Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, January 31, 2008


To avoid a civil war within the Democratic Party, it would be a good idea for the Hillbama and the DNC to start seriously planning for re-votes,or run-off elections, in Florida and Michigan. This would take place at the end of the primary election cycle only if the full delegate count of Florida and Michigan would come into play.

And NO STUPID CAUCUSES!!! Caucuses are a bunch of elitist SHIT. I don't have 4 hours to spend on stupid voting. The run-off election should use the same voting equipment and facilities as the first primary did. It also MUST include the standard 3 weeks of early and weekend voting. And it must be a SECRET ballot. We don't need a bunch of strongarm meatheads telling us who to caucus for. Caucuses are a bunch of SHIT.

It also MUST be financed by the Democratic candidates and the DNC. Obama alone took in $32 million this month. Those turkeys have enough money to pay the governments of Florida and Michigan for the cost of the re-vote.

If it is close, both Obama and Hillary will NEED to have run-off elections in Florida and Michigan. Why?

HILLARY: Altho she won a resounding victory in Florida and Michigan, Obama did not have an opportunity to campaign against her. And there is probably no way in hell that Obama's supporters will allow her to count any delegates for her victories in FL and MI. At least not without some very destructive Total Thermonuclear War within the Democratic Party. And that is not very productive.

Consequently, even tho Hillary ALREADY WON Florida, there is no way that she will get credit for it without a re-vote. And with her big victory of 50-30, Obama would have to make significant headway to defeat her. So it would be very much in her interest to push for a re-vote.

The same logic holds for Michigan.

OBAMA: If Obama "wins" the nomination by not seating the full Florida and Michigan delegate count, he will be SHUNNED by Florida and Michigan Democrats. To put it MILDLY. Floridians are STILL fuming over the 2000 election abortion where Bush stold the White House. To have a DEMOCRAT now DISENFRANCHISE them as well would be UNFORGIVEABLE. It would be a HUGE and FATAL error on the part of the Democratic Party.

It is highly likely in that scenario that Florida and Michigan would go Republican. The margin one way or the other in Florida is very small, and the Democrats can not afford to lose any Democratic votes.

So Obama would really have no choice.

And let's face it. Having a re-vote, at the end of the primary season, is the only FAIR solution. The DNC would no longer have any grounds to punish Florida since, God knows, they were not holding the stupid election early!!!

Indeed, this would also serve as a good lesson to those states who push their primaries up earlier and earlier. Sometimes it's best to be the state that votes LAST!

But it is very important to start planning for these re-votes NOW. The process will take time, and it will be necessary to get the approval of the FL and MI state legislatures.

This is not something that should be done in the middle of the Convention. Planning should begin now, and if the FULL delegate count for Florida and Michigan would come into play, the re-vote would proceed.

After the 2000 abortion, doing anything other than a re-vote of this nature would be UNFORGIVEABLE! The Democratic Party would be selling it's soul and acting like those Republicans that they so hated in 2000.

The Democrats who have spoken out against the Republican vote stealing in 2000 would be revealing themselves as the VILEST of LIARS and HYPOCRITES if they did not support the re-vote.

I have no objections to Obama being nominated. IF, and ONLY IF, it is done FAIRLY, and it includes the FULL DELEGATE COUNT of Michigan and Florida. And that delegate count is based upon the VOTERS of the states of Florida and Michigan.

So let the best man, er, person, win.

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I strongly suspect that the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy (VRC) is funding Obama. Why is that? Because he will be extremely easy to defeat. It is highly unlikely that he would be receiving such large amounts of money at this point if he were not getting money from Republican multi-billionaires.

Half of the battle to win the election is to get the other party to nominate a loser. And Obama is a loser. Consider what the campaign will be like.

His name alone is enough to destroy him in mainstream America. Whites don't like people using African names, and they particularly don't like having a president with an African name.

