama's endless hypocrisy. But Obama has legendary teflon.

Unfortunately, McCain is REALLY floundering. Listening to his speech on TV yesterday, he seems to be largely out of it. He's still talking about "Drill, baby, drill", for example. Hasn't he noticed that gas prices have gone down a dollar a gallon? Energy is yesterday's news.

And solving the current economic crisis by cracking down on "corruption" and earmarks, and giving rich people MORE taxcuts? What planet is he living on?

His endless talk about Joe the Plumber only makes sense to The Base. Here is some guy who does not have a plumber's license and he is complaining because, someday, he might make over $250,000 in his own imaginary plumbing business, and might have to pay a slightly higher tax rate. Gad zooks! Talk about obscure logic.

Then McCain does his "fight, fight, fight" thing, which rings rather empty. What McCain SHOULD be doing is trying to be the way he was at the Al Smith dinner. He was actually FUNNIER and more clever than Obama. But yet, McCain seems to come off as some bumbling, doddering, bitter, old man on the campaign trail. And his argumenmts don't seem to be relevant.

It's like McCain is just "saying something" to "say something". He has no coherent message. Perhaps because his whole economic message, Reaganian "trickle down", is lying in ruins on Wall Street.

My own relationship to Obama seems to be "like/hate". I LIKE Obama on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and I HATE Obama on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have no real idea why. On the other days I am simply confused and undecided.

Note that I do not have a "love/hate" relationship with Obama, since that would imply that I am some sort of weirdo, like Chris Matthews, who gets chills up his leg over Obama. That's not the case with me. Altho sometimes the thought of Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, et. al., having "coffees" with Obama in the Oval Office does indeed send a chill up my spine.

That concludes my rambling blather for today.

Friday, October 24, 2008


The following was in response to one of the many FOWL posts in the RETARDED Fartington Post (world's biggest pile of fecal matter).

OK. How much money has OBAMA spent on clothes? Why doesn't he release THAT info? And where are HIS medical records? Doesn't he want to tell you about the time he got the CLAP?

And how much money does Michelle spend on her HAND-MADE Designer gowns?

And where did the 150 MILLION DOLLARS that Obama SCAMMED-IN this month REALLY come from. Poor pee-poe? Oh, puhleeeeeeeze. And how much of that money goes to buying new Mercedes for the THUGS and gang-members that SCUMBAG Obama has working for him.

How ANYBODY could want that piece of GARBAGE invading the holy sanctity of the White House is beyond my imagination. The man is FILTH.

As Obama drags his Trojan Horse into the Oval Office, filled with Jeremiah Wright and this thousands of parishioners, filled with neo-Nazi Farrakhan and his million storm-trooping extortionists, filled with Rezko and his money launderers, filled with The Chicago Democratic Machine and their ENDLESS "troopergates", Filled with bomb-making Ayers and Doran, his good buddies, filled with Acorns, tens of thousands of fraudulent registrations.

Oh yeah, this Obama is a PEACH. Only STUPID WHITE LIBERALS could POSSIBLY be DUMB ENOUGH to vote for him. I'm voting for HILLARY.


Yes. I had a REVELATION today. I have been FURIOUS at the Democratic Party for not counting my primary vote for Hillary ever since January. I have been agonizing for months over whether to vote for Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumber.

But I suddenly realized, WHY NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY??? This is NOT a waste of my vote. It would be a waste of my vote to vote for that SCUMBAG Obama, or to vote for the senile meathead with the bad ideas.

Why not vote for Hillary?

I dedicate my vote for Hillary to Barack Obama. I hope it causes you to LOSE the election. Wouldn't that be Hillarious???

I also dedicate my vote to How-weird Dean (Dr. Demento) and Black Donna Brazile. You see, just because you FASCIST TURDS decide not to count my vote, it does NOT mean that my vote won't count!

You SWINE wouldn't count my vote in the primary, so that you could railroad your filthy, stupid, treasonous, foolish, inexperienced, IMBECILE into the nomination. Well, I will cast my vote for HIllary NOW.

VOTE FOR HILLARY!!! Tell El Scumbag what you think of him!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

HILLARY Should Have Spent 150 Grand on Clothes!!!

The whole so-called "scandal" about Sarah Palin spending $150K on clothes brings something else to mind. HILLARY.

If HILLARY had spent $150K, or more, on clothes, the current ticket would be "Hillary/Obama", not "Obama/Biden". And it would be AHEAD 70-30.

