Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, June 25, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Movie Was HORRIBLE

OK, how do you F-up a rubber duck? Go see Disney's movie rendition of Alice in Wonderland. Horrible. Awful. Terrible. Disappointing.

The actors were very disappointing. I was looking for the passion of Bellatrix Lestrange and what they presented was an actress in a straitjacket. They didn't even let her do anything. They dressed her up in some bizarre make-up and had her yell "off with his head" in an unconvincing way. Pretty dismal.

Johnny Depp just looked weird. I don't even know what role he was playing in Alice in Wonderland. Disappointing, since I usually like him.

Then Professor Snape was the Caterpillar, where he was fairly good, but not bad.

What I found perverted about this movie is that lately film-makers seem to have some compulsion to make EVERYTHING into some idiot action/Harry Potter movie. Alice in Wonderland is NOT Harry Potter! And it is not an adventure with wars and battles, etc.

Why couldn't they just do a remake of Alice in Wonderland? That has been a hit since the 1860's. Why change it now?

They tried to make it some sort of Harry Potter movie, which it isn't.

And another movie they perverted was Sherlock Holmes. I'm a fan of Arthur Conan Doyle, and I am sure he would turn over in his grave from that AWFUL, HORRIBLE, movie!

Holmes was super suave and sophisticated, solving problems through logic, evidence and thought. In the horrible Sherlock Holmes movie, he became some sort of James Bond/Incredible Hulk.

What is with Hollywood people nowadays? Do they think that we are all complete NUMBSKULLS??? Do they think that we are incapable of enjoying a movie unless there is blood and guts and gore and fighting and violence? Do they think that we are all too STUPID to appreciate the subtle humor in Alice or the brilliance in Sherlock Holmes?

Both of these movies totally VIOLATED the names that they borrowed on.

4 rotten tomatoes for each of those movies.

Draft 1: 6/25/10

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama in the Gulf: The wrong focus

Lately, Obama is at least doing a decent job at getting some money for the cleanup. But his behavior from the start of the disaster has been a disaster in itself. The Democrats as well.

The whole strategy from the start has been this blame-game to pin it all on BP. This is not only inaccurate, but it has been extremely counter-productive. It is striking that top executives and experienced real-world problem-solvers are almost 100% in agreement on this.

What Obama should have done immediately was to convene a meeting of the top scientists, engineers and oil executives from all over the world. He should have paid them well to sit in an auditorium in New Orleans 24/7 and bang their heads against this problem.

It is TOTALLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me that there is not a way to plug up a damn hole!!! Especially a mile under water. At a mile under water, you have tremendous downward pressures of about 2 tons per square inch. That pressure can not be used to smother the damn hole? I can not accept that!

And Obama should not have accepted that! Anybody who thinks that GETTING MAD is not a part of problem-solving is simply not a problem solver!!! I have found many times that when people get really FURIOUS, problems get solved.

But Obama? He's been sitting there smiling and yakking for 60 days.

I truly believe that Obama simply does not give a damn about the Gulf states, and maybe he even wants to teach them a lesson! Let's face it, none of the Gulf states, other than Florida, voted for Obama. And even Florida had the temerity to vote for Hillary Clinton over him in the primary, by a very substantial majority. Of course, he SNUFFED that one!

So why should Obama care about the Gulf states? Sadly, Obama is a politician, not a President.

And think about this: If 50,000 barrels of oil a day were gushing into Lake Michigan, covering the Chicago Lake Front, do you really think that Obama would be sitting around with his thumb up his yaya?

No way! Obama would be FURIOUS!!! Obama would be SCREAMING!!! Obama would be inciting crowds of 100,000 followers to ACT! To pressure the Government! To pressure BP! Indeed, he would really NOT rest until the damn hole was plugged up.

Contrast that with the Gulf Oil "spill" (gusher). The MSM makes excuses for him that he is just "dispassionate" by nature. Obama? Dispassionate?!?! Is this the meek, "dispassionate" fella who barnstormed from city to city in the 2008 election, firing up crowds of 100,000 people??? Dispassionate??? I don't THINK so!!!

The Democratic Congress has been just as bad. Rather than fixing the problem, they spent the first few weeks having IDIOTIC hearings to crucify BP executives. Guess what? Everybody KNEW from the start that it was BP's fault. Even BP admitted it. What was the sense of this painful elaboration of the obvious, while the Gulf of Mexico was being DESTROYED?

