Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, April 25, 2008

Florida and Michigan Part of the Popular Vote

The Florida and Michigan primary elections ARE a part of the "popular vote count". Whether or not the worthless Fascists in the DNC decide to count them is irrelevant.

The Fascist Commissars of the DNC do indeed have the right to deny delegates to FL and MI, since that is part of their power within the Democratic Party structure. They also have the right to pick a candidate who is or is not the winner of the highest number of popular votes.

However, the PEOPLE of the sovereign states or Florida and Michigan DID vote, and the DNC has no influence, whatsoever, on the LEGITIMACY of that vote.

The elections in FL and MI followed ALL local, state and federal regulations and guidelines. They were totally LEGITIMATE elections. The DNC has NO GOVERNMENT POWER and NO SUPERVISORY POWER WHATSOVER in regard to these elections.

The DNC is a self-appointed, self-righteous collection of has-beens and never-been who ONLY have the right to translate the popular vote into their IDIOTIC delegate counts.

The fact that these MORONIC delegate counts have no relation to reality is part of the reason why there has only been ONE Democrat who won a Presidential election in the past 32 years (That person is named "Clinton" by the way).

The popular VOTE in Florida and Michigan DOES indeed COUNT. Neither the fat black witch Donna Brazille, nor the moronic screamer Howard Dean have the authority to negate the election.

The fact that Obama did not have his name on the ballot is, alas, his OWN RESPONSIBILITY. It is not Hillary's fault that Obama was too STUPID to have his name on the Michigan ballot.

And lets call a spade a spade: Obama took his name off of the ballot DELIBERATELY because the slimy little CHEAT KNEW that Hillary would CLOBBER him, just like she CLOBBERED the filthy little lying CHEAT in FLORIDA.

And if Obama thinks that that is unfair, then how come the COWARDLY little CHEAT has been too CHICKEN to have a revote or a caucus in FL or MI?

But the VOTE STANDS. The DNC HAS NO AUTHORITY WHATSOVER to negate the duly authorized and duly constituted public ELECTIONS held in Florida and Michigan.


The DNC FASCISTS may have some dismal and immoral authority to deny delegates to FL and MI (because they are filthy FASCISTS who HATE democracy and free elections), but the FILTH in the DNC DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to negate the results of FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS held by the duly elected and duly authorized government of the SOVEREIGN STATES or FLORIDA and MICHIGAN.

And if you don't like that, then EAT SHIT AND DIE!!! We VOTE in AMERICA. And if you don't want to count Florida's vote now, then those 27 elector votes will be going to John McCain.

John McCain is a man who FOUGHT for our RIGHT to vote. He is not some slimy little FASCIST who tells us that we do not have the right to have delegates because we don't vote for that FILTHY, SLIMY, FASCIST CHEAT OBAMA!!!

Chris Matthew's Thrill for Obama

Chris Matthews says that he feels a thrill run up his leg when he hears Obama speak. Well, isn't that thweet.

Unfortunately, the voters feel a chill run up their spine when they think of Obama, and Wright, and Farrakhan, and Al Sharton and Jessie Jackson sitting around the Oval Office.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Idiot How-weird Dean

How-weird Dean is at it again. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! Time to decide on a candidate.

How-weird: Hey! Make up yer mind, a-holes! I don't have all day! And I am the ONLY one around here who is IMPORTANT! That is because I come from the HUGE state of Vermont, where I was the KING!

Just because we are the smallest state in the USA doesn't mean that I am unimportant! I am the KING of the DNC!

I, How-weird, can TOPPLE HUGE states like Florida and Michigan with a single wave of my magic wand! My witch priestess, Donna Brazile, will DISENFRANCHISE ALL who disagree with KING HOW-WEIRD!!!

Off with their heads!!! Death to the delegates of all petty states who DARE to oppose KING HOWARD the HORRIBLE of the DNC Mafia!!!

It is time for all superdelegates to decide. NOW!!! F those last states who want to VOTE!! What RIGHT do those PEONS have to VOTE!

The stupid Democrats in Florida think that just because they are the 4th largest state in the USA that they should actually have a RIGHT to vote! HA!!! I, KING HOWARD of the DNC has cast them into the DUNGEON of DISENFRANCHISEMENT!!! THEY ARE SCUM! I AM KING HOWARD, EMPEROR OF AMERICA!!!

We have no time for 10 more states to vote. Who CARES what those PEONS think! We in the DNC DO NOT CARE what stupid Democratic voters think!!!