I TOLD Hillary again and again: The American male will not elect a president with a BIG BUTT! I did. Read my older posts! But Hillary wouldn't listen.

Hillary INSISTED on wearing those HIDEOUS pink pant-suits (or whatever the stupid things are called). How GHASTLY! PUKE ME OUT! My advice to Hillary was: Take ALL of your pant-suits, make a big pile of them in your back yard, and then BURN them!!!

Ok. Maybe keep ONE pant-suit, just in case you need to go to a Bull-dyke convention, or a meeting of FemiNazis International. But certainly NEVER be seen in PUBLIC wearing one of those things!

I TOLD her to hire at least one, or maybe TWO, fashion designers. GAD ZOOKS. Bill & Hillary made $109 MILLION in the past 8 years, but she dresses like a starving high-school English teacher who hasn't bought any new clothes in 10 years!

I TOLD her what to wear. And it is much like what PALIN wears: NO SUIT-COATS! They make her look like a pregnant hippo-potamus, who has eaten too many potatoes. Suit coats make her hips and thighs look even bigger than they are. And they're pretty big.

One of the radio talk guys dubbed her "Her Thighness".

My advice to her: Wear shirt-waist jackets, like Palin's. That slims down her hips. Preferably blue, which accentuates her eyes.
She should ALWAYS wear DARK pants or skirts, preferrably BLACK, which makes her hips and butt smaller. She should wear some nuclear-powered butt-shaping girdle.

Then she needed to wear more eyeshadow. Her eyes are the best thing going for her. She should have highlighted them by wearing BLUE. NEVER that HORRIBLE pink that she seems to love so dearly. PUKE ME OUT!

Then what she should have done was set a million dollar max on her credit card and head over to Neiman-Marcus. Maybe she should have called Palin to go shopping with her. To help her out a little.

So anyway, all the dumb liberals can bash Sarah Palin all they want for spending 150 grand on clothes, but the fact is, if HILLARY had spent some REAL money on clothes, she would now be in line to be President-elect Clinton.

Yes, mam. The American male will never elect a female with a big butt president.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama Moratorium on Foreclosures a Bad Idea

Obama's plan for a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures seems like a bad idea. It seems to stem from Obama's rap that banks are just out to "rip off" the people.

In case Obama hasn't noticed, MANY big banks have either folded or are near the brink. Telling banks that they can not even access the dismal mortgage assets that they own is not overly bright.

Let's face it. The number one reason for this credit crunch has been this IDIOTIC EMPHASIS on putting poor people into homes that they can't afford.

If banks can't get their payments, then the only thing that they have is the collateral that was put up for the loan. Namely, the house.

Considering the difficult position that banks are currently in, it is hardly intelligent to be beating them up further! The LAST thing that we need in the middle of this "credit crunch" is to have some old-fashioned, business-hating, leftist come along and further punish the "evil" banks who are "ripping off" the pee-poe (as Obama specifically says in one of his many obnoxious ads).

So, I am waiting patiently to see some of the much-vaunted "judgement" of Our Savior, Wonderboy. Savior of America. Harbinger of The Great Change! The Second Coming of Jebamus. Halleluyah! Praise Jeremiah Wright and His Holy Angel, Man of the Year Louie Farrakhan. Halleluyah.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time for a Fumblerooski to Mitt Romney

I think that it's time for McCain to do a "Fumblerooski". McCain should fake a heart attack, or terminal cancer, or something, and designate Mitt Romney as his replacement quarterback.

Then Romney comes in and runs it 99 yards down field for a winning touchdown. And the Republican crowd cheered, while the Democrats sat in stunned silence.

Why not? McCain doesn't have a prayer. Mitt Romney should have been the candidate anyway. McCain only got nominated because of that bozo Huckabee who split the conservative vote.

The debate last night was a JOKE. Obama's IQ is probably about 50 points higher than McCain. But how could McCain win? Obama graduated at the top of his class from Harvard Law. OF COURSE he is a master debater.

Not only did McCain never go to Law School, or any grad school, he barely managed to graduate from the Naval Academy. Do we REALLY want a person to be president who graduated 5th from the BOTTOM of his class??? This indicates downright STUPIDITY and a downright DISLIKE for abstract thought and ideas. You have to really TRY to do THAT bad in college. Maybe he only got into the Naval Academy and got thru it because of his father's clout.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand, was valedictorian at Brigham Young, and then went on to do a double MBA/Law program Cum Laude at Harvard. So it is safe to assume that Romney's IQ is on a level with Obama's.

