Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, August 28, 2008

More On Barama

I'm a lifelong Democrat. The only exception was to vote for Reagan in 1980 because Carter was a disaster. Now I am genuinely undecided. Obama is smart, but undefined. He also seems to REFUSE to reveal who or what he is.
McCain should be hammering Obama for not accepting his 10-Townhall-debate challenge. McCain should repeat this challenge every single day. It is not only effective, but maybe, just maybe, it would shame Obama into actually debating.

Obama has been extraordinarily hypocritical. He says that he wants to discuss "issues", rather than have negative ad wars, but yet he refuses to meet with McCain for these 10 Townhall meetings. He also refused to debate Hillary at the end of the Primaries. We have gone for MONTHS since we have seen Obama, or McCain, in a debate situation. This is DETESTABLE. Much of this is the fault of the media, which does not call him on it.

All we get from Obama are these STUPID speeches about "hope", and "race", and apple pie. WHERE'S THE BEEF, OBAMA!!!

I for one no longer even view Obama as a "great speaker". I think that he's a great big BORE. He is only a great speaker to members of the choir, who seem to cherish his every word. I find him boring and not worth listening to. I find it ASTOUNDING that people could even conceive of him being president. I think that the Democratic Party's choice of the Obama/Biden ticket is almost BREATHTAKINGLY stupid.

Six months ago I calculated the probability of victory of various tickets. Hillary/Obama: 80% probability of victory. Obama/Hillary: 55% probability of victory. Obama/Anyone-other-than-Hillary: 25% probability of victory. Guess which option the Democrats chose? DUH. Seriously, are the Democrats such LOSERS that they really WANT to lose? I am beginning to think that that is the case. Why else choose the weakest possible ticket?

Draft 1: 8/28/08

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary CAN NOT Heal the Wounds

Hillary CAN NOT heal the wounds. There are huge numbers of Democratic voters who did not vote for her. They voted AGAINST Obama. Many, like myself, voted for Bill. There is no doubt in my mind that the BEST thing for America at this time would be a third Bill Clinton term.

As one of those "evil" Florida voters who voted for Hillary, whether or not Hillary supports Obama is a total and complete IRRELEVANCY to me. At the current time, altho I am lifelong Democrat (except voting for Reagan in 1980), I am currently legitimately undecided.

I am very disappointed in Obama's hypocrisy. He says that he wants an election based on the discussion of issues. Why then did he REFUSE McCain's very reasonable offer to have 10 townhall debate/discussions? Why did he refuse Hillary's reasonable offer to have unmediated debates at the the end of the primary?

Unfortunately, Obama is a very "traditional" hack-politician in that he prefers to hide out while his supporters spend tens of millions of dollars on stupid negative ads. Face-to-face townhall debates would avoid this negative ad war.

Negative ads are annoying to me because they tell me nothing about either party. My idea? Pass a LAW saying that Presidential candidates MUST debate face-to-face EVERY WEEK. Unfortunately, none of them have the gonads to do that. They just want to sell us a president like a tube of toothpaste.

If Obama would meet with McCain for 10 townhall debates, I think that I would be MUCH more likely to vote for Obama. IF he does well. I think that this would reveal what Obama is REALLY about. Obama does not come off as "real". Where is the guy who went to Jeremiah Wright's church every week for 20 years? And don't give me any preposterous nonsense that that has no meaning. We need to know what Obama is about BEFORE he takes up residency at the White House.

And enough with the stupid mass-rally speeches. We get it. Obama is a great speaker. So what? A president has to be able to go head-to-head with heads-of-state of hostile countries. What are Obama's abilities in this regard? Let's see how McCain and Obama stack up in this regard. And we are NOT going to get this info from watching some IDIOTIC "moderated" debate, like those MORONIC Democratic primary debates (more like love-ins).

Draft 1: 8/27/08

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Looks Like Hillary Won't Win

Darn. I was still hoping, deep down, that Hillary could win on the Convention floor. Let's face it: Obama just won by the margin of Superdelegates. If Hillary could get 150 Supers to change their minds, we could have an Obama/Hillary ticket. Wouldn't that be just SO much better? I think so.

