Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, March 28, 2008

My Response to Rev Jeremiah Wright's Letter to the NYT

Well, I read what he said, and don't really understand it. I guess because you have to know what he is referring to. But he sounds reasonable enough.

It is nice that Rev Wright thinks that Obama is so wonderful, and I hope he is right. However, I am finding Obama somewhat lacking.

This is because I am a Florida Democrat who voted on January 29, and I do not understand why my vote should not count. Is there some crime that I and the 1,699,999 other Floridians committed?

If the local Florida politicians here committed a great crime against the DNC Commissars by holding the election 1 week early, I do not understand why I am being punished for it. Let the DNC punish those local politicians (at least the Democratic ones).

Punishing the 1,700,000 people who voted on January 29 because their political leaders held the election early is much like bombing civilian centers in Baghdad because Sadam Hussein was an a war criminal. It is much like giving a person the death penalty because their neighbor murdered somebody. It is much like bombing the World Trade Center and murdering 3,000 people because George Bush has committed war crimes. Did those 3,000 people deserve to die?

I and the 1,699,999 other Florida Democrats who voted on January 29 voted that day because it was the legally constituted voting day according to the duly elected legislature of the Sovereign State of Florida, obeying all by-laws of the Florida Constitution and obeying all Federal, State and Local statutes related to holding elections.

It was not in accordance with the DNC, but perhaps somebody could tell me what AUTHORITY the DNC has on this matter. They are not a government agency, they are not a branch of the federal, state, or local government, they are not part of the judiciary, they are not appointed officials with any governmental authority, they are NOT elected by the DEMOCRATS of the USA. Pray tell, is it not PRESUMPTUOUS of the DNC to CLAIM that they represent DEMOCRATS in America?

WE THE PEOPLE did NOT elect Howard Dean as head of the DNC. WE THE PEOPLE did not elect Donna Brazile as the Supreme Justice of the DNC. WE THE PEOPLE have NEVER granted authority to the DNC to DENY US the RIGHT TO VOTE.

So perhaps somebody could explain to me, very, very, slowly, how the DNC has the right to disenfranchise me? Since Senator Obama is a Professor of Constitutional Law (or something like that), perhaps he could explain it to me. I am, of course, very stupid. I am nothing but a stupid VOTER. I am not a lofty Professor, or anything like that. So, please, explain this to me fully.

The election of January 29 was also actually 3 WEEKS long, including evenings and weekends, just to be sure that EVERYBODY could vote. And indeed, voters were encouraged to vote, even tho the DNC had said that delegates would not be seated. And indeed there was RECORD turnout, even tho we did not have the usual TV diarrhea of ads. How nice, actually, NOT to have these jerks campaigning here! We were QUITE capable of making up our minds about who to vote for without listening to the endless diarrhetic TV ads.

I would also like to inform anybody who is listening that I will continue to make this an issue FOREVER, if the Florida delegation is not seated in proportion to the election of Jan 29, or according to a REVOTE, if Senator Obama truly HAS the HONESTY and INTEGRITY to participate in a free and fair REVOTE.

I had 3 uncles who went thru a great deal of inconvenience to fight in World War II so that I would have the right to vote. I would be besmirching their memory if I EVER accepted being silent on this issue.

Unfortunately, the issue of ENFRANCHISEMENT has become the PRINCIPAL ISSUE of this entire campaign. MORE IMPORTANT than anything. More important than Hillbama and their duplicities (neither of them is saintly). This is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT that can not be compromised, and will not be compromised.

Is Obama a Fascist Movement?

This may sound paranoid, but there are certain aspects of Obama's campaign that appear fascistic in nature.

First of all, his style is that of a low-keyed Hitler. His element is the mass meeting, with huge numbers of screaming, adoring followers. The followers love him and view him as their savior, just as did Hitler's Nazis.

Second, the real base to his party is extremely violent, tribal, and gang-oriented. I have long felt that if a neo-Nazi movement were to appear in America, it would be with certain elements of the Blacks.

Blacks do not have the inhibitions against racism that whites have. To them, "racism" means the hatred of blacks by whites. It does not mean the hatred of whites, or Jews, by blacks. That seems to be justified in some self-satisfied way.