Frankly, I think that Mitt Romney would have sliced, diced, chewed-up, and digested Obama. Or at least made him break into a sweat. Romney is a certifiable pit bull, as was evidenced by his debate against McCain.

Consequently, if McCain were to disappear, and Romney were to hit the ground running, there is a definite possibility that he could pick up a lot of the reluctant independent Obama voters that McCain has missed. At least, there is a CHANCE. That's more than McCain has.

And at least independents like myself would have a CHOICE. Right now we have a choice between a bomb-throwing liberal, who is at least INTELLIGENT, and some 900 year old guy who doesn't know a computer chip from a potatoe chip. (Ha ha, potatoe rhymes with toe, I learned that Dan Quayle!).

Romney would fill a major void. He is the ONLY candidate who would have had any BUSINESS or executive experience. The rest of them are a bunch of blowhard Senators who never met a payroll, or had to turn a profit, in their entire lives. That is critical. McCain's expertise is military, and America has almost zero interest in that right now.

Romney's expertise is in business and economics. He was a fantastically successful businessman. He was a governor, rather than a senator, so he had executive experience.

Having been a governor of liberal Massachusetts, he would know how to appeal to independents. Three weeks isn't much time, but why not? If nothing else, it would be fun to see Obama's reaction.

"Hey! Who let the dog loose!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are Dems Causing the Crash?

Here's a thought. Just how much are the DEMOCRATS causing the Stock Market crash through all of their negative rhetoric and wishing for a crash to gain votes?

Let's face it. Obama has moved from being behind in the polls to being ahead in the polls purely on the basis of the Stock Market crash. How much of that was precipitated by he and other Democrats?

I believe that this is a LEGITIMATE concern. We know that the market runs on CONFIDENCE. And how has Obama helped confidence? Absolute ZERO!

When McCain came out and RESPONSIBLY said that "the economy is fundamentally strong", which is a statement that ANY grown-up, RESPONSIBLE, American leader would make (even tho it's a white lie); Obama immediately came back and pounded him to death.

Obama: "The American economy is fundamentally sound? HA! The American economy is a piece of dog poop! It is horrible. It is terrible! It has endless problems! Etc, etc., ad nauseum.

What genius Obama doesn't seem to realize, or doesn't seem to CARE about, is that the USA owes TRILLIONS of dollars to people all over the world who only keep their money in the USA they believe that the US economy is "fundamentally sound".

And what does "genius boy" Obama DO? He announces to tens of millions of people, all over the world, that the U.S. economy is a piece of CRAP! That it is UNSOUND. That it is on the verge of collapse.

How much DAMAGE has "genius boy" Obama DONE in this manner, with his big IDIOTIC, IRRESPONSIBLE mouth? Probably ENORMOUS. He is respected around the world. And here he is talking to rich Arabs, through his commercials, telling them that the U.S. economy is UNSOUND!!! What an IMBECILE!!! And the REST of the Democratic Party are equally IMBECILIC and IRRESPONSIBLE.

The only thing that these Democrat CREEPS care about is getting elected!

Curiously, the BEST leadership in getting us out of this crisis has come from BUSH, who is supposedly the great villain. Obama has just sat around with his thumb up his wazoo taking potshots at anybody who sticks his neck out to try to restore CONFIDENCE in the economy.

GROW UP, OBAMA!!! Grow up, Democrats! Your responsibility to America and the American People is more important than getting votes.

Somebody should tell that IDIOT Obama to keep his big, stupid YAP SHUT about how "bad" the economy. Time to tell some white lies. Telling white lies is part of RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP.

Do you scream at your kid at Christmastime and tell him "There is no Santa Claus, you stupid little FOOL"!!! No, you tell him that there is a Santa Claus because that is important to him and he can't deal with it otherwise. GROWN-UPS KNOW that there are times when you tell white lies. That doesn't make you a "liar". It makes you a wise leader who knows that sometimes lies are necessary.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Quick Fix for the Stock Market

The best idea that I've heard so far for fixing the Stock Market is simply to add some WAITING PERIODS.

The Stock Market should go back to what it was INTENDED to be: A vehicle for investing in public corporations. It should DUMP what it has become: A corrupt roulette wheel, where suckers are systematically milked by hyperintelligent Wall Street thieves. All of this under some ASSININE definition of the "free market".

The Stock Market bears little relation to the free market. It is nothing more than an IDIOTIC roulette wheel that bears little relationship to the brick and mortar companies that it supposedly represents.

