Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reverse-Racist Obama and Professor Gates

Its interesting that nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that one of the arresting officers was black. And he did not appear to be upset. The fact is, the days of "The Poe-Leece" being all-white, is long gone.

It's also rather unusual for a wealthy homeowner like Gates to have to break into his own home. How often does that happen?

I find it particularly OUTRAGEOUS that the whole Obama suckup media is busy jumping all over this poor police officer who was simply doing his job, and nobody criticizes this oh-so-brilliant Harvard professor who screams insults at the cop and even refused at first to show his ID. What was Gate's problem?

And if Obama admittedly knew NOTHING of the details of the case, why then did he proceed to accuse the police officer of being "stupid"? I'm sick and tired of Obama's REVERSE RACISM.

Guess what? We have a black president. Black Oprah Winfrey has $2.5 billion dollars. MANY other blacks are enormously rich and powerful. The Civil Rights movement is OVER. It has suceeded. Blacks should stop being a bunch of crybabies and stop screaming "racism" every time something happens that is not perfect.

And what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if some white professor had come back from a trip, carrying a backpack and looking scruffy, and broke open his own front door. Then when the police came, he would refuse to show his ID and call the black police office a racist, or an n-word, or a M-F'er? Would the black police officer had been accused of racism for arresting him? Or would the white professor have been called a racist for insulting the black police officer?

Assuredly, the white professor would be condemned for being a madman and a racist. He certainly wouldn't get the sympathy of the HNIC.

Sounds like Gates deserved what he got. The police officer was following procedure and he did not deserve to get screamed-at by Gates.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of hearing about how blacks get unfairly profiled. They get profiled because the number of black criminals is vastly disproportionally HIGH compared to the black population.

That is because blacks simply commit vastly more crimes. Whether or not that is because of racism, or whether it is because of a lawless quality in black culture, is a matter of conjecture.

But personally, I am grateful to the police for stopping crime, no matter who is perpetrating it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Chinese Will Probably Dominate Green Technology

Obama seems to have created some nanu-nanu mantra that millions of new "Green Technology" jobs are going to be created in the USA due to stifling regulations. I think that this is unlikely.

In fact, the CHINESE are more likely to dominate the Green Technology field, just as they are coming to dominate almost all technology fields. Why do I say this?

First, the Chinese are going to be FORCED to create green technology. That is because the air in their cities is becoming unbreathable. They will have to either create green technology or die. But this is not the case in the USA, where air quality is quite tolerable.

Since Americans are not suffocating from air pollution, as the Chinese are, there is much less motivation to do anything about it.

The same holds true for water pollution. Chinese water is filthy. As Chinese industry continues to advance, with their famous lack of regulation, the water may become dangerously polluted, causing mass death. This will come to be a strong motivation for green technology in China.

Once again, since water quality regulations keep American water clean, we do not have the same motivation to turn to green technology.

Thirdly, the Chinese have simply become the ruling industrial power. IDIOTICALLY, the USA has given away its' industrial dominance just so that a bunch of MORONIC investors can make a few more dollars by utilizing cheap labor.

So to conclude, I think that the U.S. Government should be focusing on how to keep EXISTING American industry healthy, rather than having wet-dreams about imaginary windmills and other nanu-nanu green technology.

What are some things that America does best? Building space shuttles, airplanes, cars, computers, and high-tech weaponry.

But yet we seem to be giving this away. GM and Chrysler may be dead. Idiot Bush dumped the space shuttle program. Most of IBM was sold to China. Will foreign countries soon be making our smart bombs?

America needs to be furiously defending and supporting our EXISTING industries, not putting our faith in some IDIOTIC, nanu-nanu, green technology which may or may not ever materialize.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Palin's Statement May be Unambiguous

I'm not sure why the MSM is having so much difficulty understanding Sarah Palin's speech. I think that her quitting the Governorship is a very clear statement that she is not planning to run for the Presidency.

First of all, if Palin had any desire for the Presidency, why on earth would she quit the Governorship? She isn't an idiot. I'm sure she realizes that that her quitting seriously undercuts her credentials for the Office of President.

And there is no compelling reason for her to quit (that we know of). She is not facing Impeachment or criminal charges or scandal (that we know of).

Secondly, her basketball analogy reinforces this statement. She does not in any way say that she intends to leave politics. She is merely going underground, like a pretty Joker to Obama's Batman.

Perhaps she has come to a more accurate self-realization. Perhaps (hopefully) she has come to realize that she is woefully unqualified to be President.

However, she is an enormous talented, Obama-class speaker, who is literally the ONLY Republican alive who can draw a crowd of more than 25 people.

This is what she is saying, in her basketball analogy. She will lead the Republican team drive with her energy, charisma, and speaking ability. But she will pass the ball to someone more capable of running for office.

At the same time, she is not saying point-blank that she will not run. But I think that she would only run if she was absolutely drafted.

Once again, I can't really understand the justification for the MSM to be beating her up so badly. I think that it is really the ObaMorons who are behind it because Palin was the only politician with the balls to criticize Obama. And she got in plenty of right hooks.

While it is not a brilliant strategy, it may just be that quitting is something that Palin just had to do for the sake of her own sanity. Like little Lilliputian vampires, her critics are bleeding her dry. They are draining her tremendous energy.

My advice to Palin: 1) Ignore your liberal critics. You have the positive energy to bulldoze them. You are wasting your energy even thinking about answering their questions. 2) Do not, under any circumstances, have interviews with anybody to the left of Sean Hannity. The lefties only want to drain you. 3) Do not, under any circumstances, run for further political office. Like Bill Clinton, you can make millions just speaking at fund raisers, and that is your talent and your power. You are not qualified for the Presidency and never will be.

In conclusion, I think that quitting the Governorship is an ENORMOUSLY unambiguous statement. I don't understand why the MSM is too retarded to understand that.

Draft 1: 7/9/09