I am KING HOWARD of the DNC!!! Decide on your candidate now or DIE! Be turned into TREE SAP in Vermont! For I, How-weird, EMPEROR OF VERMONT and Supreme UberFuhrer of the DNC have spoken!!!!

The ABC Debates + Banned in Boston

Wow! I have been banned from commenting by the Huffington Post! Can you believe that? What a bunch of ObaFascists!

They just BAN anybody who criticizes their stupid little monkey of a candidate. Obama is such a CREEP.

Now Obama is CRYBABYING because ABC asked him a couple halfway difficult questions at the debate! Unbelievable. These ObaFascists are totally TOTALITARIAN!

What's he going to do when he has to debate McCain? Cry?

Banned from the Huffington Post! Unbelievable! Apparently they only allow people who suck Obama's weiner. yecccchhhh!

The ABC debate was the first halfway decent debate that they have had in a long time. They had PODIUMS again, which was GREAT. Enough of that love-in crap. The CNN debates SUCKED.

The CNN debates were more like a DATE than a DEBATE. I thought that the 2 of them were going to start making love on stage. Another first: The first pornographic debate, between the first woman and the first black.

Well, the Huffington Post SUCKS anyway. Whenever I would post there, there would say, "Your comment is too long by 434 words. Please delete 90% of your message and present a pre-digested sound bite favorable to Mr ObaMoron."

F them. I'll just write things here. Intelligent people can come here to read things. All the news they need.

Draft 1: 4/18/08.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Obama's Executive Talent

This is a response to a post that said that Obama's successful campaign shows that he has superior executive talent.

I disagree on several points. The Clinton staff has hardly been incompetent. They have a much more difficult product to sell. Obama is a handsome, vibrant 40-something male, Hillary is a 60 year old woman. Which is easier to sell, a Corvette or an Edsel?

Also, it aint over until it's over. The latest electoral vote polls, which are all that really matter, show BOTH Hillary and Obama losing to McCain by approximately the same number of electoral votes.

In point of fact, Obama's campaign may be very poorly positioned for the general election. In order to win the stupid primaries, he took the strategy of spending time in irrelevant red states. That was quite clever for winning the primary caucuses, but that is totally meaningless in the general election.

Dems aren't going to carry stupid states like Wyoming and Kansas. Meanwhile, he lost BIG in the biggest and most important Democratic and swing states. He lost by so much in California that there's even a possibility that that state could go Republican. Note who the Governor is.

Thru his disenfranchising Florida and Michigan, he has definitely lost Florida, and possibly even Michigan in the general election. These 2 states, the 4th and 8th most populous, control 44 electoral votes, second only to California's 55.

Giving FL and MI the cold shoulder has been an EXTREME error on the part of the Obama campaign. Of course, the only reason that they have done so is because FL and MI were Hillary's state, where Obama got clobbered. So he has been clever, in the short run, in CHEATING Hillary out of those votes. But it will be remembered by us Floridians. We don't like being treated like *****.

There are a lot of other blunders emerging in the Obama camp. He would have been smarter to have kept Wright out of the picture. Wright is going to be a lead bowling ball around his neck for the duration of the campaign, if he is indeed nominated.

Farrakhan is also rearing his ugly, fascistic head. Wright voted Farrakhan man of the year and took a trip to Libya with him. Something the Republicans are going to talk about endlessly. His wife's bigmouth remark about being proud to be an American for the first time in her life. Obama not putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Those are things that are not going to go over well in the general election.

Also, I am not convinced that Obama really runs his campaign. He is good at inflaming the masses and filling them with false hope. They go out and do things for him, but are they really what Obama wants them to do?

There isn't much real discipline in his campaign. Just lots of enthusiasm based on his charisma.

There's a saying in the Old Testament that you should not dance on your enemy's grave. Because you may anger God and he will put you in the grave instead. So don't go trashing Hillary's staff as "incompetent" just because they are trying to sell a product that is much harder to sell.

One of the turn-offs of the ObamaManiacs, which has definite negative consequences, is all of their stupid name-calling. Anybody who opposes them gets called names. That is really counter-productive. That puts off many people who would otherwise go to Obama.

If you want to criticize people, then criticize people. But don't just call them doo-doo heads. It doesn't work, and that isn't effective campaigning.

Obama's Executive Talent, or Lack of It:

Actually, Obama has not shown himself to be that strong in executive skills. His main skill is oratory. He can inspire and inflame large numbers of people.

