Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Occult Theories
People born on a particular day (astrology)
Silverwheel Astrology

Nienke Hinton - HUGE Number of Links to Writers
Small Ball of Anger and AHD(Ireland)
Very Sexy Swedish Girl (Mostly in Swedish)
NoName Girl (in Spanish)
A Witty Right-Winger & Soldier (USA)
Sharkychick - Where is she??? (Ontario)
Insanely Hilarious Britt

Gutenberg Project - 17000 Free E-Books
CW Leadbeater books
Tanner Lectures on Human Values
History Sourcebooks
MIT Library
Harvard U. Library
Yale U. Library

Jerusalem Post
Al Jazeera

The Great Irish Famine
World Newspapers and Magazines
Latin American Mags en Espanol

On John McCain's Character

I would admit that McCain has more kudos on his side for heroism and self-sacrifice, but unfortunately, that is NOT what this election is about.

What this election is ABOUT is finding solutions to critical problems, particularly ECONOMIC problems, that are threatening to destroy this country.

It is NOT the Islamofascists who are most seriously threatening to destroy America. It is the emerging competitive nations, particularly the Asian ones, which are threatening American hegemony.
Asia has almost totally taken the lead in technology and electronics. Asia is rapidly taking over as the center of the world. The western world is turning into a bunch of dumb hillbillies who don't even know how to build an electric car. Freeking Toyota did all the work on the Hybrid engine. Remember long, long ago when WE used to lead the world in technology?
How on earth we are going to remain technically superior to our enemies is a complete mystery. Soon, China and India are going to be FAR advanced over America in terms of smart weapons technology. The American corporations have traitorously moved their operations to every cheap-labor country that they can find, without the slightest concern that they are destroying America's national security.

Unfortunately, McCain has not shown any propensity for new ideas, and has also admitted his weakness in Economics. And this is time when Economics is CRITICAL for America's very survival. Dumb and Dumber in the White House are DESTROYING America with their 2% Fed interest rates. They have spent the last 8 years giving away free money to the big corporations who have given America almost NOTHING in return, except to export our jobs to whatever cheap-labor hell-hole is most willing to do their dirty work.

McCain is probably a better man than Obama in terms of character, but so what? If McCain can't solve the critical problems that America faces, which require NEW ideas utilizing NEW technology, then he will become just another Herbert Hoover, trying to fix the Great Depression with tax cuts, shoe laces and bubble gum.

Lets face it: Republican ideology has FAILED, and it has failed dramatically. The economy is a MESS. The people who least need it have gotten the most help from tax cuts. And rather than their money trickling down, the rich's money has tricked OVER to Asia. Iraq, of course, is a disaster as well. Another cross for McCain to bear.

Lets face it. I am not in love with Obama. I would have greatly preferred Hillary. But when you look at the TOTAL FAILURE of Republicanomics in the past 8 years, and the massive WASTE of this endless, poorly-managed war, the fact is that MICKEY MOUSE could elected President if he ran as a Democrat! The Republicans offer us NOTHING.

Please. Is there somebody, ANYBODY, in the Republican Party who has a new and original idea about ANYTHING? I doubt it. Beam me up, Scotty.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


OK, here's the REAL $300 million dollar project. There is a way that oil consumption could be cut by 75% in the USA. Almost overnight. Without new technology. Without drilling 20,000 leagues under the sea. Without getting Nanook of the North to dig mooseholes in Alaska.

Are you ready to compete for the $300 mill prize? OK. Look at the cars on the Interstates during rush hour. 90% of them have only ONE person in the car.

That means that there is room for an average of FOUR other passengers in almost every single car and SUV on the road today. Consequently, the solution to America's oil problem is simple enough for an IDIOT to understand: Fill up EVERY car with five passengers!

Yes, it is THAT simple. Fill up EVERY car with FIVE passengers, and you IMMEDIATELY reduce America's oil consumption by as much as 75%!!!

How do you accomplish this solution? That's up to you, genius boy (or genius girl). Here's a hint: Use THE PROFIT MOTIVE. Yeah, remember the profit motive? It REALLY WORKS! Honest!

Somehow, get the four passengers to pay the driver a couple bucks to take them where they want to go. Voila. Who wouldn't want to pick up 10 or 20 bucks extra just to take a couple people where they're going?

Here's another hint: Use MODERN TECHNOLOGY. Cell phones allow people waiting at bus stops to call you on the phone. GPS systems make it easy to take people where they want to go. Computer databases mean that people can pay you with credit cards so that you don't need to carry cash. Computer ID cards guarantee that passengers and drivers are not criminals.