How things should work: When people BUY stock, there should be a minimum time commitment. If you were to invest in your buddy's business, wouldn't you be willing to invest your money for some minimal amount of time, like a month or a year?

Secondly, before selling, sellers should be required to give some specific amount of lead time. Perhaps a month. This would at least give companies some time to gather up liquidity.

This would also help honest, decent companies fight off degenerate, SCUMBAG corporate raiders who have DEVASTATED American business and industry. These slimy, greedy, sleezeball, scumbags have put innumerable good, honest, businesses into bankruptcy.

If these 2 features were put into place, the Stock Market would no longer have sudden dips and spikes. It would still proceeed slowly upward and downward, but it would not drop thousands of points in a week!

The $2.5 trillion dollar dip in the Stock Market last week was totally and completely IDIOTIC. The leaders of the SEC should be imprisoned for STUPIDITY. This dip bears no relation to the "free market" whatsoever. The Stock Market has become some idiotic roulette wheel.

Time to fix it.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain Should Drop Out

Here's an idea. McCain should drop out and let Mitt Romney take his place. Why not? McCain is a goner. His plane has been shot down and he's floating to the ground in his parachute. He's a goner.

Why not give Mitt Romney a chance at a Hail Mary? He probably SHOULD have been the candidate, but dorky Huckabee split the conservative vote.

Mitt Romney is an impressive guy: Valedictorian at Brigham Young, graduate Cum Laude from Harvard with a dual MBA/Law degree, FANTASTICALLY successful in business, governor of liberal Massachusetts, a tough debater.

I've always thought that Mitt Romney LOOKS the most presidential of anyone.

I really HATE the idea of Obama as President. He is to inexperienced, too arrogant and too RACIST. Yes, he is a BLACK RACIST.

Why hasn't McCain hammered Obama on the 20 years of his attending BLACK RACIST Church? Going on Farrakhan's millon man march? McCain's a fool. He's been nice to Obama, and Obama has destroyed him, just he destroyed Hillary. Slandered them to death.

Obama is SUCH a complete SLEEZEBALL. But I'll probably still vote for him, since the Repubs aren't offering any choice. McCain seems totally out of touch on this economic crisis. Mitt Romney would be GOOD on it.

Sarah Palin has SPIRIT and inate intelligence. But she does not have any sort of real political intelligence. She will probably acquire it, but doesn't have it now.

Yeah, McCain should come up with some lame excuse to drop out, and then pick Mitt Romney to take over. He could say that his cancer has come back and his head is about to explode.

McCain's only chance at this point is total, THERMO-NUCLEAR negative advertising.

I am still AMAZED that they haven't hammered more on Wright. A couple months ago I was sure that the Republicans would try to acquire every audio tape and every video tape that Jeremiah Wright ever made. I'm sure that there would be DOZENS of "Gawd Dayum Amayreekah" moments there. But McCain hasn't touched that, and he SHOULD have.

The WORST part of Obama attending Wright's church for 20 years is that Obama must have forged deep friendships with many, many BLACK RACISTS at the church. How many of these black racists will Obama pick for important posts in his administration? How many other black racists will those black racists hire?

I'm sick of all these people who think that the only kind of racism is white racist. Black racism is just as bad when blacks reach a presidential level.

David Brooks Calls Palin a Cancer to Repub Party

Sounds like David Brooks has spent too much time at the New York Times. He now appears to be a Democrat.

Sarah Palin is BRILLIANT. People who can't see that are DUMB. They are effete snots who think that knowledge is something that you can only gain from sitting in a classroom like a little sheep.

I can not comprehend how anyone could possibly see Palin as unintelligent. That is only possible is your brain is clouded by sexism and by cancerous intellectualism.

Sarah Palin is the BEST thing that has happened to the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan, and there is every indication that she will run for President in 2012 and possibly even WIN.

Not only could Palin totally DESTROY Hillary Clinton, there is an excellent chance that she could destroy Obama. She is his mirror image. She gathers crowds of tens of thousands of people. People WEEP from her speeches.

This babe is HOT with a capital H. And I'm not even a Republican. Her brain is HOT.

What a JOKE to say that Biden "won" the debate. He was reduced to a side-show. Palin TOTALLY DOMINATED the debate. She was mesmerizing and energizing. She inflamed her base.