However, one-on-one he is apparently rather incompetent. His one-on-one interaction with people in coffee-shops in Pennsylvania has been criticized by the press. He is rather cool and distant. That does not indicate "executive" talent.

Also, his actual record of results in Congress has been rather dismal. He ain't done much. And he didn't do much in Illinois either.

He's a great speaker, but that is not an indication of executive talent. He is also clever and crafty, which I personally consider to be a good thing. I'm a Machiavellian, not a Boy Scout.

But there hasn't been much evidence of overwhelming executive talent on the part of Obama. He apparently never had any executive talent before.

Let's face it, a good-looking young lawyer like Obama, coming out of Harvard Law, should be worth about $109 million dollars today. But Obama's only worth about a mil. That is no indication of executive talent. If he's so smart, how come he's not rich?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

ObaManiacs Getting Increasing Repulsive

The ObaManiacs are becoming increasingly repulsive. I was looking thru digg.com, and I could not find one single post that was favorable to Hillary! This is rather amazing, since Hillary is roughly tied with Obama.

Most of the criticism of Hillary is childish and personal, and says nothing about issues or anything else intelligent. In fact, it provides a great deal of incentive to vote AGAINST Obama.

Who on earth would want to put these ObaManiac MORONS into power? They are disgusting.

In fact, it moves me more toward McCain. Even tho my ideas are more consistent with Obama's, I find the ObaManiacs so repulsive that it would be difficult to vote for Obama.

Rules Are (Sometimes) Rules

Apparently Obama has amended his official endorsement of the "Rules are rules" cliche. It has now been officially amended to read "Rules are rules, as long as they are in my favor. Otherwise, they are racist oppression of the common man."

On the issue of the disenfranchisement of 26 million people in Florida and Michigan (including millions of blacks), Obama says that "Rules are rules". This does indeed pass Obama's rule test, since it is a rule that helps Obama enormously.

In reality, it is not actually a "rule" at all. It is rather a transparent conspiracy of anti-Hillary DNC'ers who decided to deprive her of 2 of her most important states. However, Obama still believes strongly that his "Rules are rules" statement is true in this case, since it passes the test of benefitting Obama.

However, when it comes to the rule that Superdelegates are allowed to vote as they choose, which is indeed a long-standing rule, Obama doesn't really believe this is a very justifiable rule. So in this case, "Rules are not rules". That is because these rules are not in Obama's favor.

So let us always remember that "Rules are rules", but ONLY when they benefit Obama. When they do not benefit Obama, they are instruments of racist oppression, by that demonic racist Hillary Clinton.

Draft 1: 4/3/08

Obama Opens Himself to Swiftboaters

Watching Obama's interview with Chris Matthews last night, Obama seems to be wide opened to Swiftboating on Rev. Wright.

First, he said that the soundbites that we have seen are NOT representative of Rev. Wrights' sermons. These soundbites are allegedly some very, very isolated incidents of Rev. Wright making very negative comments.

Second, Obama said that he did not see these sermons where Rev. Wright made these statements that he allegedly disagreed with. That is apparently over a course of attending Wright's sermons nearly every week for 20 years.

Third, he said that Wright should be viewed for the entirety of his 30 years of sermons.

What effect will this have? First off, this provides a strong incentive to the Republicans to collect all of Wright's speeches and sermons, that they can get a hold of. These sermons will then prove Obama a liar on a scale much larger than Bosnia.

It is highly unlikely, I think, that Wright's negativism and invective were liminted to just a few sermons. The Republican Swiftboaters will come up with dozens of soundbites probably just as damaging as the ones so far.

It is almost certain that SOMEONE will have seen Obama, or even photographed him, in a prayer session where Wright was making very negative statements.

The best sort of Swiftboating would be if some members of the congregation were to come out and condemn Obama and/or Wright. With thousands of members, there are certainly some potential turncoats in the crowd. With the proper incentives.

Another dimension could be the participation of the FBI. After the King assination riots, the FBI took a very rigorous position on infiltrating "inflamatory" groups. Certainly Wright is inflammatory.

It is highly likely that there have been undercover agents attending Wright's church for many, many years. That information could be very damning to Obama.

The fact the Obama has not seriously rejected Wright, and has actually made excuses for him, could be his downfall. It labels Obama as being a "supporter" of Wright, so any crazy thing that Wright has done is assumed to be supported by Obama.

Including making Farrakhan "man of the year". This will almost certainly be extremely damaging to Obama if he gains the nomination.