Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Monday, March 30, 2009

Rush and Hannity are Over the Top

I take back the nice things that I said previously about Rush and Hannity. These guys have ditched their temporary sanity and gone back to being total liars and barbarians.

The Republicans are clearly working on establishing "The Big Lie" for 2010. That lie is that Obama is the cause of the recession/depression.

That is why Rush and Hannity, et. al. are so busy blaming Obama for everything now. Of course, at this time, 60 days into his administration, it is absurd to blame Obama for the recession.

However, they will continue to repeat this lie for the next two years, and guess what? In 2010 it will sound perfectly reasonable. Thru endless repetition, by the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy, it will sound perfectly logical when Republican candidates in 2010 blame Obama for Everything.

Of course, Obama is helping out by doing stupid things, like letting GM and Chrysler go under, and coming up with some looney-bin budget.

Are there any SANE people left in the USA? Would they kindly run for Congress or President?

Obama Ignoring GM "Toxic Debt"

Most of GM's problems are truly "toxic debt", in the same way that you have so-called "toxic debt" caused by greedy bankers and delusional home-buyers.

The fact is, the evil Rick Wagonner actually radically improved the quality of the GM product, and made deep cuts in costs.

Unfortunately, GM is awash in "toxic debt" to pensioners and labor unions. Obama is apparently uninterested in that particular "toxic debt".

But apparently spending 400 billion dollars on bailing out delusional home-buyers, who have bought homes that they can not afford, is more important than keeping a couple of America's biggest and most important industries alive.

Hello third world America!!! What do we need these big, klunky, giant corporations for? The Japanese and Chinese can manufacture everything for us cheaper. No need for people to work at jobs that actually produce real things.

All of America can get wonderful new jobs in ObamaLand!!! Yes, ObamaLand, land of endless windmills! Land of millions of new, undefined "green jobs".

And it will all be paid for by those EVIL people who make more than $250,000 a year. If there are any left, the way things are going.

If Canada wasn't so freekin cold, I'd pack up and move there now

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rush Limbaugh isn't all bad

For lack of anything better to do, I was listening to Rush on the radio today. Even tho I'm a Democrat, I find him rather refreshing.

Rush seems to be the only media person who has the audacity to criticize Obama. It makes me realize what a bunch of mealy-mouthed me-too-er's the Media has been in the past year. Everybody else seems to worship Obama, even tho he is having a rather dismal time.

I was surprised to hear that Obama was going to be on Jay Leno tonite. That seems rather smarmy and below the dignity of the President. What is he? A comedian?

It seems to me that if Obama has anything significant to say, he should call a news conference and say it. It's rather below his dignity to go on Leno's show and be beholden to Leno.

First of all, when he goes Leno's show, Leno is still "the boss". Leno says when Obama can appear and when he can talk and when he has to go. That's a crock. The President should not be playing second fiddle to Jay Leno.

It also seem very inappropriate for Obama to be going on Leno at a non-campaign time. It was somewhat OK for a President or a candidate to go on Letterman or Leno during the campaign. But now? Very inappropriate and below the dignity of the office of the Presidency.

I find, personally, that Obama is a bit too laid-back, relaxed and informal for a President. He's the President of the United States. He's not a freekin community organizer anymore. Nor is he a basketball coach.

I would be more impressed with Obama if he spent more time studying up on America's major corporations, rather than making stupid college basketball picks.

How does the freekin President of the United States have the TIME to spend on picking who is going to win the college basketball championships? He is revealing that he is not spending his time doing his homework. He should NOT be wasting his time evaluating every stupid college basketball team in the USA.

If anything, he should be spending that time evaluating every major corporation in the USA, among other things. OK, maybe Obama has the time to shoot hoops once in a while, for relaxation. But why is he wasting the kind of substantial time that it takes to evaluation every single stupid basketball team in the USA?

It reflects upon what I put forward as Obama's biggest problem. That is INEXPERIENCE. I did not vote for Hillary and against Obama because I'm a racist. I did it because Obama is enormously inexperienced, and that inexperience is sadly showing.

So I actually find it a bit refreshing to listen to a non-fawning news media person. Most of the rest of them make me sick.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Like BOTH Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer

I don't understand this big war between Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer. I actually like BOTH of these guys. They are BOTH intelligent, thought-provoking people. I tend to think that Stewart, in this instance, is in the wrong.

Jon Stewart is undoubtedly very clever and very funny. However, like most comedians, he simplifies things down to black & white, right & wrong, smart & dumb. That is the nature of comedy. You simplify down to smart & dumb, then you laugh at what appears to be dumb. But when you analyze it further, most issues are not that simple. But we laugh at comedian's jokes, but we don't necessarily agree with the concepts totally.

Two good examples are Chris Rock and Jackie Mason. Chris Rock simplifies black & white stereotypes down to the point that they are funny. But are they really accurate? I doubt it.

Similarly, Jackie Mason simplified Jewish stereotypes down to the point that they appeared funny. But in truth, some would say that Jackie Mason was the flip side of anti-semitism, while Chris Rock is the flip side of racism. And both of these people would make some very, very dubious generalizations, which we think are funny, but if we look more closely, they are not.

Jim Cramer, on the other hand, is a brilliant market analyst. He does, in fact, have an enormously successful track record. He had enormous success managing an investment fund, so he is not just blowing it out his behind. He knows what he is talking about.

And Jim Cramer is, in fact, quite correct to dismiss Jon Stewart as "a comedian" who knows virtually nothing about the market or investing.

While it is true that a person should not just immediately run out and invest all of their money in Jim Cramer's picks, I don't think that Cramer is intending that. If someone is dumb enough to do that, then they deserve to lose their money.

Cramer specifically states that people who really NEED their money, and can't afford to lose it, should NOT be investing in the stock market. I have heard him say that EXPLICITLY.

However, if you are playing around with some "mad money" in the market, it is not a bad idea to listen to Cramer's tips and further investigate them. I see nothing the matter with that.

I also see nothing the matter with Cramer yelling and screaming. I think that he tells it like it is. If a company is full of crap, he says it out loud. If a company is good, he also says it out loud, and he gives the reasons for his opinions, which are well researched. What's the matter with that? And I think that he knows what he's talking about.

Also, Cramer is EXTREMELY funny. With his various sound effects and prompts and gesticulations, he is virtually as funny as Stewart. Maybe Stewart is jealous?

I also don't understand the bad-mouthing of CNBC. CNBC is one of the most RELEVANT stations on TV. MSNBC gives you a bunch of mealy-mouthed liberal propaganda, and Fox News gives you a bunch of mealy-mouthed conservative propaganda, while HLN tells you about the latest child-murdering. C-Span has the potential to be worthwile, but they spend too much time on super-boring Washington junk.

So I watch CNBC A LOT. I see nothing the matter with it.

Oh yeah, Kudlow is a dork. He just spews a bunch of rightwing crap. But CNBC in general is not a rightwing-crap-spewing station.

Business is a serious discipline. It is just as serious as History or Sociology or Anthropology, and it is extremely important to understand. I see nothing wrong with having at least one station devoted to business analysis.

Draft 1: 3/16/09