There is also a streak of pronounced violence in certain elements of the black community. Blacks are 9 times as likely to go to jail, and black street gangs are extremely violent and murderous. The black street gangs may be the group in America most capable of doing Stormtrooper-like violence for the sake of pure money, and with a total absence of conscience or remorse.

Obama has a close connection to Jeremiah Wright, whose speeches resemble Adolph Hitler's. This is not a man of God, he is a man of hatred. Even his body language is similar to Hitler's.

Jeremiah Wright is also an admirer of renowned anti-semite and organizer Louis Farrahkan. Farrahkan has also cited Obama as his "savior". The fact that Obama has "renounced" these people is meaningless bullshit. Bullshit suitable for Stupid White Liberals to believe, but not suitable for anyone with a brain to believe.

Obama is building HIS OWN party. The Obama Party. He actually does not give Shit One about the Democratic Party. Democratic Party leaders are fools to believe that he really cares about the Democratic Party in any way. In fact, he has often called for destroying it by going across party lines.

This he can do, but it will not be a broad-based party.

His real base is blacks, who he controls through promises of black power and black wealth. His REAL message is probably the same as Jeremiah Wright's, but he will not SPEAK that. It is only important to his followers that they KNOW what his message is.

His secondary base is young students and recent graduates, who are facing a dim job market. There is some promise here that is some sort of socialist revolution sort of thing, altho not in so many words.

But the fascist image comes to me when I read the blogs that his followers dominate, and I see the barrage of brainless insults and slanders that they direct at Hillary. This purely FASCISTIC in nature. I can not believe that Hillary deserves such vitriolic hatred. I find her no more hateful than white bread.

I can understand them disliking her, but I simply don't see her as having done anything that deserves that level of vitriolic hatred. This is the equivalent of Hitler's hatred for the Jews, and anyone else who he disliked, or who would get in his way.

Obama puts on a show of being reasonable, but the real power behind him lies in the gutter. The REAL purpose of his campaign is not even to win the election. That is irrelevant.

What Obama is doing is building HIS OWN Obama Party. He is building the organization complete with black storm troopers. And this organization will continue to grow after the election, even if he loses.

In the future, he will use his gutter gangster forces to force policy, if he can't win it thru elections. This is similar to Hitler, who won his first election, and then thereafter banned elections.

So I agree that Obama is a new sort of politician. However, I do not share the rosey colored vision of him that is apparently held by the Stupid White Liberals.

My advice to the Stupid White Liberals? Buy a couple GUNS. You should have at least a revolver at home for home protection against these gangs. You should also have a good rifle, so that you shoot rioters and looters if they invade your neighborhood to search for plunder. And learn how to shoot.

Because remember. If the black gangs decide to riot, Obama and the NAACP will be soft on them, and will basically let them steal all that they want from the rich people. But if you have a gun, and they do a home invasion, you can give them a special present. Between the eyes.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

How Weird Dean has Electoral Vote Envy

I've finally figured out why The Screamer has gone so ballistic on Florida and Michigan. He has electoral college VOTE ENVY.

Dean comes from Vermont, about the smallest state in the USA. Vermont has 3 electoral votes. Florida has 27 and Michigan has 17.

So now How Weird Dean, UberFuhrer of the Democratzia Partichekzee Nationalistamo Committee, can now say "Zee JUDENRATS of Florida CAN NOT VOTE! Nor can any of the other inferior races in Florida! By order of the EMPEROR of VERMONT!!! The most high and exalted, UberFuhrer How Weird Dean. Arggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Now you would think that Senator Oblablablabla might object to the fact that 3 MILLION BLACKS in Florida are being disenfranchised, thanks to him and the UberFuhrer. But now.

There is NO NEED for 3 MILLION Florida blacks to vote. We all KNOW that they will all vote for Obama. So what need is there for them to vote? And we all KNOW that the 3.5 MILLION latinos in Florida will all vote for Obama, because Judas Richardson told us so.

Never mind that Oblablablabla LOST Florida by 17 percentage points and 300,000 votes.

The vote in Florida was ILLEGAL by order of the UBER FUHRER HOW WEIRD DEAN!! The vote in Florida was ILLEGAL by order of the SUPREME EMPEROR of the Great State of Vermont, tree sap milking capitol of the world.