Obama is totally unqualified and totally unprepared for the job. It's like having Alfred E. Neuman go into the White House. The Democrats are out of their nuts to nominate him. What a collection of FOOLS.

Sure, he MAY win. But it is unlikely. And a Hillary/Obama ticket would have been a sure shot. Plus, we would have had Bill around to clean up the mess and get America back on its fit.

What is Obama going to do to get America back on it's feet? Give speeches? What a presumptous fool. Even if he gets elected, he'll be a total disaster.

Actually, I'm beginning to once again think that Obama has been a Republican plot from the get-go. The Republicans have dedicated themselves to destroying Hillary, because they knew that they knew that they couldn't beat her (and Bill).

But that's all F'ed up now. Obama has made a big mess, and it is highly likely that the Republicans will now keep the Presidency.

Draft 1: 8/26/08

In the Pink

I like Pink Albums. I have shoes older than her, but she has a really sexy voice and gets me hot. Her hit "Stupid Girl" is really a magnificent piece. All sorts of tidbits are layered in just perfectly.

It was funny when I went into the record store (am I giving away my age?) and asked for the "Pink" album. He looked at me really puzzled and said "are you SURE you want PINK"? Apparently it was incomprehensible to this guy that an old fart like myself would like Pink.

Her range of moods is quite interesting. She goes from being sensitive and introspective to being an outrageous bitch with incredible ease. And her music is very good technically. And very hot.

I got ahold of "Queen's Greatest Hits". Very good. Queen was really pretty extraordinary. My favorites were "Killer Queen", "We are the Champions", "We Will Rock You". Very interesting lyrics and harmonies. I'm going to listen to more of the songs that I didn't pay attention to before.

Why Jews are Leery of Obama

There are MANY reasons for Jews to be leery of Obama. 1) His 20-year attendance at the anti-white, anti-semitic church of Jeremiah Wright, who honor the neo-Nazi Farrakhan as Man of the Year. 2) Attended Farrakhan's million man march. 3) An associate of Jessie Jackson, who once referred to NYC as "Hymie Town". 4) WAY too chumy with holocaust-denying Hitlerites of the Mideast, like Iran and Syria. 5) Does not support America's presence in the Middle East, while McCain supports it VERY strongly. 6) McCain has the strong support of Joe Lieberman, the Jewish VP candidate whose ticket received a majority of the American popular vote in 2000 (by 5 million votes). 7) His young, leftwing supporters tend to be critical of Israel and cheer the poor, "oppressed" Palestinians. 8) Racist blacks, astoundingly, call Israel an "aparteid" state, which is the height of absurdity and outrage to most American Jews. 9) While Obama supposedly is not a Moslem, why did he keep his middle name "Hussein"? Israel-centric Jews are extremely leery of someone named "Hussein". Why doesn't Obama just change his middle name to "Hitler"? 10) While it is NICE that Obama says that he supports Israel, the previous nine points indicate that his true feelings may be otherwise.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Reflections On Wonkette's ObaMorons

Wow, looks like the mega-hostile ObaMorons have taken over Wonkette too! With their characteristic, mindless name-calling, fascistic intolerance and total lack of humor, they stand out in sharp contrast to the ostensibly calm and intelligent image that Obama attempts to project. But they worry me more than anything else about Obama.

If Obama is so reasonable and thoughtful, then how come his follows are so fanatically hateful, intolerant, humorless and fascistic? I think that it’s sort of like good cop, bad cop. Obama can act all nice and reasonable, then leave all the attack-dog name-calling to his legion of little baby Dobermans. Woops! I don’t mean to insult Dobermans! THEY are at least intelligent.

Responses to name-calling attack dogs: There may be 70 million Democrats, but Hillary got a majority of the people who voted in the primary. Period. It doesn’t matter if the little Fascists in the DNC “disqualified” us voters in Florida. We still voted. And of the people who voted in the primary, Hillary received the MAJORITY.

As far as the stupid red-state caucuses go, who cares. That’s another argument. That has nothing to do with the FACT that Hillary received a MAJORITY of the votes that were cast in the primary.

