Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Hillary should step aside

Far from being the Anointed One, Hillary Clinton doesn't stand a chance. Lets face it:  In 2008 she couldn't lose.  But she did.  And amazingly, she lost to a freekin black guy!  A black guy!

Hillary had it made in 2008.  Bush had left the economy in shambles. Clinton should have focused the country on the the comparison between her husband's 8 years and Bush's disastrous 8 years.  But she was too vain and too dumb to do that.  That's right:  Too dumb!  Obama outsmarted her at every step.

Hillary was also too proud and vain.  She had to make-believe that people wanted HER for President!  What a JOKE!  People didn't want Hillary.  They wanted BILL!!!  But the dumbass 22nd Amendment prohibited that (The STUPIDEST Amendment since Prohibition).

What conceivable qualifications does Hillary Clinton have to be president?  Virtually none.  Especially in 2008.  Her ONLY serious qualification is that she is married to BILL.

The sure path to the presidency for Hillary would have been to declare herself to be an unabashed Bill SURROGATE.  But no.  She was too proud, too vain and too DUMB to do that.  She had to make believe that she had value IN HERSELF.

DUMB MISTAKE NUMBER ONE:  One of her biggest mistakes was to put the name HILLARY on all of her campaign posters.  She might as well have the name MORONICA on there.  She SHOULD have put the name CLINTON on all of her posters, and that is what she should have called herself. Hillary Shmillery.  What an Idiot. She had it made and she couldn't even beat some unknown black dude.

So if Hillary could not have won in 2008, and could not have even gotten the freekin nomination, HTF is she going to win in 2016 when the race is wide open?  After 8 years of Obama, the Clinton legacy has gotten rather stale.  There is no longer the laser-sharp comparison of 8 years of Clinton success versus 8 years of Bush stupidity.

Obama hasn't done a bad job, but it is hardly a great job, and a lot of people seriously dislike.  Some leftist ideas have gotten WAY out of control and are NOT supported by most Americans.  Some of Obama's actions border on treason:  He is favoring massive illegal immigration simply because those people vote Democratic.  He could care less about what effect it has on all us stupid white crackers.  We are totally worthless.

Obama has dedicated himself to darkening the color of America's skin.  He's a reverse racist and a lot of his ideas suck.

It is not going to be a walk in the park for even the best Democrat.

Hillary should get out of the way so that a more likely candidate can jump in the running.  I honestly don't understand why no Democrats have the guts to do that.

There are only 2 ways that Hillary can win the Presidency.First, the GOP has to nominate a complete moron.  Even Mitt Romney could win this one.  And don't be too surprised if the dude changes his mind and jumps in.

Secondly, Hillary must make it clear that she will be a Bill SURROGATE.  She must make it clear that BILL will be the REAL president.  Unfortunately, she is too proud, too vain and too dumb to do that.

Draft 1:  4/17/2015

Weird Walter Scott

There seem to be an awful lot of weirdnesses about the Walter Scott case.  Overall, I would say that he is screamingly guilty of a number of crimes but probably did not deserve to be shot in the back several times.

First off, the cop seemed to be very polite to Walter Scott.  Some criticize the cop for pulling him over, but that is extremely weird:  Scott had no insurance and no registration! Bingo. I would say that was a pretty good call by the cop.

But when Walter Scott got out of the car and started running away, that was really like screaming "I AM A CAR THIEF!!!" at the top his lungs.  That was about the stupidest thing I have seen in my entire life.

It actually makes me think that Walter Scott was either stoned or just plain crazy.  Of course, maybe WS knew that he was going to jail for sure, so he just freeked out and ran.  Of course he also knew about the outstanding warrant on his head for $18,000 in child support.

Then to make matters worse, he resists arrest and fights with the cop.  Bad move. You don't fight with cops.  People who fight with cops are definitely violent and dangerous.

I fail to understand why on earth so many black groups support Walter Scott so much.  He obviously wasn't innocent and he was also the biggest idiot on planet earth.  Running away on foot?

If Walter Scott had even half a brain, he would taken off in the car.  He should have known that he didn't have a chance running away on foot.  But in a car, especially a stolen one, he might give the cop the slip.  Plus its a lot easier.

And what about the guy in the car with him?  He says that he wasn't watching what happened when WS ran away.  WTF?!  This crazy nutcase leaves the car and starts running and the guy in the car does not think that it is worthwhile paying attention?!  If he wasn't lying, then he must have been stoned out of his mind!  How do you not pay attention to THAT?

But one thing that annoys me about the Walter Scott case is this idea that ALL cops are running around murdering poor, sweet, innocent black felons for no reason at all.  I think that that is hardly the case.

Plus, cops know that if they kill a black dude, its going to be a national event and they're going to get crucified.  But if they kill a white dude, at least a poor and powerless one, nobody will give 2 flying figs.

Draft 1 4/17/15