And then all of those Jews in Florida. Why should THEY have any right to vote! The UberFuhrer How Weird Dean knows how they will vote, and he and Oblablablabla will place those votes for them.

And all of those OLD people in Florida. They have no right to vote. They are too old and dumb.

And all of those UNION WORKERS in Michigan. They have no right to vote. They are just STUPID WORKERS. They are not FULL PROFESSORS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, like Oblablablabla! Who do they think they are? Having the AUDACITY to want to vote?! The UberFuhrer How Weird Dean and His Royal Highness Oblablablabla will vote FOR them. And he will do it RIGHT. He will place their votes for Oblablablabla, just in case they were too stupid to know how to that themselves.

But really, why should it be necessary that ANYBODY votes before the Convention of the Democratzia Partichekezee. The Supreme Infallible Emperor and UberFuhrer of the MIGHTY state of Vermont has the situation FIRMLY IN HAND.

He says: "HA! That's the last time those big states with 44 electoral votes will SNUB me! Now I am the UBER FUHRER and SUPREME EMPEROR of the Democratizia Partichekeezee, SLAVES BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!!!!!! Filthy low-life Democratizia voters! What makes you think that you have any importance?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jeremiah v. Jeremiah

Giving Jeremiah Wright the benefit of the doubt, I considered his "prophetic" statements in regard to the actual book of Jeremiah.

According to the prophet Jeremiah, in the book of Jeremiah, God is indeed very angry, but he is angry about specific things.

1. Harlotry. God is very angry at the presence of prostitution in the land. Are WHITES the only people in America who practice harlotry? No. So if God is angry at America for the presensce of harlotry, then he must be at least as angry at black Americans as at white Americans.

2. Crime. God is very angry that his commandments are not being followed. The most basic commandments are the 10 commandments, which are roughly the basis of America's civil law.

Again, are WHITES the only people who commit crimes? No. In fact, the crime rate is much higher among blacks than whites. So once again, if God is angry about crime, then he is just as angry at black Americans as at white Americans.

3. Does God really want to DESTROY America? I think not. If God really wanted to DESTROY America, then he would have done it already. Just as he did to Sodom and Gomorrah. He could have given the Germans or the Japanese the A-bomb, and they could have destroyed America.

The truth is that God has his prophets give WARNINGS in order to get the people to act properly. If God really wanted to destroy America, he could do it at any time, as at Sodom and Gomorrah.

So illustrates that the greatest problem with Jeremiah Wright's "prophecy" is that Blacks are 100% good and Whites are 100% bad. That is not the case. The goodness or badness of people is not related to their skin color.

As far as Obama goes, he needs to apply the same logic to himself that he inflicted on Hillary. When Hillary admitted that she "made a mistake" by supporting the war, Obama claimed this showed she had "bad judgement".

So, is this Jeremiah Wright case not identical? Obama attended these racist, neo-communist, screamfests every week for 20 years. Now he suddenly says that this was a mistake and he did not agree with the sermons. Does this not reveal very bad judgement on his part?

Friday, March 21, 2008

FL and MI Secede From Democratic Convention

FUCK the DNC! Who needs that creepy collection of LOSERS. We the People of Florida and Michigan will have OUR OWN convention!

HA! And why the fuck NOT! Both of our states had fully LEGAL primary elections, according to all laws and bylaws of the Federal and State Constitutions. So what if the moldy COMMIES of the DNC didn't like it.

Who elected the DNC? Nobody. I don't recall ELECTING How-weird (The Screamer) Dean, or Black Donna (The Czarina) Brazile. Both of these self-appointed IMBECILES think that they can disenfranchise 26 million people. Guess what? They can go FUCK themselves.

Guess what, How-weird? This is NOT Nazi Germany. This is AMERICA. And in AMERICA we VOTE.

A convention of the DULY ELECTED Florida and Michigan delegates in a SEPARATE CONVENTION is an excellent idea. We will present our delegate votes as THE PEOPLE of the Sovereign States of Florida and Michigan ACTUALLY VOTED.

