Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thousands of Dead People Voting in Red Counties

I totally agree with Donald Trump:  The 2016 election was RIGGED.  However, it was rigged in the opposite direction that Trump indicated.  It is almost certain that there was MASSIVE vote inflation in the rural red counties of the 4 most important battleground states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

These red counties are totally controlled and dominated by Republicans, and since they are small, they attract little attention for poll-watchers.  But these counties were the KEY to the Presidential victory that Trump stold from Clinton, while losing the popular vote.

All 4 of these states were won by Trump with a very suspiciously almost-identical margin of about 1 percent.  It is almost as if the Trump Team had calculated EXACTLY how many DEAD people and other PHONY voters they would be able to get away with without attracting attention.

Think about it.  Why didn't ANY polls count this "surprising surge" of rural voters in the Red (Republican) counties of these 4 battleground states?  The answer is amazing simple:  Because those voters DO NOT EXIST!  They are all either DEAD or just plain PHONY.

It would be remarkably simple to check out this theory.  Simply pick a sample of the most surprisingly over-performing red counties in those 4 states, then go there and examine the voting rolls with a fine-tooth comb.

Verify personally that ALL of the voters are ALIVE and are real people.  Additionally, verifty that these people have actually voted. If indeed there has been very significant vote padding, it will probably become readily apparent.  The people involved with perpetrating this fraud may not be very sophisticated and might have left very large footprints.

If indeed the investigators find a significant amount of fraud in the selected sample counties, then they will be absolutely COMPELLED to open a FULL SCALE, MASSIVE INVESTIGATION.

After the absurd stunt that Comey pulled, the FBI could use this investigation as a way to redeem their souls to the American people.  Who knows? They might not find anything, but then again they might well find enough votes to VOID the election of Donald Trump.

Logically, this type of vote fraud makes Trump's claims of "RIGGING" to make far more logical sense.  There were TWO reasons why Trump made his claim that the election was rigged.  First of all, by projecting the rigging on Hillary, he created a DIVERSION from his own rigging activity. Even more importantly, he focused peoples' attention on the BIG CITIES, rather than the all-red, Republican counties in the battleground states.  This was a BRILLIANT diversionary maneuver by Trump, since almost nobody looks in that direction.  Like a magic trick:  Make people look in the other direction!

The SECOND reason that Trump made the "rigging" claim was to calm the GUILT feelings on the part of his surrogates and fans who were actually perpetrating this MASSIVE, CRIMINAL FRAUD!  After all, if Hillary Clinton is already totally RIGGING the election, as Trump said, then it is certainly justifiable for the Trump fans to guiltlessly perform the same criminal act.

The THIRD reason was to get all of his fans and surrogates thinking of how they could rig the votes in their communities.  Maybe cast a ballot using a dead grandparent's ID.

So, it is VERY CLEAR that this "surprise surge" of Trump voters in the all-red Republican counties of the battleground states needs to be CLOSELY INVESTIGATED.  A recount is MEANINGLESS. What is necessary is an investigation to verify that all of the people who voted in these red counties were REAL, LIVING people.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Trump militias planting NY bombs?

The conspiracy theory that Trump-allied militias are planting the NY bombs seems to make some sense.  Here are some interesting clues:

1.  There have been very few casualties.  Militias are AMERICANS, after all, and they do not really want to kill people.  They just want to help Trump.  If these bombs had been planted by ISIS, you can guarantee that many, many, many more people would have been killed.

2. The word "Chelsea" is pregnant with significance.  This smacks of Trump heavy-handedness. The bomb placed in Chelsea could most definitely be an implicit threat to Hillary's daughter.  Perhaps it implies that if Hillary doesn't go easy on Trump and throw the election, then daughter Chelsea will be killed in a bomb attack.

After all, why would ISIS plant a bomb in a quiet neighborhood like Chelsea, when they could have planted it in Times Square or a train or subway station?  The terror effect would have been infinitely greater, and it would have been just as easy.

3. Naturally, the more bombs going off, the better it is for Trump, because then he can do his "I told you so" number.  It reinforces his whole anti-Muslim line and makes Hillary look like an idiot.

4. Trump's propaganda arm, Breitbart has been harping the line that this is a war against Muslim fundamentalists and other foreigners.  Indeed. How about if the bombers are AMERICANS, like Timothy McVeigh?

5. The suspect seems extremely dubious.  Some IDIOT sleeping in a doorway? WTF!? Serious terrorists don't sleep in doorways after a concerted attack like that.  They would almost certainly have some escape plan set up in advance  to either hide out in NY or quickly exit the city and go elsewhere.  But sleep in a doorway?

Picking up some vagrant in a doorway looks like the cops and politicians are either grasping at straws or trying to set up some dumb Muslim fall guy.  Really. A terrorist who sleeps in a doorway after an attack?