The line about taking another drink was something called a “joke”. Did you ObaMorons ever hear of something called a “joke”? No, I didn’t think so.

I still don’t understand this fanatical HATRED that the ObaMorons have toward Hillary. It’s kind of weird since, after endlessly calling her every name on earth, they castigate her for not supporting Obama. Why should she support Obama? What did he ever do for HER? What did he ever do for the Democratic Party? There’s a good chance that he will lose the election, which is a MOMENTOUS accomplishment. Mickey Mouse could win this election, if he ran as a Democrat. But Obama?

Oh yeah, blame it all on Hillary. Blame if all on “racism”. It has nothing to do Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton, et. al. It has nothing to do with Obama being totally and completely inexperienced and unqualified for the job. No. The ONLY reason that people refuse to vote for Obama is “racism”. Yawn.

Latest Thoughts on Obama

Don’t get me wrong. I actually LIKE Obama. But he is WAY too inexperienced and too much of an unknown quantity to be sitting in the White House. Actually, he is a total and complete ARROGANT FOOL. The PERFECT SOLUTION for everyone would have been a Hillary/Obama ticket. 1) It would obviously have been good for Hillary. 2) It would have good for Obama, since it would virtually guarantee that he would be elected President in 2016, after 8 years of Billary. 3) It would have been best for the Democratic Party, since it would have given them 16 years of the White House. 4) It would have been best for the USA, because we would have had the proven experience of Bill Clinton in the White House to repair the economy and the nation.

But no. Arrogant FOOL Obama has to jump the gun. He does not need to “stew” as the Vice President. He ALREADY knows it ALL. He does not need further training for the most important job in the World. After all, he was a SENATOR for a year. What more does he need?

Yeah, there is still a CHANCE that Obama will win the election. But even then, he will be so GROSSLY unprepared for the job, that the next 4 years will wind up being a total disaster. Maybe in 2012 he will have had enough on-the-job training to get re-elected. But maybe not.

Hillary/Obama was a million times better ticket. Too bad the Democratic Party is now run by imbeciles. The odds are now favoring McCain. As unbelievable as that may seem. ARRRGGGHHHHH (Dean scream). Over and out.

Draft 1: 8/22/08

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Adulterers: John Edwards & John McCain

The following was in response to a video of Hannity arguing with Colmes. Hannity was making a big deal out of Edwards cheating on his wife, but ignoring McCain cheating on his.

Colmes was definitely very good in the video, and a welcome relief. First of all, I had not known that McCain had an affair on his first wife. Nor do I really give a shirt, but it IS important since if I didn't know about it, then a lot of other people do not know about it either. Nor do I think that Hannity's protestations about McCain having been in the prison camp really justify his cheating. His having been away for 5 years should have brought him closer to his wife, not farther away. Also, having been in a prison camp is essentially logically irrelevant, UNLESS he was cheating while in the prison camp. That would indeed be justifiable. But I don't get the connection about afterwards.

I'm also getting tired of people bashing Edwards so much. He is no longer really a public figure. He is not a senator, he is not a presidential candidate, and he has not been seriously discussed as a VP candidate. So he is essentially a "civilian". It is not really justifiable to go all balistic over this scandal. It would be different if he were still a presidential candidate, but he is not.

I'm also sick and tired of these RETARDED radio talk show hosts saying that every single thing that Edwards said was totally false and hypocritical. How so? His having an affair has nothing whatsover to do with the sincerity or the correctness of his political beliefs. It merely reveals that he has difficulty keeping his ding-dong in his pants. How does that make him a hypocrite? Maybe a pervo, but not a hypocrite.

John Edwards has sacrificed a huge amount of time and money to run for the presidency, and it has all come to naught. His wife has cancer, and even tho he cheated on her, that does not mean that he has not been terribly saddened and burdened by this disease. The fact that Edwards had sex with a (relatively) young blonde does not mean that he doesn't love and care for his wife. A lot of middle aged women have a tolerant attitude toward their husbands playing around, because it really does NOT mean very much. John Edwards was not deserting his wife, nor divorcing her (as McCain had done), he was merely getting his rocks off.