The Democratic Convention can then decide whether or not they want to add these delegates to the count or not. In other words, they can decide whether they want to be fair-minded, noble Americans, or whether they want to be FILTHY, SUB-HUMAN, FASCIST, SCUM, who ignore the VOTES OF THE PEOPLE of Florida and Michigan.

But at least the decision will be clear: Are you a FREE AMERICAN? Or are you a sub-human, fascist SHITBAG? Your decision will be noted and REMEMBERED throughout HISTORY.

The WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!!! Are the Democrats "democratic"? Or are they a collection of sleezy, low-life, shit-sucking FASCISTS? Yes. THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!

Yes. Definitely!!! A separate convention! FUCK the SHITBAGS of the DNC!!! FASCIST FILTH!!!

We VOTE in America, SHITBAGS!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Superdelegates should co-ordinate FL/MI Revotes

Superdelegates BEWARE: If you nominate Obama and he loses, your political careers will be in DEEP DOO-DOO.

In fact, no matter which candidate you choose, the results are going to be questionable and uncertain.

There is only one way to solve the problem. Yes. AN ELECTION!!! What a brilliant idea! Yes, lets have real live ELECTIONS in Florida and Michigan! Isn't that a BRILLIANT idea?

But at this point, only the SUPERDELEGATES, with their super-powers, are capable of defining and implementing the revote in Florida and Michigan. If the Superdelegates demand it, then neither Obama nor Hillary would be able to turn it down. Neither of them would DARE to resist the Superdelegates.

There is not necessarily any need to gain the co-operation of either State Government. If necessary, the revotes could be done strictly with private resources. But the Governments of both states have indicated that they would give their cooperation.

Polling could be done through private facilities.

Where would they get the money? Hahahahahahaha! Wasn't the Obama camp just bragging that they had raised $7 million in TWO DAYS? And the Clinton camp has already offered up to $15 million dollars. And what else are these clowns going to spend the money on? More IDIOTIC advertising? ELECTIONS should be the TOP PRIORITY.

The DNC would be well-advised to contribute as well. To NOT have these elections could prove to be DEVASTATINGLY EXPENSIVE. Howard Dean has foolishly stated that the DNC does not have the money for a revote because they need that money for the "candidate".

Hell-ooooooo-oooh Howard. You do not HAVE a candidate. Nor will you have a BELIEVABLE candidate in the future if there is not this little matter of having something called an "election".

The consequences of not having elections in Florida and Michigan will be DEVASTATING to the Democratic Party. Many of Hillary's supporters in Florida will defect to McCain out of sheer ANGER. Apparently people outside of Florida are blissfully unaware that most Floridians are still FURIOUS over what happened in 2000.

This ASININE disenfranchisement by the DNC has just thrown salt in the wound. I personally MARVEL at the breathtaking arrogance and STUPIDITY of the DNC. I did not think that it was physically possible for political leaders to be quite so stupid, but apparently I underestimated the sheer bull-headed IDIOCY of Howard Dean.

So, dear Superdelegates, you can save the Democratic Party. Or, you can sit around with your thumbs up your asses and let the Republicans win the election. Which they will, if there are no revotes in FL and MI.

Draft 2: 3/20/08


Wednesday, March 19, 2008


With good reason has CHEATER Obama done everything in his power to DISENFRANCHISE Florida and Michigan. If there were free and fair elections in those states, Obama might well LOSE the nomination.

Tragically, the slimy little CHEAT may wind up STEALING the election. It won't do him much good though, since he is doomed to lose. Between Wright, Rezko, Farrakhan, and his wife's big mouth, the guy is doomed.

Even if McCain remains a gentleman, you can rest assured that those video clips of Rev. Wright, plus MANY new ones, will be saturating TV for the next 8 months, especially if he is nominated.

And who knows what video gems the Republicans will find when they comb the archives for prime Jeremiah Wright tirades. The only difference between Wright and Hitler is that Wright uses more body language.

Oh yeah, Hitler was OK because he loved dogs. I wonder if he showed any Stromtroopers the path to Jesus? Wouldn't want any of those poor Stormtroopers to be guilty by association. We all know that none of the Stormtroopers "really" believed all that Hitler stuff. It was just that Hitler was like, their uncle.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to listen to Mr Slick ConArtiste brilliantly explain the concept of race. Excuse me while I barf.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama's Destruction of Hillary on Race

Obama has been very clever, and I think very scheming on race.