These are a few thoughts.  They are probably wrong, but it is important to remember that the most MASSIVE terrorist attack in recent history, before 9/11, was the Oklahoma City federal building bombing. And this was done by red-blooded, right-wing Americans.  So don't be so quick to buy the line that this is all being done by ISIS.  Let's see some proof first.

Draft 1, 9/20/2016.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Secretary of State is Not Hired to Speak Linux

As an IT person myself, I find the entire Hillary E-Mail "scandal" to be EXTREMELY dubious.

Why on earth should Hillary be held responsible for IT security at the Department of State?!  The Department of State has entire ARMIES of Cybersecurity specialists with PhD's from places like MIT and Berkeley.  

THESE are the people who are IN CHARGE of security, NOT the freeking Secretary of State of the United States of America!!!  What the freek does HILLARY know about computer seccurity?  Was she selected for the position of Secretary of State because she speaks perfect Linux?  Was she selected because she has vast knowledge of Computer security protocols? Like most 68 year old women, it is unlikely that computer security procedures are her favorite subject.  And that was NOT her job.

Here is the way computer security works in corporations and government.  It should be TOTALLY TRANSPARENT to the user, and particularly to TOP LEVEL users like the Secretary of Freeking State!!!

Why on EARTH did the Cybersecurity people at the Department of State even ALLOW Hillary to have a private server???  That is patently INSANE!  And where was the Secret Service?  And where was the CIA?  And where was the freeking FBI (with all their DUMB investigations)? And where was the NSA?  

If they were doing their freeking jobs, the Cyber geniuses at State, CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, et. al., should have been IMMEDIATELY AWARE that the Secretary of Freeking State of the United States of America was using some kind of dorky private server. WTF?  A 12 year old HACKER could have detected THAT!

But nobody noticed?  Hell-ooooooo.  Anybody home? Duh. 

That unsecured server should have been shut down immediately, whether or not Hillary wanted it to or not.  They should have IMMEDIATELY informed her AT THE TIME that this was insecure and unwise. Given that information, I am sure that Hillary would have stopped using it.  But apparently all of the cybersecurity experts were were all too busy doing ... what? 

So rather than blaming themselves, these ARMIES of Cybersecurity experts all gang up on Hillary, who didn't know didly squat about computer security, and blame HER for stuff that is not even REMOTELY at her level of security?  I have seen anything so totally OBNOXIOUS in my entire life!

Hillary Clinton was NOT appointed to be Secretary of State because she has a vast knowledge of Linux commands and Network Protocols.  She was not appointed because she knows TCP-IP inside and out and she can hack any computer in the known universe.  

No.  She was appointed because she had 8 years of experience as FLOTUS, and 6 years as NY Senator, and several years as Governor's wife of Arkansas.  

The Secretary of State is about 20 pay grades above computer NERDS who know ANYTHING about the kind of crap that she is being "investigated" about.  And quite frankly, I think that the freeking FBI should investigate THEMSELVES, not Hillary!  Why were THEY totallly unaware of Hillary's unsecure computer configuration?  And why do the incompetent BOZOS at the State Department blame the Secretary of State for not following some dorky classification rules that should be AUTOMATIC and built into the system?

Aa an IT person myself, I can not COMPREHEND how this entire ARMY of Cybersecurity experts were TOTALLY CLUELESS about the configuration of Hillary's e-mail!!!  And that is THEIR freeking fault, NOT Hillary's!  

The Secretary of State of the United States of Freeking America has better things to do then fart around with Linux code.  That is all supposed to be TOTALLY and COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT to her and she should never have even been ALLOWED to set up a server in that way.

And how was it that all this freeking CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, State Department computer PhD geniuses were totally OBLIVIOUS to this going on?  Like what on EARTH do these dudes get PAID for???  

So cut the BS about this IDIOTIC E-mail scandal and start blaming the people who are REALLY to blame, rather than picking on Hillary. 

First draft, 9/14/2016

I'm back again!  I have torn off the brainshrinking 140-letter shackles of Twitterdom  to now explode into unbridled VERBOSITY!

Stay tuned for my next VERBOSE communication!

Trumps Method: The Best Defense if a Good Offense

I have just now discovered the essence of Trump's campaign. It is actually somewhat similar to Obama's in past years, but a million times louder, grosser and more transparent.

This is what it is about:  Whenever Trump suspects that somebody is going to attack or expose him on the basis of one of the dozens of skeletons that he has dancing in his closets, he IMMEDIATELY attacks Hillary Clinton with the accusation that she has just committed this type of crime.

The beauty of this approach is that it steals the thunder of any accusations against him, as well as making any of those accusations sound copy-cat.  For example, Trump SHOULD be getting CRUCIFIED for conning millions of dollars out of chumps at Turmp U.  However, he and the attack-dogs of the Right have defused this by viciously, loudly and incessantly SCREAMING about Hillary's so-called e-mail scandal.