As far as his being rich and greedy and having expensive haircuts, the fact is that Edwards has sacrificed HUGE amounts of money in order to run for President. If he were really so greedy, he would simply have REMAINED a trial lawyer. He hasn't made 2 cents in many, many years. He could have been VASTLY wealthier if he had remained a trial lawyer.

So I say to the Righties: Give it a rest. Edwards is just a civilian. There is no justification for this to be such a big "scandal", any more than if your neighbor was cheating on his wife. And yes, John McCain is at least as bad, or even more so, because he IS running for President.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Huffington Post Run By Slimy Boogers

The Huffington Post SUCKS. They BANNED me because I wrote stuff critical of Obama. They SAID it was for "bad words". Bad words my ass. Those asswipes can go fuck themselves and the witch they rode in on. What an insignificant collection of liberal fascist faggots. Ball-less maggots. Eat shit and die, liberal fascist SCUM!!!

Bad words, my ass. They just want to limit their bloggers to people who are fawning devotees of the new Emperor, Augustus Obamus. All hail Augustus Obamus, restorer of the Holy Roman Empire! Join hands with your fellow Romans in Germany! NOT.

Why Obama is Losing Steam

My personal feeling is that Obama's biggest failure has been his ALOOFNESS, as expressed by his REFUSAL to debate. It has now been MONTHS since we have seen Obama in a DEBATE situation. We get nothing but BS from him: Millions of dollars in advertising, mass rallys where he gives boring speeches to rabid follows, and interviews with journalists who have chills running down their legs.
I thought that it was extremely disappointing that Obama refused to debate Hillary in the final month of the primary campaign, and now he has refused McCain's offer to have Town Hall debates.

Obama is a total and complete hypocrite in this regard. He says that he wants more "dialog" and more "discussion of the issues", but yet it is HE who REFUSES to meet with the opposition for said discussions. Consequently, the only thing left for the campaigns to do is to fall into the usual negative ad syndrome, where we really learn nothing about either candidate.

Obama is also a MORON if he doesn't pick Hillary for VP. He'll probably lose, and it serves him right for being a MORON

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Horoscopes of Obama versus McCain

People who DON'T believe in astrology are stupid. The planet earth is just a tiny spec of dust within our galaxy. What makes people so sure that cosmic forces have no effect on their lives?

In any event, I find these horoscopes QUITE interesting, and VERY different. Obama has his main concentration in FIRE and AIR. He has the sun and several planets in Leo, a fire sign. His moon is in Gemini, an air sign. Gemini is alleged to be the most intelligent of all signs, but also EXTREMELY treacherous. There are strong mental, psychic powers associated with this sign, that are very much exhibited in Obama.

Obama is also the architypical Leo. He is extraordinarily Leo-like. Leo is the Sun, or the center of the universe. Leo is the symbol of the Sun King. And so Obama has this extraordinary power to be on center stage. Leos are known for their acting ability, and for their star quality.

A negative on Leo is that when they need something from you, they will focus irresistable charm upon you. When they don't need you, you are dirt. Sound familiar?

McCain on the other hand, is part of the other half of the world. He is mainly an EARTHER. Astrological signs are broadly divided into the "Earth/Water" and "Fire/Air" elements. Obama is STRONLGLY Fire/Air. Fire/Air represents change, since fire destroys so that no structures can emerge. Air is necessary to feed the flames. Air is intellect. Sound familiar? If you vote for Obama, better buy an asbestos suit!

McCain has his most important planets in Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign. Its a common sign, which is why McCain is very at-home in Town Hall Meetings. King Obama HATES Town Hall Meetings. King Obama HATES rubbing shoulders with the masses (no matter what he says). That is why he is perceived as arrogant.

McCain loves the contact with the common folk, and HATES speeches. Virgos hate giving speeches and aren't good at it. McCain's moon is in Capricorn, which is ALSO an earth sign. That makes him a double-earther. I LIKE that. I might vote for McCain just on the basis of his horoscope.