Consider: A couple months ago, Bill and Hillary Clinton were beloved of Black America. Bill Clinton was even jokingly called the first black president.

But now, Hillary and Bill are viewed as the most vile racists since Adolph Hitler. How did this change come about?

Some would blame Bill for his remark comparing Obama's SC victory to Jessie Jackson's. But I think that that is highly dubious.

The truth is, Black America was looking for some excuse to stab the Clinton's in the back so that, as black racists, they could defect to Obama in clear conscience. Let's face it, even some blacks have a sense of guilt about being black racists. And this is what is at the heart of the defection to Obama.

Obama and his slandering surrogates have been particularly vicious in attacking the Clinton's on "racism" simply so that he could totally steal this constituency away from Hillary.

Obama has great skills as a demagogue and a rabble rouser. He has spent a lot of time in the ghettoes and the ghetto church of Rev. Wright. He knows how to rouse the rabble.

The more I know about Obama, the worse he looks.

Obama is actually a racial schizophrenic. He has a very black father, and a very white mother. There is probably a tremendous amount of psychological stress there. And I tend to think that that is going to emerge in the coming weeks or months.

Obama will probably unravel. It is happening already. If he makes it to the nomination, then it will happen in the general election. In the general election he is going to get BOMBARDED by TRUE racists.

Calling Hillary a racist is hillarious! Hillary is a liberal who has devoted much of her life to helping blacks. But soon Obama will be going up against the REAL racists: The KKK, Christian arch-conservatives, Militias, etc.

If Hillary causes these Obama creatures so much grief, by some verbal slight, then what is going to happen when KKK'ers call him the N-word outright. If not worse?

Hillary is a honeymoon.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Critique of Pure Obama

Obama presents arguments to his followers that he knows are LIES. His followers then broadcast this dishonest message relentlessly. This is particularly hypocritical on his part, since he is a law professor, and it can be assumed that he knows better. A few examples.

1. Obama never tires of telling us that he has won "more states" than Hillary. So what? He KNOWS quite well that individual states are only as important as their electoral college vote count, and he has gotten CLOBBERED in that area.

For example, Obama won the Wyoming caucus. Wyoming has 2 electoral college votes. Hillary won California. California has 55 electoral votes. So Hillary's victory in California translates into TWENTY SEVEN (27) Wyomings.

Consequently, as Obama KNOWS, speaking about how many states he has won is just so much HORSE SHIT.

This is another Obama big lie. Particularly thru one of his more unsavory surrogates, Al Sharpton, he has set his legions to trumpet the idea that Superdelegates can vote independently is "changing the rules in the middle of the game".

This is again, more Obama HORSE SHIT. The rules state perfectly clearly that the Super-delegates can vote any way they damn well choose. They are put there as protection against some demagogue who might whip his unwashed, radical, followers into taking the nomination and losing the General Election.

Obama is WELL AWARE that the rules have not been changed. But that does not stop him from hypocritically lying to his unwashed followers.

This is the sign of a demagogue and a hypocrite.


Obama: The New Joseph McCarthy

Chief Obama is the new Joseph McCarthy. Anybody who criticizes Chief Obama? A RACIST. Hillary Clinton: A racist. Bill Clinton: A racist. Geraldine Ferraro: A racist.

Never mind that the above are all liberals who devoted a large part of their lives to furthering the cause of civil rights and the black people.

Nope. That doesn't count with Chief Obama and his Tootsie-pop Mau-Mau followers. Either you're with him or agin him. And if you're a again him, better watch out for machete-bearing Mau-maus.

Quite frankly, after the attack on Geraldine Ferraro in the past few days, Obama has provided strong evidence that he is NOT ready to enter the White House.

Can you imagine what life would be like with Obama's ObaMoron followers running things? You would get the DEATH PENALTY for saying the n-word. Unless, of course, you were black, then it's OK.

For a Professor of Law, Chief Obama is a little weak on the concept of the Rule of Law. The whole thing is really TRIBAL.

And thanks but no thanks, I don't want a bunch of Mau-Maus running the White House. Its bad enough the way it is, with a bunch of Meatheads running things.