And the amazing thing is that Hillary is getting hit a hundred times harder for this minor indiscretion while Trump is walking away from a scam that he could likely be imprisoned for.  There is no comparison!  But Trump is just WAY smarter.  At least when it comes to sleaze tactics.

Another best-defense-is-a-good-offense is the whole Hillary "health" brewhaha. Trump has not released his health records because he is probably under some very SERIOUS threat of heart disease.  What do we know?  Trump has SEVERAL heart risk-factors that are much worse than anything the Hillary has.

Fir of all, females live an average of FIVE YEARS longer than males. Plus Hillary is 2 years younger than Trump.  That means that there is a general probability that Trump will die 7 years SOONER than Hillary, and at age 70, that might be fairly soon.

What else? Trump is fat.  He is on cholesterol medication so that is evidence that this is indeed a problem.  He probably follows a rich diet of high-fat fancy-restaurant food. That is his business. That all contributes to heart disease.  He also follows and aspirin regimen to reduce blood clots, indicating that his doctor sees serious risk:  Not only cholesterol medicine, but also an aspirin regimen!

Trump does not get regular exercise. He says that campaigning is exercise.  It aint. Not the kind of exercise his heart needs.  He gets very excited and apopleptic.  Not desirable. Dangerous.

So how does Trump handle this?  By him and his meatheads making a HUGE amount of noise over how sickly and weak HILLARY is!  What about HIM?

He makes out like Pneumonia is some horrible deadly disease.  It aint.  His heart disease is much worse.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Republican Crybabies aren't Presidential

How repulsive! These 10 Republican IDIOTS are busy complaining about the BIASED questions that the poo-babies were asked in their so-called debate.  Can you imagine any of these BOZOS going face-to-face against Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin?

Would they start crying and say that Adoph Hitler is unfair to Republicans?  No shirt, Sherlock!

And I just LOVE hearing some dude with 10 BILLION dollars crybabying about how UNFAIR life is!  Yuh got THAT right, Donny! Try living on minimum wage for a while.

 What do these DIMWITS think that the Presidency is?  A tea party?  And WHO is the mad hatter?

I LOVE this quote from Herman Melville in Moby Dick about people who annoint their hair (referring to Trump):

Much might be ruminated here, concerning the essential dignity of this regal process, because in common life we esteem but meanly and contemptibly a fellow who anoints his hair, and palpably smells of that anointing. In truth, a mature man who uses hair-oil, unless medicinally, that man has probably got a quoggy spot in him somewhere. As a general rule, he can’t amount to much in his totality.
 Herman Melville, Moby Dick, pp 219, 220.

But here is the REAL point:  The President is a person who is ABOVE Moderators and media pundits, etc.  A PRESIDENTIAL person knows how to SPIN answers in an amusing way while staying ON MESSAGE.  These 10 dudes should be running for DOG CATCHER! Crying about media people being unfair and critical?

Hey.  Try being OBAMA for a day.  Is the right-wing media FAIR to him? Rush Limberger makes over 58 MILLION dollars a year (at last count) by bitching and moaning about Obama. 

But Obama stays cool and amused.You may not agree Obama's policies, but he IS the King of Kool!  He is funny, intelligent, and witty. He doesn't go crybabying because some southern moron calls him Alfalfa.  

So listen, ye 10 Republicans:  Grow up! 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hillary should step aside

Far from being the Anointed One, Hillary Clinton doesn't stand a chance. Lets face it:  In 2008 she couldn't lose.  But she did.  And amazingly, she lost to a freekin black guy!  A black guy!

Hillary had it made in 2008.  Bush had left the economy in shambles. Clinton should have focused the country on the the comparison between her husband's 8 years and Bush's disastrous 8 years.  But she was too vain and too dumb to do that.  That's right:  Too dumb!  Obama outsmarted her at every step.

Hillary was also too proud and vain.  She had to make-believe that people wanted HER for President!  What a JOKE!  People didn't want Hillary.  They wanted BILL!!!  But the dumbass 22nd Amendment prohibited that (The STUPIDEST Amendment since Prohibition).

What conceivable qualifications does Hillary Clinton have to be president?  Virtually none.  Especially in 2008.  Her ONLY serious qualification is that she is married to BILL.

The sure path to the presidency for Hillary would have been to declare herself to be an unabashed Bill SURROGATE.  But no.  She was too proud, too vain and too DUMB to do that.  She had to make believe that she had value IN HERSELF.

DUMB MISTAKE NUMBER ONE:  One of her biggest mistakes was to put the name HILLARY on all of her campaign posters.  She might as well have the name MORONICA on there.  She SHOULD have put the name CLINTON on all of her posters, and that is what she should have called herself. Hillary Shmillery.  What an Idiot. She had it made and she couldn't even beat some unknown black dude.