No matter how much the pathetically biased liberal media slanders her, the truth shows them to be a collection of braying FOOLS. Obama will NOT throw Palin under the bus, like he did to Hillary. She'll go head-to-head with Obama and he'll run for cover.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Add 110 Billion to the tab

That's cute. The $700 billion dollar pricetag of the bailout is not suffiently expensive. The geniuses in the senate add $110 billion in tax cuts to it. Duh. I guess they never heard of inflation.

More on the Palin-Biden Debate

Palin is an extremely talented speaker. She is just as charismatic as Obama. But she is AWFUL when discussing issues. All the Democrats really have to do is to pin her down to detailed knowledge, since she doesn't have much detailed knowledge outside of Alaska issues.

Her best approach is to imitate Bush and ALWAYS "answer" IN-MESSAGE. Which is to say, don't answer at all. Her handlers should absolutely and positively PROHIBIT her from having ANY interviews with anybody to the left of Sean Hannity. Unless, possibly, they provide a pre-arranged list of questions, with editing rights. Live interviews? NO WAY.

Left alone, she is worse than Biden in yakkity yak. She apparently feels that she must provide some BS answer for every question, when it would be much better to simply say "I don't know" , or just spew some "message".

For example, when asked about "other Supreme Court decisions", she could have simply said "I oppose reconstructionist decisions which are inconsistent with the ideas of our founding fathers." Or, I oppose any decision that violates the basic rights of American citizens, like their God given right to bear arms. Good stuff. Pure BS.

Her best strategy would be to have thoroughly researched Biden's 30 year record and to have memorized every vote that he made that contradicted an opinion that he currently holds. I'm sure that there are MANY, which is why Senators rarely get elected President.

In this way, Palin can put Biden on the defensive and get him into a talkative mood, where he will try desperately to explain away every contradictory vote or contradictory statement he has made in the past 30 years, while Palin has no record to protect. Except the Bridge to Nowhere and Troopergate.

With Biden in Verbose Mode, he can not only be counted on to make gaffs, but he will also eat up the time. Ideally, Palin should say as little as possible all evening. Let it be all about Biden attempting to defend his 'dismal" record of 30 years of contradictory votes as a Washington insider. While Palin is as fresh and pure as the driven snow of Alaska.

A Debate Strategy for Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is a GREAT speaker, but a HORRIBLE debater/interviewee. It looks like her greatest problem seems to be that she feels some compulsion to answer all questions, even ones for which she doesn't know the answer. In other words, to bullshit when she doesn't know the answer.

That really killed her in the Couric interviews. When Couric asked her about "what other Supreme Court decisions she disagreed with", she should have said one of the following:
1. I would have to research that further. I would disagree with any decisions that stray from the original intent of the constitution.
2. Which did you have in mind?
3. Which would you suppose that I disagree with?


First off, Palin should state her admiration for Biden's long record and his superior knowledge of Washington insider information.

Biden's greatest strength is also his greatest vulnerability: His 30 year record. There are probably dozens of votes that appear to be contradictory if taken out of context. And of course, they MUST be taken out of context.

Palin and the Republicans should make up a detailed list of all Biden votes, over the past 30 years, that contradict his current positions or the positions of Obama. Palin needs to MEMORIZE this list and use it endlessly.

This will make Biden defensive, ANGRY and LOQUACIOUS. He will start talking voluminously in order to defend his record. He will explain his logic in huge detail which will be extremely BORING and make him look evasive and defensive.

And of course, the more he talks, the more likely he will make a gaff, and the more likely he will be HONEST. Because honestly, Biden is really not that much of an Obama fan.

Confront Biden on why he suddenly thinks that Obama is qualified, when he considered him to be "inexperienced" in the primaries.

Most importantly, Palin should work very hard to disguise her vast ignorance. She should basically be as TERSE as possible, and stick to MESSAGE.

This is what Bush did very successfully in previous debates. He disguised his ignorance by simply barfing back MESSAGE whenever asked any question.

For example, if asked what specific Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with, she should generate a specific MESSAGE, like "any that violate the original intent of the constitution." "Any that voilate the Bill of Rights", like decisions to deprive people of their second amendment rights. Etc.

She must thoroughly memorize all-purpose, generic MESSAGE answers that can be used as answers to questions. If anybody comes back and says "that doesn't answer my question", then she should say "I just ANSWERED your question".

Viewers won't care too much. Facial expressions, body language and humor are very important. She should never lose her cool and remain always Tina Fey-like, while Biden goes off the deep end in total frustration, from trying to convince a potato that he is right.

She must be EXTREMELY complimentary and female to Biden, since Biden is very gallant and gentlemanly.

So it should be an interesting game.