Earth signs are more conservative, as well as more conservationist. Earth signs are most at-one with the earth. That promising. That would indicate that in a real sense, McCain might be even more of a conservationist than Obama, despite being a Republican.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Would Republicans Bet their Balls Against Drilling Disasters?

I find it somewhat annoying that most of these vociferous Republicans screaming for offshore drilling live in land-locked states. Heck, if you live in Colorado or Illinois, what difference does it make to YOU if there is a massive Exxon-Valdez-style disaster on the Florida coast?

As a Floridian, it makes a BIG difference to me. There is very little advantage to Floridians to do offshore oil drilling. That is why the last Governor of Florida, a notorious tree-hugging commie named Jeb Bush, was solidly behind prohibiting offshore drilling.

The Florida economy, and the people of Florida, have a HUGE stake in keeping the Florida Coasts clean. Even ignoring environmentalist issues, there is a HUGE amount of money at stake.

Rich tourists come to Florida from all over the USA and all over the world. People like Donald Trump spend millions, or even tens of millions of dollars to build oceanfront estates in Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and other places. Retirees flock to the state from all over the USA.

And why do they come here? Beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, fresh ocean breezes, world-class sport fishing, even bird-watching.

In 2005, Florida got hit by Hurricane Wilma. At one point, when Wilma was out in the Gulf of Mexico, it had ramped up to a record-breaking 180 MPH. Call that "category 6". "Category 5" is total nuclear destruction. Don't ask me what "category 6" is.

But John McCain, in his infinite wisdom, says that the offshore drilling rigs would hold up OK against hurricanes. Apparently most survived Katrina.

Sorry to interject fact here, but the key to destruction in a hurricane is how far you are from Ground Zero, the "eye wall". So those rigs that "survived Katrina" may have been FAR from the Ground Zero, only picking up category 1 or 2 winds.

A 180 MPH hurricane means SUSTAINED WINDS of 180 MPH which could last for HOURS, or even DAYS. Think about driving your car at 180 MPH and sticking your head out the window. Maybe you could do that for a couple seconds, but how about for 10 hours? There would be nothing left of you.

An offshore oil rig would not only be exposed to 180 MPH winds, but also a literal MOUNTAIN of ocean swells. The tidal surge would reach 25 feet, and the speed of the current could get up to 100 MPH or more.

Do you really think that some intricate contraption like an oil platform is going to be able to stand 180 MPH winds plus a sustained mountain of additional water moving at 100 MPH? That hurricane would rip the oil rigs pipes out by the sockets. There would be nothing left of it.

That would live the pumps pumping into the ocean for at least a day or two before anybody could even get NEAR the site to fix it. Plus, how are they going to go a mile down in the water to fix the kind of HUGE damage that could take place?

So I have a modest proposal for McCain and the Republicans. You say that you REALLY BELIEVE that your offshore oil rigs would survive a Category 6 hurricane without it being an environmental disaster?

OK. Guarantee it with a pound of your flesh. That's right. Guarantee it with old Prince Ferdinand of Wanger down there. The guy who stands rigidly at attention when the Swedish Bikini team marches by. Sir William, the Duke of Dork.

And if there is an environmental disaster caused by offshore oil drilling, us Floridians could expect that most of the Republican leadership would be willing to undergo surgical castration.

That's right. All the big mouths who are now promising that offshore drilling is so safe: John McCain, George Bush, Newt Gingrich, Shawn Hannity, Bill O, et al.

If all of these Republican Biggies would be willing to sign a sworn statement, in blood, that they would undergo surgical castration if their promise that no harm would come of offshore drilling proved true, then I might consider changing my opinion.

Kind of a nice way to keep all these Politicians Motor-mouths honest. They might think twice about making promises that are not realistic.

Draft 1: 8/6/08

Paris Hilton: VP Pick?

Paris Hilton's outrageously smart and funny ad shows that she may be just as good a VP pick as anyone. Heck, Obama could pick a female running mate and not have all that overhead that he would get from Hillary. Paris would not bother Obama. She would spend her time going on diplomatic tanning tours to Africa, where she would be worshipped as a White Goddess.

Then Obama could continue as the newly elected Emperor of the USA, without being bothered by contrary opinions. Great solution!