So if Hillary could not have won in 2008, and could not have even gotten the freekin nomination, HTF is she going to win in 2016 when the race is wide open?  After 8 years of Obama, the Clinton legacy has gotten rather stale.  There is no longer the laser-sharp comparison of 8 years of Clinton success versus 8 years of Bush stupidity.

Obama hasn't done a bad job, but it is hardly a great job, and a lot of people seriously dislike.  Some leftist ideas have gotten WAY out of control and are NOT supported by most Americans.  Some of Obama's actions border on treason:  He is favoring massive illegal immigration simply because those people vote Democratic.  He could care less about what effect it has on all us stupid white crackers.  We are totally worthless.

Obama has dedicated himself to darkening the color of America's skin.  He's a reverse racist and a lot of his ideas suck.

It is not going to be a walk in the park for even the best Democrat.

Hillary should get out of the way so that a more likely candidate can jump in the running.  I honestly don't understand why no Democrats have the guts to do that.

There are only 2 ways that Hillary can win the Presidency.First, the GOP has to nominate a complete moron.  Even Mitt Romney could win this one.  And don't be too surprised if the dude changes his mind and jumps in.

Secondly, Hillary must make it clear that she will be a Bill SURROGATE.  She must make it clear that BILL will be the REAL president.  Unfortunately, she is too proud, too vain and too dumb to do that.

Draft 1:  4/17/2015

Weird Walter Scott

There seem to be an awful lot of weirdnesses about the Walter Scott case.  Overall, I would say that he is screamingly guilty of a number of crimes but probably did not deserve to be shot in the back several times.

First off, the cop seemed to be very polite to Walter Scott.  Some criticize the cop for pulling him over, but that is extremely weird:  Scott had no insurance and no registration! Bingo. I would say that was a pretty good call by the cop.

But when Walter Scott got out of the car and started running away, that was really like screaming "I AM A CAR THIEF!!!" at the top his lungs.  That was about the stupidest thing I have seen in my entire life.

It actually makes me think that Walter Scott was either stoned or just plain crazy.  Of course, maybe WS knew that he was going to jail for sure, so he just freeked out and ran.  Of course he also knew about the outstanding warrant on his head for $18,000 in child support.

Then to make matters worse, he resists arrest and fights with the cop.  Bad move. You don't fight with cops.  People who fight with cops are definitely violent and dangerous.

I fail to understand why on earth so many black groups support Walter Scott so much.  He obviously wasn't innocent and he was also the biggest idiot on planet earth.  Running away on foot?

If Walter Scott had even half a brain, he would taken off in the car.  He should have known that he didn't have a chance running away on foot.  But in a car, especially a stolen one, he might give the cop the slip.  Plus its a lot easier.

And what about the guy in the car with him?  He says that he wasn't watching what happened when WS ran away.  WTF?!  This crazy nutcase leaves the car and starts running and the guy in the car does not think that it is worthwhile paying attention?!  If he wasn't lying, then he must have been stoned out of his mind!  How do you not pay attention to THAT?

But one thing that annoys me about the Walter Scott case is this idea that ALL cops are running around murdering poor, sweet, innocent black felons for no reason at all.  I think that that is hardly the case.

Plus, cops know that if they kill a black dude, its going to be a national event and they're going to get crucified.  But if they kill a white dude, at least a poor and powerless one, nobody will give 2 flying figs.

Draft 1 4/17/15

Monday, March 09, 2015

Hello! I managed to wriggle free from the grasp of Twitter.  It's so much easier to just write 140 character tweets than big, klunky articles that actually SAY something. Most people nowadays don't have the attention span to read an ENTIRE paragraph. Whew. Hard work. Much less write one.

I don't understand ISIS.  First of all, is there any connection between ISIS and the Goddess Isis?  I don't think that ISIS would be her style, but then who knows?

There also seems to be a schism in ISIS between money-grubbing kidnapper/extortionists and True Believer Muslim Fundamentalists.

I don't understand why ISIS would destroy valuable artifacts.  The money-grubbers in ISIS would surely understand that they could get a lot of money by selling the artifacts to other countries. And why would ISIS want to destroy priceless treasures of the Islamic tradition? Weird.

Draft 1 3/9/2015

Thursday, July 18, 2013

38 Reasons why Zimmerman is Guilty

Stats on night of shooting, according to the police report:  Zimmerman 5'8" 200 pounds, Trayvon 5'11" 158.  42 pound advantage for GZ.

Questions: What football positions did Trayvon play in football.  Was he on the starting team at his high school?  Was he defense or offense?  How aggressive did he play? Did he ever injure any of the other players thru extreme tackles, etc?

Did Trayvon ever have any formal martial arts training?  How about boxing and wrestling?