The Gulf is STILL being DESTROYED!!! Talking about money even now is rather irrelevant. It's like a patient who is brought to the Emergency Room bleeding to death, and the doctors all just sit around debating about who is responsible for causing the patient to bleed to death!!! YOU!!! IDIOTS!!!

And why haven't they sent the freeking NAVY there? Send some submarines and freeking aircraft carriers. They could be NAPALMING the slicks. And what about the "bunker blasters" that they developed for Iraq? And is serious consideration being given to a tactical nuke?

It should have been OBVIOUS after the first week that BP didn't have clue. So why did Obama just sit there and do NOTHING? The Coast Guard? They're good people, but we need the Navy. We need the Marines. This is more important then stupid Iraq. Its more important then Afraganistan. And what the F---K are we doing in Afraganistan anyway? Making money off the heroin trade?

Draft 1: 6/17/10.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Helen Thomas: Calculatingly Biased.

What is shocking about Helen Thomas's remarks are not her anti-semitism or her anti-Israel position, but rather her ASTOUNDING ignorance! She seems to reflect the stupidity of some of the poorly educated anti-semites in America who think that the racial composition of Jews in Israel is the same as it is here. Consequently, they think that all of the Jews in Israel are Americans of German or Polish ancestry.

This is ASTOUNDINGLY IGNORANT! As many as 50% of Israelis are of Arabic extraction. They come from countries like Yemen, and even Iran and Iraq. There are LARGE numbers of Jews, the Sephardic branch, who come from Spanish-speaking countries.

Helen Thomas is incidiously attempting to hide the tremendous DIVERSITY of Jews in Israel. The number of Jews in Israel of Polish or German ancestry is not by any means a majority.

Furthermore, it has been 62 years since the formal creation of the modern state of Israel. In that time, there are at least 3 generations of native-born Jewish Israelis. Additionally, there have been Jews in Israel considerably longer than 62 years. The Zionist movement began over a hundred years ago, and of course, there is abundant archeological evidence of Jews in Israel dating back at least 4,000 years.

The people who put forward an "imperialist" idea about Israel have no understanding of the reality of Israel. Any person putting forward the idea of Israelis as imperialists knows nothing whatsoever about Jewish history.

Why on earth would any "imperialist" want to come to a place like Israel!? There is no oil there. No diamonds. When most of the Jews came there they worked slavishly making the deserts bloom and draining Malaria-infested swamps. Indeed, anyone wanting to live in Israel must serve in the citizen-army for 2 1/2 years, and serve one month a year to age 60.

That's a little different then the fat, lazy life in America, where one can live in the richest country on earth and give absolute ZERO service in return. Indeed, it has long been accepted that if an Israeli wants to live a comfortable life, he should go to America. When Americans go to Israel, they are making a significant economic and comfort sacrifice. Life is far more comfortable in America.

People who emigrate to Israel from America are almost always Jewish idealists who are making significant sacrifices to live in the Holy Land. This is a million miles from "imperialism". They are not going to Israel for economic gain.

I'm sorry, but I view anti-Israel people as being anti-semitic at worst and simply IGNORANT at best. I should also add "reverse RACIST" as well. Many black racists like Lewis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright dislike Israel because in their simple-minded, racist pea-brains they think that Israel is all a bunch of rich, white Polish and German Jews. Well, it ain't.

And this is what I most hated about Helen Thomas biased, anti-Israel opinions. That they DO NOT accurately reflect the racial composition of Israel.

Not to mention the ABSURDITY of Jews going back to German and Poland. Didn't she ever hear of the Holocaust? The Jews are supposed to go back to a country that raped, plundered, and murdered 6 million of them! How DUMB can you get?

Or how about going back to Poland, to lovely Auschwitz? Unreal.

I am also rather annoyed with her "apology". There is an old Hebrew proverb that when you tell an untruth, it is like scattering a handful of seeds into the wind. In order to "take back" your untruth, you would have to find every single seed that you scattered into the wind. Not possible.

I would just as soon that she didn't apologize, since it is highly unlikely that she is at all sorry.

And another thing: This business about her "freedom of speech". Sure, she has freedom of speech. But when you insult millions of people, you can expect that those millions of people ALSO have a right to THEIR free speech to say what they think of Helen Thomas.

Additionally, no one took away Helen Thomas's rights. She was not arrested, incarcerated or sued. However, various important people, Jews and non-Jews alike, were shocked at her statements, and told her so. She decided to retire of her own accord. And at age 89, it is not exactly shocking that she would retire.

Draft 2: 6/17/10 Removed some insulting language from draft 1.