Also, strikingly, within his name are the names of the two most hated and feared enemies of the USA: Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Osama rhymes with Obama, and Hussein is his middle name. This is something that radio talk shows will harp on endlessly.

There is also an inherent distrust of people who do not Americanize their names. Many Americans have come here from foreign countries where their families had strange names. But they Americanized them.

Americanizing one's name is a sign that one loves America and wants to blend into it. Obama's un-American name indicates a resistance to, and a dislike of, American culture. Most Americans don't like that. It also indicates that Obama is too uncompromising.

His handlers have now started calling him BHO, which may or may not work. His detractors call him B.O.

His being black is going to be serious problem with many whites. But more than the problem of being black is the problem of carrying along all of the baggage of the aging Civil Rights movement.

Most white Americans have grown tired of so-called "equal opportunity". Integrating schools has lowered their quality. Integrating neighborhoods has turned them black and introduced street gangs. Forced integration of our great universities has seriously lowered their academic standards.

Most whites, even liberals, are fed up with "equal opportunity" and would like to see it all scrapped. Let's face it. The Civil Rights movement has succeeded. And it is time to dismantle it and to treat all Americans the same.

When the Civil Rights movement started, Jackie Robinson was not allowed to play in the major leagues. Today, a disproportionally large percentage of athletes are black and many are making multi-million dollar salaries. Do they need HELP from the government? Does Oprah Winfrey need HELP from the government? Does Obama need help from the government?

No. Its time to scrap all of that shit and simply treat all Americans the same.

But if Obama is elected, you can be sure that all of that politically correct "equal opportunity" bullshit will be everywhere. The Obama campaign is already burdened with endless politically correct bullshit. People are sick of political correctness.

We know little of Obama's background. His Rezko (sic) buddy was arrested this week. He admits to youthful indiscretions and drug use. The Republicans will drag all of that out.

Altho he is a Christian, he has a MUSLIM name. It will be easy for the Evangelical leaders to spread fear in this regard. They will say that he is secretly a Muslim Fundamentalist, which is why he wants to pull out of Iraq so quickly. They will call him Osama Bin Hussein.

His name will speak louder than his disclaimers. They will never trust him and their fear could reach a fever pitch. It is not good to energize the Evangelicals to a fever pitch against the Democrats.

This is why I say that the Republicans are secretly funding Obama. Obama is a Rush Limbaugh wet dream.

As opposed to Hillary and Bill, who are a known quantity, they can say that once Osama Bin Hussein has seized the White House, he will use it to destroy Christian and American values.

The fact that he has never Americanized his name proves that he hates America and that he loves the evil Muslim Fundamentalists who are the foremost enemy of America in the 21st century, per McCain.

Additionally, Obama is too liberal. He says that he is not really a liberal or a conservative. But he believes in things like Universal Health care and an immediate pullout from Iraq. These are totally liberal ideas which are not in tune with the general population.

Universal Health care is not extremely popular, since the huge additional burden it will place on the Health Care System may deprive whites of services.

He was a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. The Republicans will play this up as communist behavior. He probably has connections to Jessie Jackson, who is hardly popular in mainstream America, outside of blackest South Carolina.

There is his work for the slumlord, which will cause his base to doubt him.

There are his youthful indiscretions and drug use. He has pooh-poohed these, but you can be sure that Rush Limbaugh will not.

Considering all of the above, I think that it would be INSANE for the Democratic Party to nominate Obama at this time. It is particularly the case since Hillary and Bill could very likely win the election.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Fat Ted is bellowing for Obama. Obama has gotten his wish. Like Hillary, he now has his very own Fat Boomer to bellow for him. While Ted never quite made it to the ranks of an ex-President, he is, however, the part-owner of the SOUL of an ex-President. So there is no reason why he can not drag the heroic image of John F. Kennedy, who so stirs the hearts of many Americans, through the muck and mire of this idiotic campaign.

But more importantly, Ted is the Guardian of the Holy Virgin Caroline. The Holy Virgin Caroline has directly communicated with her father, who art in heaven, and she has determined that her father, JFK, who art in heaven, would most certainly be for Obama.