How  much martial arts training did GZ get?  1.5 years?  Mixed martial arts? How much in grappling (wrestling)?  Was he in top physical condition the night of the shooting?  How intensely had he been training at Kokopelli's (sic) gym? 

1. The Defense concluded that Trayvon Martin TACKLED George Zimmerman, then pinned him and was bashing his head into the sidewalk, which would soon bring about death or severe injury. 

1A. I find it HIGHLY UNLIKELY that Trayvon would have tackled GZ for several reasons:  1) GZ outweighed TM by 42 pounds!  This is EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT in terms of the ease with which he could be tackled.  I played defensive line in HS football, so I know a lot about tackling.  GZ has the body of a defensive lineman or tackler.  TM has the body of a running back, NOT a tackler.

It would have been suicidal for TM to try to tackle GZ, who not only outweighed him by 42 pounds, but who also had a low center-of-gravity.  At 5'8" 200 lbs, tackling GZ is basically like tackling a brick shnithouse. I personally doubt that TM was even CAPABLE of bringing down GZ.  Tackling is NOT easy. 

Nor is it likely that a punch in the nose by 158 pounder TM would bring 200 pound GZ to his knees.  The whole thing is like a Lightweight walking up to a Heavyweight and asking to get the crap beat out of him. 

It is additionally unlikely since TM expressed some FEAR about GZ, who he communicated to his girlfriend was a Weird-A Cracker.  This was scareing him.

The reason that George Zimmerman was found not guilty had nothing to do with Racism, but a great deal to do with the Gender Gap.  Zimmerman was found not guilty specifically BECAUSE he had an all-female jury.  The problem was that females have no experience with martial arts.  The most central question in determining George Zimmerman's guilt was a TECHNICAL one, and it required an experiential knowledge of WRESTING. 

The absurdity of the Zimmerman trial was that 99% of it covered irrelevant rubbish that had nothing to do with the case.  At the same time, all of the areas that were CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to the case were either ignored or rendered illegal. 

Ultimately, this entire case boiled down to ONE question:  Did 158 pound Trayvon Martin have the wrestling skills and competence necessary to not only defeat 210 pound martial-arts-freek George Zimmerman, but even to KILL him!  In order to make this decision, the jurors needed TECHNICAL information about the wrestling and martial arts skills of the two antagonists, but they did NOT receive that information.  Consequently, it was TOTALLY and COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for the jury to make a reasonable decision as to the guilt or innocent of George Zimmerman.  Therefore, it is clear that the Zimmerman trial should be judged a MISTRIAL. 

The following information is absolutely ESSENTIAL to an accurate verdict:

George Zimmerman attended a martial-arts gym(s) for the 3 years previous to this trial.  Since he appears to have been under the supervision of a personal trainer, who informed the court that good 'ole George was a HORRIBLE wrestler.  Since this personal trained testified to this in court, the TRAINING RECORDS related to George Zimmerman should be called into evidence. 

On how many occasions in the previous 3 years had GZ attended wrestling classes?  Who did he wrestle with on these occassions?  Those sparring partners should be subpoenaed and questioned as to how effective of a wrestler and fighter GZ was.

Any other gym records should also be subpeonaed.  For example, his weight-workout regimen.  This would provide CRITICALLY IMPORTANT information about how STRONG GZ was.  Usually gym freeks like to brag about how much they can "bench press".  It GZ, for example, were capable of Bench Pressing 200 pounds, it means that he could have literally LIFTED TM off of his chest and thrown him away. 

Draft 2: 7/26/13

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama Should Talk to Uncle Jeremiah

It might now make sense for Obama to cozy up to his estranged Uncle Jeremiah Wright. Why do I say this?

First, Obama could be exploiting a serious underlying conflict in the Republican Party. The strongest part of the Republcan base are Evangelical, small-town, Christians. But yet, they are now being asked to support a big-city, filthy-rich Mormon (Romney. And to vote against a more earthy, mainstreet Christian (Obama).

While Obama is black, his upbringing is FAR more similar to the upbringing of most Evangelical, mainstreet Republicans. They are not multi-millionaires born into super-rich families. Obama comes from a very modest background and a single mother.

This is something that almost certainly is causing some reservations on the part of the Evangelicals. And they never liked Romney very much anyway. They nominated almost ANYONE rather than Romney, even the black Herman Cain.

By cozying-up with his uncle Jeremiah, and being seen with him in public, Obama is revealing his evangelical side. And Jeremiah Wright, in many respects, is a fire-breathing Evangelical. And Obama went to his services for 20 years. Proof of his non-Moslem Christianity.

At the same time, now that America KNOWS Obama, he no longer needs to be so cautious about who he is seen in public with. It would NOT be very damaging to see Obama attending a Jeremiah Wright service, and it might actually make him more favorable to the Evangelical Republican base.

