Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stephanopologobopolous interviews Accchtunminajabadabadoo

I watched the rather obscene interview of Stephanopolis and Achma-whats-his-face-from-Iran. What a slimy little WEASEL. Achma comes up with all this BS about how much he loves the Palestinian people.

Well, if Iran loves the Palestinian people so much, and the Saudis love the Palestinian people so much, then how come they don't let any Palestinians into THEIR countries? Answer: Because the Palestinians are a bunch of terrorist imbeciles that NOBODY wants.

Achma uses the Palestinians as a transparent excuse to trash Israel, which is the main country that stands in the way of a Mideast Iranian Nuclear Empire.

Now that Iran's natural enemy Iraq has been reduced to impotency by the Bushies, Iran is essentially a Wolf in a Mideast full of chickens. Ripe for the eating. The only thing that gets in the way of Iranian Empire is that pesky bunch of Jews in Israel.

So Achma spews a bunch of crap about how much he cares about the poor persecuted Palestinians occupied by the big, nasty, fascistic Jews. Those same evil Jews, people who are virtual monkeys according to the Holy Koran, who made up a whole sob-story about some so-called "holocaust", where one-third of all the Jews in the whole world were brutally murdered.

What nonsense! All of the Holy Moslems in Iran know that there was never any Holocaust, and that there was never even any World War II! These are all lies from the Great Satan!

So Achma is spewing his poisonous venom about the Jews persecuting the Palestinians because he wants Israel out of the way. Without Israel around, Iran could take control of the entire Middle East in a couple weeks. They could easily subjugate the currently disorganized Iraq, then walk all over the spoiled whore-hounds of Saudi Arabia, and then the rest of the Middle East is a ragtag collection of bozos.

Without Israel around, a Middle Eastern Nuclear Empire is well within the reach of Iran. How annoying that those evil Jews hang around and get in the way! Just because Jews have been living in Israel for the past 4,000 years, as evidenced by archeological evidence, that is no reason why they should be allowed to get in the way of Iranian empire.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I have started Twittering

I have now started Twittering. It's kind of interesting. Over time, you can refine your Twit-site (or whatever it's called) to exactly what people you want. That's pretty cool, but it's a lot of work.

Right now, my Twit-site makes no real sense.

Nationalize GM and Chrysler if necessary.

Rather than allowing the technological base of GM and Chrysler to just go to rust, I see nothing the matter with nationalizing them.

Some of the "Free Market" nitwits say that we should just allow them to go bankrupt and then new car companies could arise.

Yeah, right. Do any of these pea-brains have any idea of how many years it takes to build a major auto company? Try DECADES.

And in fact, maybe never. A start-up auto company today might not even have a prayer against the Japanese and Korean companies.

Why should a couple century-old companies be allowed to collapse into rust just because the idiotic stock market is having one of it's periodic spasms?

There is nothing holy about capitalism. If it works, then great. If it doesn't work, then replace it with something else. Screw it.

Capitalism no longer seems to do a particularly good job at doing what an effective economic system is supposed to do. What an effective economic system is supposed to do is to cause the creation and distribution of wealth in some reasonably equitable way across a society.

When you have people with $50 billion dollars at the same time that you have homeless people who want to work, but can't find jobs, then the economic system is seriously defunct. Not to mention that America is now $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars in debt (roughly).

Draft 1, 4/27/09.

Rush is being stupid, again

Listening to Rush Limbaugh today, he is putting forward an extremely weak and stupid argument. But basically doing what I said he would.

Now he says "On day 3 of the Obama administration, so-and-so got laid off", etc. Putting forward the imbecilic idea that all of the things happening since Obama took office are totally Obama's fault. Totally absurd, and he knows it.

But I guess there are flakes out there who believe him.

On the other hand, the ObaManiacs were all on the Sunday talk shows hyping it up about how wonderful Obama has been on his first 100 days. Oh really? Like what has Obama done, other than nothing, in his glorious first 100 days?

Obama has been totally so-so. He seems to be permanently in campaign mode.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My Market Predictions

Here's my market predictions. We know that the market experts are all a bunch of complete and total idiots. So you're probably just as well off following my advice. Or even the advice of a trained monkey.

My prediction is that the market is going to remain essentially flat for the next 20-30 years. It will fluctuate between a bottom of 6500 and a top of 8000.

Why? That is pretty much what happened after the 1929 market crash. After all those people lost so much money in the market, there was no way that they would again seriously invest in the market. Consequently, the market remained essentially flat all the way until the mid 1980's.

Finally, in the mid 1980's, the Greatest Generation, who had lived thru the Depression, began to die off and fade from power. They were succeeded by the Clueless Generations. The Clueless Generations were those who had never gone thru a Great Depression, and they did not believe that a Great Depression, or a Great market crash, could happen again.

So lacking the wisdom of their fathers, as their fathers died off, the Clueless Generation began putting their money into "safe" 401K's and Mutual Funds. These were "safe" because they were scientifically balanced with stocks that did well in recessions as well as those that did well in booms.

The conventional wisdom in the 90's and the 00's was that all you had to do was leave your money in the market, and in the long run it would pay off. Sorry Charlie, but that's unlikely.

Unfortunately for the Stock Brokers, you now have a new Un-clueless Generation which is not going to be suckered into investing in the market again. At least, not in the huge numbers of the 80's, 90's and 00's.

Consequently, with the number of people investing in the market decimated, the market will not recover to pre-crash levels for perhaps 30 years. The market must wait for a new generation of suckers.

This generation of suckers has been sucked dry.

6/16/09 - Market is up to 8600, but I think that it's going to fall back pretty soon. It should stay cyclical, unless it's all an inflation effect.