Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This Week I'm Leaning Toward Obama

Last week I was favoring McCain, but this week I'm leaning toward Obama. The reason: This economic disaster business. If there is going to be a great depression, I would rather have the Democrats in charge during it, rather than the Republicans. The Republicans will let us all starve to death. They couldn't care less.

Hopefully, Obama is not totally full of BS. I still tend to see him as a con-artist, but hopefully I'm wrong and he has some real idealism. That's too good to hope for.

I still trust McCain more than Obama as a person and as a leader, but he's sticking to all this "trickle down" drivel that simply no longer works. And he's too old to change or to really consider new ideas.

Ordinarily I would favor McCain's emphasis on cutting spending. America continues to spend money like a French whore on payday. America needs to tighten it's belt. But the Democrats have all sorts of big spending plans.

Still, at least the Democrats focus on helping the lower and middle classes, and they need help after all of the welfare that Bush has given billionaires.

Draft 1: 9/24/08

Palin v. Obama

The difference between the press's treatment of Obama and Palin is nothing short of STAGGERING. Look at the difference in EFFORT that they apply to finding so-called "scandal". On the one hand, we have Sarah Palin. Mother of 5, devout church lady, high-school basketball star, former beauty queen, huntress and fisherwoman, mayor, soccer mom and Governor. Wife of a dude who is part Eskimo and races snowmobiles over a 2000 mile course in the middle of the Alaskan winter.

Yeah. This babe is just REALLY scandalous! I don't think that she has TIME for scandal! Not with taking care of 5 kids and being Governor.

OK. On the other hand you have Senator Obama. A buddy of convicted money-launderer who helped take $300 grand off the price of his million dollar house. "Community organizer" on the South Side of Chicago for 15 years. The South Side of Chicago: On of the most ASTRONOMICALLY CORRUPT areas on the face of the earth. A member in good standing of the Chicago Democratic Machine. A guy who went to Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years and didn't notice that Jeremiah Wright was a kinda critical guy. Duh. A friend of bomb-throwing terrorists Ayer and Doran. A participant in Fascist Farrakhan's million man march.

Oh yeah. There is NOTHING for the press to be investigating in Obama's background! Surely Palin is INFINITELY more suspicious and far more deserving of being investigated by the press. NOT.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joe Biden Should Quit

Here is one way that the Democrats could still win: Get Joe Biden to QUIT. Joe Biden should simply say, as he partly said yesterday: "I do not want to be responsible for the Democratic Party losing this election. I think that there are other people better suited to be Vice President. I therefore withdraw from this election."

Then, Obama would have 3 choices to replace him: Hillary, Hillary, or Hillary. Period. This is his last opportunity to compensate for what could be a FATAL ERROR.

With Hillary on board as VP, the Republicans are TRUMPED. Palin gets a one-way bus ticket back to Wasilla.

This would also be a BRILLIANT move for Joe Biden. If Obama/Biden loses, he is going to be political dead meat. He is going to be blamed because he was obviously the wrong VP pick. Further, Obama will throw him under the bus to try to less his own responsibility for stealing the nomination from Hillary.

I Biden quits, he becomes an instant SUPER-HERO to much of the Democratic Party. Smart Democrats know that it was a DISASTER to not pick Hillary for VP (not to mention not picking her for Pres).

That's the only solution. Otherwise, the Democrats are probably going to lose. The Democrats currently have about a 20% probability of winning the election.

REVISION. 9/24/08
Wow. What a difference a week makes! Now that we are apparenly on the verge of 1929 redux, Obama's popularity is skyrocketing. He might not need Hillary after all. But then, things could change. This is definitely a topsy-turvy election. I would still prefer Hillary.

No offense to Biden. I would actually prefer Biden as President over Obama.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Undoubtedly. Palin is the direct result of Obama's arrogant dismissal of Hillary. If Obama had Hillary, McCain would have picked Mitt Romney.

But thanks to Obama's stupidity, the choice of Palin is nothing short of brilliant. It is a testament to John McCain's political genius.

Palin gives McCain almost everything: He gets much of the "scorned" Hillary vote. Even tho Palin is conservative, Hill hath no fury like a woman scorned (to quote a pundit). Many women have been furious at the way that the Obama camp, if not Obama, treated Hillary.

She also energizes the Republican base and brings them into the race with their 100% fanatical enthusiasm. Palin's un-aborted Down's syndrome baby might as well be a picture of Jesus Christ.

While energizing the base, she is also charming enough to not alienate moderates and independents. Just about everybody likes her, except the Obama people, who are howling like so many wounded Mooses.

On top of everything else, she is energizing and complementing McCain himself. She's as much a rock star as Obama, but she does not mind focusing the attention on John McCain, who she always trumpets in glowing terms. This is also helpful, because John McCain is too self-deprecating to toot his own horn very much.

All I can say is that it now looks like the Republicans have the edge. Once again, I say that it is very sad that Obama did not have the Wisdom to accept the number 2 spot on a Hillary/Obama ticket, because that indeed would have been a winning ticket.