After all, if he is seen attending a fire-breathing Jeremiah Wright service, it will re-inforce that he is NOT a Moslem, nor a Mormon, but a bonafide Christian like the Republican evangelicals.

Even if this would not win over Republican Evangelicals, if it would reduce some of their intensity, or introduce some ambiguity of feeling, this could be of tremendous value to Obama.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Comments on Mitt Romney's 59 Points

Mitt Romney’s 59 Policy Proposals That Will Allegedly Get America Back To Work

Although I disagree with many of Mitt Romney's points, I think that it is EXCELLENT that he has put forward these proposals in writing! ALL candidates should be required to do this so that the voter can make a choice on something substantial. These points raise the campaign to a higher level, if everyone would agree to focus only on them (which, of course, they won't).

I have made comments on some of these proposals, in smaller font, but need to do more research to understand what many of the others are. He has explained many of these points in the brochure that comes with the points, which I haven't read.

1. Maintain current tax rates on personal income

2. Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains

3. Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains.

Why just interest, dividends and capital gains? Why not cut taxes on their INCOME? Most people making under $200,000 a year are getting most of their income from WORK. Since Mitt Romney has $515,000,000, which yielded $20,000,000 last year (probably a BAD year), he gets all of his money from interest, dividends and capital gains, as do many of the 1%.

This is a nice way for Mitt Romney to give HIMSELF a much needed tax cut. Yes, poor Mitt Romney NEEDS a tax cut! How is a poor feller supposed to live on a mere $515,000,000? Life is tough for the super-rich!

My idea? Eliminate ALL taxes on the first $50,000 of ALL peoples’ income. This would include rich & poor alike, so it would be totally fair. I doubt if any Republicans would go along with THAT! Don’t want to help the peons too much. That might spoil them.

4. Eliminate the death tax

First of all, it is not a “death tax”, it is an inheritance tax. If Mitt is going to be President, he needs to start talking like a grown-up. As is, the vast majority of people inheriting money pay no taxes, since the first 600K is tax free. And I think they have all agreed to raise that to the first few million.
When a person receives a windfall inheritance of several million dollars or more, what is so HORRIBLE about their paying some taxes on it?
5. Pursue a conservative overhaul of the tax system over the long term that includes lower, flatter rates on a broader base What does THAT mean? Putting more taxes on poor people so that YOU can hang on to your $515,000,000 without having to pay taxes?

6. Reduce corporate income tax rate to 25 percent
7. Pursue transition from “worldwide” to “territorial” system for corporate taxation
8. Repeal Obamacare

Romney needs to differentiate good points from bad points in so-called Obamacare. And what alternatives does he offer? Obviously, when you have $515,000,000 in the bank, you don’t need to worry much about Health care insurance.
The Republicans seem to offer nothing in the way of Healthcare improvements.

9. Repeal Dodd-Frank and replace with streamlined, modern regulatory framework
10. Amend Sarbanes-Oxley to relieve mid-size companies from onerous requirements
11. Ensure that environmental laws properly account for cost in regulatory process
12 Provide multi-year lead times before companies must come into compliance with onerous new environmental regulations
13. Initiate review and elimination of all Obama-era regulations that unduly burden the economy
14. Impose a regulatory cap of zero dollars on all federal agencies
15. Require congressional approval of all new “major” regulations
16. Reform legal liability system to prevent spurious litigation
17. Implement agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea

Wasn’t this already done?

18. Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority
19. Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
20. Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets

And slave labor.

21. Create the Reagan Economic Zone

Where? And what does Reagan have to do with it? He’s dead.

22. Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market
23. Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices
24. Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices

Yeah, but then they might call in their loans, and we’re in deep doo-doo.

25. Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties
26. Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

WTF is GPA? Grade point average?

27. Establish fixed timetables for all resource development approvals
28. Create one-stop shop to streamline permitting process for approval of common activities
29. Implement fast-track procedures for companies with established safety records to conduct pre-approved activities in pre-approved areas
30. Amend Clean Air Act to exclude carbon dioxide from its purview

Why? Maybe Mitt is working on a photosynthesis machine. Or maybe he secretly has gills. Which he keeps hidden under his blue jeans.

31. Expand NRC capabilities for approval of additional nuclear reactor designs
32. Streamline NRC processes to ensure that licensing decisions for reactors on or adjacent to approved sites, using approved designs, are complete within two years
33. Conduct comprehensive survey of America’s energy reserves
34. Open America’s energy reserves for development

In other words, rather than working on developing new sources of energy based on renewable sources, continue to squander all of our existing resources so that greedy Republican pigs can increase their short-term profits while continuing to rape America.

35. Expand opportunities for U.S. resource developers to forge partnerships with neighboring countries
36 Support construction of pipelines to bring Canadian oil to the United States

Is there any guarantee that that oil will be sold to the USA at less than the going global price? If not, why bother?