Unfortunately, God's legal residence is in Florida, so his vote will not be counted.

But getting back to Ted, after complaining that it was inappropriate for a former president to be campaigning for his own wife, Fat Ted now explores totally new dimensions of inappropriateness. Ted brings us METAPHYSICAL levels of inappropriateness! Ted talks to DEAD PRESIDENTS and channels their opinions! Ted is a MEDIUM!

Apparently believing himself to be the owner of a dead President's soul, by virtue of it having been his brother, he now feels that it is appropriate to drag out the heroic image of his dead brother to campaign for someone who otherwise shows signs of being a whiney little sleezebag.

I must say that I felt vomitous outrage at seeing the image of John F. Kennedy being shown at the same time as Osama, er, I mean, Obama. I am still wondering exactly WHO Barak Hussein Obama even IS, or WHAT he stands for, other than his banal and meaningless CHANGE mantra.

What sort of "change"? Hitler brought change. Lenin brought change. Even Bush brought change. So WTF does "change" mean?

Draft 2: 1/31/08.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008


The "boycott" of Florida and Michigan by the Democratic National Committee has been one of the STUPIDEST and most FUTILE political acts in recent American political history. It reveals an ALARMING lack of political savvy on the part of the current DNC. It is an act akin to POLITICAL SUICIDE by the Democrats! If the DNC is DUMB ENOUGH to shit on Michigan and Florida Democrats, then they are WAY too dumb to win the Presidential election!!!

In fact, if the Democrats had any brains, they would tell Howeird Dean to give one last scream, and then give him a one-way bus ticket back to Vermont.

But if they have any brains at all in their silly little heads, the DNC would stop this idiotic charade NOW. It is impossible to enforce and it does nothing but foster dissention within the Democratic party. It does this in 2 states that are CRITICAL to a Democratic Presidential victory. Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina are BULLSHIT. Florida and Michigan are among the states that are CRITICAL to a Democratic victory in November (when it COUNTS).

The DNC is PUNISHING Florida Democratic voters! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Punishing Florida Democrats! Yes, this IDIOCY is too good to make up. A novelist on LSD could not come up with something THAT insane!!! You can be sure that Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove are LAUGHING uproariously over the DNC's sophomoric cupidity.

Why is it FUTILE? First, the results of Florida and Michigan are going to be obvious. There is NOTHING that the tinhorn dictators of the DNC can do to diminish it. It is something called "democracy". Where people VOTE. And their vote COUNTS.

South Carolina is a pile of pig shit. Iowa is a bunch of corn farmers. Do you think that any grown-up Democrats are going to ignore the results in Florida and Michigan? Not likely.

And what happens if the Florida and Michigan delegates come into play on the Convention floor??? What will happen if there is a TIE between Barak and Hillary, except Hillary had won Florida and Michigan. Do you REALLY think that the Democratic Party will IGNORE those Florida delegates??? Not on your fucking LIFE!!!

Let's say that Hillary wins Florida and Michigan, but she "loses" the nomination by a close margin to Barak. But only by IGNORING Florida and Michigan delegates.

Do you seriously think that Barak would be able to accept that victory??? NO WAY IN HELL!!! Barak would be SPIT ON in Florida and Michigan! And most likely, BOTH of those states would go REPUBLICAN just out of SPITE.

As a Floridian, I can ASSURE you that I would vote for a Republican, before voting for a CHEAT!

So, DNC Commissars, give up your glorious fight against the Florida windmills. Stop your silly "punishing" of Florida Democratic voters. It is pointless and futile. And it will lose you the general election in November.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

No Country for Old men

Hey, I got this one right! Turned out to be best movie. This is what I wrote a while ago:

This is going to be a classic. People will see it 5 times trying to figure out the clues.

Maybe they'll hire me as a moooovie re-viewer.

Draft 2: 3/12/08