Chief Obama Says No Such Thing as Electoral College

The Obama FASCISTS just HATE the idea of free and fair elections. Who needs elections when tribal chief Obama DECLARES that he is the victor?

After all, Chief Obama keeps telling his followers that he won the most states. And isn't that how the election is decided? After all, Chief Obama is a PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, and certainly HE should know that the U.S. Presidential election is TOTALLY based on how many state caucuses each candidate wins!

Yes, and Chief Obama would NEVER lie!!!

But that lousy, stinking, racist Hillary was just talking the other day about how some states are more important than other states! She was mumbling something about some "electoral college". So what is she saying, the people have to go to COLLEGE before they vote? Typical racist elitist remark from Horrible Hillary!

Everybody KNOWS that winning the Wyoming caucus is JUST AS IMPORTANT as winning California. SO WHAT if California has 15 times as many electoral votes. Does that make California sNOBS more important then Wyoming caucus-goers? Of course not!

This is just more ELITISM from Horrible Hillary. SO WHAT if Floriduh has 9 TIMES more electoral votes then Wyoming. Florida voters are EVIL!!! Not only because they didn't vote for Chief Obama but also because they voted one week early!

After the election, Obama's Mau-mau's will go house-to-house with machetes and chop their heads off!

All hail chief ObamaMama!!!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


To save space, I have decided to put my moooovie diarrea in one post. As you can see, I'm too fucken lazy to look up how to spell diahreah, or diarrhea, or whudever. No matter how you smell it, everybody knows what diarrrhhea is.

10,000 BC 3/9/08
Speaking of diahhreah, it's safe to wait another 10,000 years before seeing this piece of shit. What a piece of shit! One of the worst movies ever made. Not only was it AWFUL, but it was ANNOYING. It kept making loud noises and shit like that. What a piece of SHIT. A trained monkey could make a better movie than this piece of shit.

I'M NOT THERE. 12/7/07 (Pearl Harbor Day)
I saw the movie "I'm not there", about the life of Bob Dylan. I don't think that it's particularly understandable to non-Dylan fans. It might make some sense if you are intimately familiar with the various re-inventions of Bob Dylan, but I'm not.

Bob Dylan exploded on to the scene when I was in High School. We were making the huge transistion in the 60's from crew-cut, conformist, automatons to long-haired, LSD'd, neo-psychotics. And here was Bob Dylan singing songs that actually MEANT something. Songs that were actually poetry.

I liked (and still do) his early songs in the acoustic, folksy genre. Some are incredibly beautiful when you listen to them again. But then he went into his AWFUL electronic phase, and hardly made more than 2 or 3 more songs even worth listening to.

I never paid attention to Dylan after he entered the electronic phase. I also got very disgusted with him after hearing (as a teenager) that he had invested $10 million in New York City real estate. I don't know if that is true or not, but it highlighted the hypocrisy of singing about revolution and inequality, etc., and then investing the profits from the songs in real estate. I don't think that I ever took a rock group seriously after that. Which is probably wrong on my part.

What was most interesting about the movie was that Cate Blanchett played Bob Dylan in drag. She was actually very believable. In fact, she was a better Bob Dylan than Bob Dylan.

Unfortunately, she caused an outburst of homosexual anxiety on my part. That was because, before I realized that the character was actually Cate Blanchett, I got really turned on. I said "WTF!? Am I turning queer at my age? I've been watching and listening to Bob Dylan for 45 years and never got hot over him before."

Fortunately, once I recognized that "Bob Dylan" was actually Cate Blanchett, I understood that I was just turned on because I turn on significantly to Cate Blanchett. Whether she's a queen or a drag queen.

She's a very good actress. This is the second movie that I've seen her in where she did not look much like herself. I forgot the name of the first one, but it is reviewed somewhere in this Blob. I mean, Blog.

In fact, after the movie was over, I actually Googled "Cate Blanchett" and "I'm not there" to make sure that it was REALLY Cate Blanchett in drag. I still wasn't 100% sure. But it was.

After the Cate Blanchett part, there was a Richard Gere part, but I got bored and left.

Draft 1: 12/27/07.