Should we build pipelines no matter how badly it mangles the environment, when the USA might not even benefit from this new source of oil?

37. Prevent overregulation of shale gas development and extraction
38 Concentrate alternative energy funding on basic research
39. Utilize long-term, apolitical funding mechanisms like ARPA-E for basic research
40. Appoint to the NLRB experienced individuals with respect for the rule of law

So people currently in the NLRB are inexperienced individuals with no respect for the rule of law?

41. Amend NLRA to explicitly protect the right of business owners to allocate their capital as they see fit
42. Amend NLRA to guarantee the secret ballot in every union certification election
43. Amend NLRA to guarantee that all pre-election campaigns last at least one month
44. Support states in pursuing Right-to-Work laws

You mis-spelled that. They are Right-to-Work-at-Slave-Wage laws. Plus, Right-to-live-in-cardboard-boxes, and Right-to-eat-dogfood. Hey, Mitt, don’t want to let any of those 515,000,000 dollar bills fall from the table! Charity shmarity.

45. Prohibit the use for political purposes of funds automatically deducted from worker paychecks
46. Reverse executive orders issued by President Obama that tilt the playing field toward organized labor

How do you tilt the playing field?

47. Eliminate redundancy in federal retraining programs by consolidating programs and funding streams, centering as much activity as possible in a single agency
48. Give states authority to manage retraining programs by block granting federal funds

Why do the Republicans want so much to turn things back to the states? This is DUMB for strictly economic reasons. It DESTROYS size utility, and as a Harvard MBA, I’m sure that Mitt knows what size utility is.

In other words, how is it MORE efficient to have FIFTY (50) state burocracies doing the same thing that used to be done by ONE Federal burocracy? DUH! Only a Republican could come up with an idea THAT dumb!

Can you show me ONE large corporation that has a separate organization unit in every freeking state? NO! Large corporations generally have a couple of REGIONS rather than STATES, and they are based on POPULATION rather than area, in most cases.
The STATES are OBSOLETE and antiquated. They were designed by the Founding Fathers who not only did not have telephones, telegraphs, computers, airplanes and cars, but didn’t even have TRAINS! The states are FAR too small, but the Republicans cling to them for their powerbase.

49. Facilitate the creation of Personal Reemployment Accounts
50. Encourage greater private sector involvement in retraining programs

Back in the days before HB1 visas, big corporations would ALWAYS train their workers, and particularly train new employees fresh out of college. NOW, they just want to hire cheap foreign workers.

51. Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers

WTF for??? Mitt might not have noticed, with his $515,000,000 in the bank, but there are A LOT of highly skilled, highly trained AMERICAN workers, technicians and professionals who have been put out of work by highly skilled FOREIGN workers.

52. Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering

As soon as all AMERICANS with advanced degrees in math, science and engineering get jobs!!!

53. Immediately cut non-security discretionary spending by 5 percent
54. Reform and restructure Medicaid as block grant to states

WTF does THAT mean? That is TOTALLY DUMB, for the reasons that I outlined in point
48. How does it save money by having FIFTY (50) burocracies rather than ONE (1). DUH. Please explain why very slowly and thoroughly.

55. Align wages and benefits of government workers with market rates
56. Reduce federal workforce by 10 percent via attrition
57. Cap federal spending at 20 percent of GDP
58. Undertake fundamental restructuring of government programs and services
59. Pursue a Balanced Budget Amendment

OK. Will do.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Immodest Proposal

I had an interestingly crazy idea for Anthony Weiner's defense. I think that he should call a news conference at a nudist camp and appear buck naked. Also, all reporters, photographers, and guests wanting to attend the Press Conference would be required to attend buck naked.

I know that seems crazy at first, but when you think about it, it could be a good idea. Right now, Weiner is a dead man walking. His career is shot. So why not try something crazy? He has nothing to lose. Here's how he should set it up:

First, he would need to locate a nudist camp somewhere in the USA, or even outside it, where it would not be a crime to hold a nude news press conference and to broadcast it. This is important, since we wouldn't want anyone to get arrested.

Second, he should require that ALL reporters, journalists, protographers and guests attending the press conference would have to take off all of their clothes, and attend buck naked. Cell phones and cameras would also be allowed.

When Anthony Weiner appears on stage, buck naked in front of an audience of buck-naked reporters and photographers, he would simply say, "Hello, this is me. This is my body. Any questions?".

Because when you think about, what has Anthony Weiner really done that is so horrible? He has sent people pictures of one of his body parts. Would people get so excited if Weiner had sent out pictures of his toe, or his finger? This buck-naked Press Conference would make that clear.