So, are U smart enuf to solve this problem? Maybe Senator McCain will give you $300 million if you do.

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM in America today. Get to work on solving it. I know you can do it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Forgetting Russert, Remembering Our Dead Troops

Don't get me wrong. I've always been a big fan of Tim Russert. I regularly watched his Sunday show and other events that he has hosted. However, I am getting really bored and annoyed with this endless bathos-a-thon of remembering him.

In fact, I am totally sick and tired of ALL of these bathos-a-thons whenever someone "important" croaks. I remember when Gerald Ford croaked, they flew the flag at half staff at the White House (or was that for Ronny Ray-Gun?), and held these endless memorial bathos-a-thons.

So I say "screw the elites". There are DOZENS of deaths and injuries every day that are just as tragic as Tim Russert's. After all, Tim Russert lived a very rich and rewarding life. He died somewhat prematurely, but he still lived a full life. He also had the blessing of dying a QUICK death, rather than rotting away in a nursing home from Alzheimers for 5 years.

So I am proposing a NEW TV series! I call it "Ten Minutes of Glory". On the "Ten Minutes of Glory" show, EACH SOLDIER who got killed that day would get 10 minutes, exclusively about his or her life story.

It could be just like the Tim Russert bathos-a-thon, except condensed to 10 minutes. We could hear from the dead soldier's mom and dad, sister(s) and brother(s), grandparents, friends, teachers, girl/boy friends, husband/wife, as well as son(s)/daughter(s).

I think that it would be VERY EASY to fill up 10 minutes about EACH dead soldier. I know that they may not be all that glamorous, but their deaths are TRULY tragic, and the least that they deserve is 10minutes of glory.

In fact, this would be an excellent program for Obama to sponsor. It would have somewhat of an anti-war effect, and Obama of course has 43 jillion dollars, so why not spend it on a show like "10 minutes of glory" rather than stupid TV ads?

So, no offense against Tim Russert or Gerald Ford, but I get really sick & tired of these bathos-a-thons whenever somebody "important" dies, but yet the THOUSANDS of soldiers who are defending America's freedom do not even get 10 minutes. That's BS.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Best Republican VP Picks

It looks the VP choice is going to be critical for both candidates. Increasingly, I think that the most effective Republican candidate would be Condi Rice. She would be particularly effective for three reasons:

First, she steals Obama's thunder. Blacks would no longer be so intensely for Obama, since they win either way: If the Dems win, they get a president, if the Republicans win, they get a Vice President.

Condi Rice also highlights a growing chasm within black society. The emerging black middle class is not so comfortable with the whole MLK, affirmative action, NAACP, nobody-is-a-criminal approach. As blacks start becoming more like everybody else, there will be more of a fragmentation of blacks into Republicans and Democrats.

Second, she could pick up some of the disaffected females of Hillary's clobbered campaign. These people are already leaning toward McCain simply out of aversion to Obama. McCain picking Condi would make him much more attractive to females. This would be especially the case if Obama is dumb enough to not pick Hillary for VP (which I think he is).

Third, she is extremely intelligent and capable.


The other good candidate is Mitt Romney. He is an effective antidote against Obama. His derisive in-your-face style will get under Obama's skin. It will cut thru his pompous posturing.

Seeing the McCain-Romney debate was very interesting. Romney is a true attack dog. He had McCain in a smirky tither. He could be very destructive of Obama, who is very thin-skinned, and not very effective, in debates.

Romney also LOOKS presidential. He probably looks the most presidential of any of the candidates thus far.

Romney was also Governor of Mass, a liberal state. He obviously knows how to reach across the aisle.

Romney has business and entrepreneurial experience. Obama does not. Obama doesn't have much experience at anything except community organizing and being a professional black dude.

That is helpful for winning elections, but what does he do afterwards?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The DNC is a Terrorist Organization

The Democratic National Committee operates like a TERRORIST organization. I say this it has NO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER, but yet it insists on telling SOVEREIGN STATES what to do. It also DISENFRANCHISES voters, which is typical of TERRORIST organizations.

Consider Florida. Florida is a sovereign state. It is the fourth largest state in the USA. It has a population of 18 million people. It has a duly authorized and accepted state constitution. It has a duly elected Governor. It has a duly elected legislature. Its has 2 duly elected Senators and several duly elected Congressmen. It has a duly authorized Supreme Court and a comprehensive Judicial System.