I saw the Golden Compass last night. It may have it faults, but it is definitely an extraordinary movie. The critics just gave it a 43% , but I think that it will go on to become a classic. I liked it better than the Lord of the Rings.

I'm eager to read the trilogy, eventually. I just started Harry Potter 7, which will take me about 2 months. I don't read much fiction, so it takes me a long time to finish a novel. I also like to savor Harry Potter books. It's a fun world. But I'll definitely read that trilogy after Harry Potter.

While the theatre was mostly filled with little kids and their parents, I don't think that that will continue in the future. After the movie, while peeing, I heard a little kid (about 6 or 7) tell his father that he didn't like the movie because it was very scary.

I kind of thought that that would be the case. The movie has too much violence and noise for small children. Along with the treachery of Nicole Kidman, who I am still not sure was a good guy or a bad guy, there is ample material to give children nightmares. But the children in the theatre were quite spellbound by it. There wasn't much noise in the theatre, considering how many children there were.

Except for 2 teenage girls in the next isle who maintained an almost unbelievable stream of non-stop chatter. For the last 30 minutes of the movie, they did not stop talking for 1 second. It was something for the Guiness book of world records. I saw them after the lights turned on and they were still talking, and didn't seem to have any guilt about talking in the theatre. Perhaps they didn't know that they weren't supposed to be talking during the movie. It did rather detract from the movie. I could hardly hear Nicole Kidman.

Kidman put in a very good performance. She has shown herself to be a very good actress, starring in an unbelievable number of movies, and usually in a fairly unique and intelligent way.

But I think that this will ultimately turn into more of an adult, or at least age 16+ movie.

As far as it being anti-church, that may be the case in a spirtual sort of way. But if the church sees itself in the Magisterium, then maybe they ARE evil. The movie does seem to favor the individual and the witch against big Organized Religion, in a very strong way. The villians want to separate children from their daemons (souls)so that the Magisterium can use their daemons, and it leaves the children lifeless and powerless.

The armored bear gives a GREAT performance. I was surprised since it looked kind of stupid in the ads. But it's a great voice.

There were a lot of things that could have been better, of course. There was too much stupid violence. Most of it was unnecessary. The plot was a little too complicated and too diffuse.

In the sequel, they should put more emphasis on the daemons' behavior, and also on the meaning of the compass. They probably do in the book.


I'm beginning to understand Obama's modus operandi. It is that the best defense is a furious offense.

This is very much the case with Geraldine Ferraro. Her analysis of him is deadly accurate. He is exploiting the black vote, and he DOES ATTACK anyone who criticizes him as a RACIST.

The idea of Geraldine Ferraro as a RACIST is LUDICROUS. This gives you some idea of the HELLISH experience that it would be if the Obama FASCISTS were to reach the White House.

But we see that whenever anyone has an accurate and deadly criticism of Obama, he stirs up his dogs and monkeys and put them into attack mode.

These ObaMonkeys are really vicious. They're worse than the
Limbaugh's ditto-heads.

It almost seems as if Obama is modeling his machine after the
Rightwing machine, where his dogs and monkeys get a daily message and then hammer it home remorselessly.

But make no mistake. These people are dangerous fascists. His black followers are hate-filled BLACK RACISTS.

Obama himself is the world's biggest phony. He talks about empowering people, but then works mercilessly to suppress voting in Florida and Michigan.

Obama is a BLACK RACIST FASCIST. It is that simple. Do not be taken in by his sweetness act. He is a dangerous fascist. His idea of "change" is far more sweeping than you think.

It is OBAMA who has MASSIVELY introduced, and benefitted from BLACK RACISM in this election. How else could the sleezy, hypocritical, lying little scumbag get all those votes?

Obomination could NEVER got a winning number of votes just from
whites. That is why he will FAIL miserably if he gets nominated.
There aren't enuf blacks in the general election to carry him. But there are enuf in the primary. And they are dumb enuf, and racist enuf, to waste their votes on that arrogant piece of shit.

I also half-suspect that many of the ObaAsswipes are actually
REPUBLICAN surrogates. The Republicans have fought Hillary because they know that they can DESTROY Obama in the general election. He is a FOOL. A pathetic FOOL who does not stand a CHANCE of winning the general election. And the Republicans know it.

Too bad the Demmies are such dummies.