When the Sovereign State of Florida scheduled the January 29 election, it conformed to all laws, rules and regulations. It conformed to all laws, rules and regulations at the federal, state and local level. It was approved by all LEGITIMATE governmental agencies.

So how then did the DNC see fit to DISENFRANCHISE Florida? Simple. TERRORISM! The DNC has ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY to regulate or schedule elections, WHATSOVER.

The DNC is NOT an elected body. It is NOT appointed or approved as an official governmental institution.

The DNC is not even ELECTED by the Democrats of the USA! Howard Dean was NOT elected by the Democrats of the USA. He was picked by a bunch of stupid muck-a-mucks in Washington, DC. The same is true for Donna Brazile, who engineered the disenfranchisement of Florida and Michigan, so beneficial to Obama.

It is totally PRESUMPTOUS for the DNC to assume that they enjoy the support of the Democratic VOTERS of the USA.


The DNC, in effect, is a TERRORIST organization. They have no GOVERNEMENTAL authority WHATSOVER, but yet, thru acts of TERRORISM to voters, they cripple the LEGITIMATE government of the sovereign state of Florida.

So when Oblablabla tells us that "rules are rules", I say "who the FUCK is the DNC to be making RULES????" The DNC has NO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY WHATSOVER to schedule elections.

Until such time as the DNC GETS LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY to schedule elections, they should SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop using TERRORISM to enforce their EVIL Obamaesque WILL!!!



I'm really sick and tired of this incessant drumbeat from the ObaMorons and the DNC Fascists that Hillary should just quit and endorse Oblablabla.

It doesn't make sense for Hillary to endorse Obama. She is WAY ahead of him in current polls of Electoral College results. Obama is slightly ahead of McCain, but Hillary is CLOBBERING McCain:

Obama 276, McCain 238.
Hillary 327, McCain 194.

It makes no sense whatsoever for Superdelegates to endorse Obama under these circumstances.

Additionally, no Superdelegate committments are FIRM until the convention.

Best path for Hillary: Lay low until the convention. Stand by as the Republicans begin to mercilessly pummel Obama. At the convention, if Obama is not doing better in the polls, Superdelegates will have no choice but to nominate her.

The nomination is entirely up to the Superdelegates at this point. This is what the Superdelegates were invented for: When the delegate system becomes totally flawed and favors a losing candidate.

Plus the fact that even pledged delegates can change their minds. Obama did not object when a Hillary pledged delegate went over to Obama. It goes both ways.

Hillary would be INSANE to endorse Obama now, UNLESS he gives her the Vice Presidency. But most likely he's too stupid to do that.

And besides. Just think how BORING the next 5 months will be with just Obama and McCain. Obama has been humming the same tune for the last 6 months: "Change we can believe in". Who is "we"? And what is the "change" that he keeps babbling about?

Top 2 reasons I dislike Obama: 1) He has refused to debate Hillary for the past several weeks. How are we supposed to even know what he is about if he will not debate Hillary? Also, Hillary suggested debates WITHOUT moderators, which would be MUCH more interesting than the CRAP that CNN came up with (more like a love-in).

2) Obama and his people have done everything in their power to prevent a revote or even a caucus in Florida and Michigan. He has supported the FASCISTIC disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in these 2 states. This is an act of 100% hypocrisy, since he is constantly blathering about how he cares about the disenfranchised.

Apparently Obama only cares about disenfranchised people who want to vote for HIM.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Hillary Should Stay in the Race

Doesn't make sense for Hillary to endorse Obama. She is WAY ahead of him in current polls of Electoral College results. Obama is slightly ahead of McCain, but Hillary is CLOBBERING McCain:

Obama 276, McCain 238.
Hillary 327, McCain 194.

It makes no sense whatsoever for Superdelegates to endorse Obama under these circumstances.

Additionally, no Superdelegate committments are FIRM until the convention.

Best path for Hillary: Lay low until the convention. Stand by as the Republicans begin to mercilessly pummel Obama. At the convention, if Obama is not doing better, Superdelegates will have no choice but to nominate her.

The nomination is entirely up to Superdelegates at this point. Plus the fact that even pledged delegates can change their minds. Obama did not object when a Hillary pledged delegate went over to Obama. It goes both ways.

Hillary would be INSANE to endorse Obama now, UNLESS he gives her the Vice Presidency. But most likely he's too stupid to do that.