Why is this a good idea? First, it would really be fun to see everybody in The Media squirm. I'm really sick and tired of all of their self-righteous yakking about how horrible and sick Anthony Weiner is. Now they would have to make a tough decision: Either attend the Press Conference buck naked, or else miss out on what might turn out to be the hottest press conference of the year. Media biggies would be compelled to attend the buck-naked Press Conference, because you can be sure that their younger, and more aggressive competitors would certainly be there.

Seeing that many naked people, and seeing the entirety of Anthony Weiner's body, might make people realize that that is what we are. We were born that way, to borrow a phrase. So what's the big deal?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

My Take on Casey Anthony.

I liked the comment by John Kays on the Casey Anthony trial. I have not been following the trial in detail, but I am rather amazed at how overwhelmingly CIRCUMSTANTIAL the evidence is. Consider:

1. They are apparently supposing that there was a decomposing body in the trunk either because it might have smelled bad (that is uncertain), or because they found ONE hair. Imagine that: Someone being sent to the gas chamber on the evidence of one stupid hair!!!

I work with technology and sometimes I am overwhelmed at how childishly trusting people are about forensic technology that is EXTREMELY dubious. Are we to really believe that one single hair is enough of a sample to provide reliable evidence? How do we even know whose hair it is? It could be a hair from the head of the shopping-cart boy at Publix. Maybe when he was helping Casey load up her trunk with dead, decomposing beef and chicken (all of which were brutally and cold-bloodedly murdered), maybe one of his hairs blew off in the wind.

Indeed, a hair could even be blowing in the wind and could enter the trunk when it was opened.

2. As far as a hair indicating "decomposition" goes, is it not the case that Casey was probably buying large quantities of dead, butchered, decomposing meat and chicken in order to feed her family? Is the prosecution team aware that hamburger does not grow on trees? Are they aware that when you buy a raw steak or hamburger meat at Publix, some of the blood often seeps out of the package and out of the flimsy bags and can stain the trunk, leaving a residue?

A steer is an 800 pound mammal that was brutally murdered and then carved into pieces to be fed to carnivorous, flesh-eating monsters, like myself. By the time that this bloody, raw meat reaches the carnivore's trunk, it may have been dead for several days and is beginning to decay.

Are the so-called "experts" in this case (whoever they are) capable of distinguishing between the decomposition of a child's flesh and a lamb's or chicken's or bullock's flesh? How so? I would like to hear some DETAILS about how these great "experts" are determining that there is "decomposition" present.

3. Chloroform could also be used by the ranchers who handle steers. After all, on a ranch, you may have hundreds of 900-pound beasts who could easily kill the farmer if they were intelligent enough to follow their instincts and stampede. One way to subdue them might be the use of chloroform.

I would definitely look at the trunks of the cars of people who live in Casey Anthony's neighborhood and find out whether they ALSO have evidence of "decomposition" and "shockingly high" amounts of chloroform.

4. And another thing, if Casey Anthony murdered her daughter, why on earth would she be driving around with Caley's body decomposing in her trunk? That would be insanely stupid and extremely dangerous in terms of her being caught. It would extremely easy of her to dump Caley's little body almost anywhere. It's not dumping a 200 pound man. Casey would have no need to be driving around with Caley in her trunk.

But if Casey had indeed driven around for days with Calee in her trunk, it probably be indicative of insanity anyway.

5. Why would Casey want to use chloroform? If she wanted to drown Calee, she could easily hold her head under water. There would be no need to drug her or bash her skull.

6. Another massively dubious piece of circumstantial evidence is the evidence that Casey (or somebody) had done a Google search of "Chloroform". So what? Are they going to start arresting people for everything that they looked at on Google? And if Casey was just a brilliantly cold-blooded murderer, she probably would have known how to delete her "cookies". I delete my cookies and my history every day, and I'm not even a duplicitous murderer.

OH MY GOD!!! I MYSELF just did a Google search on "Chloroform" to see how it is spelled! Does this mean that I will be charged with MURDER 3 months from now? OH MY GOD! I better wear a chef's hat so that none of my hairs fall out on the kitchen floor and decompose with all the crumbs on the floor! OH MY GOD!

To conclude, I do not necessarily think that Casey is innocent or guilty. Someone needs to remind the TV JERKS that every American has a right to a fair trial by a jury of their peers, which is not the same as 50 million moronic TV viewers.

Someone should also remind those IDIOT prosecutors that their job is to find out who really murdered Calee, if she was murdered. Their job is not to just scrounge around and invent evidence to crucify Casey.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Lady Who Fell Into the Fountain

I didn't see the humor in the whole thing. What is so funny about a woman tripping and falling into a fountain? Sure, if it were the 3 Stooges it would funny. But it isn't funny when it's a real person. I found it rather amazing that she didn't sue the mall.

Duh. Did the mall architects ever hear of something called "railings"? Did the idiots who designed the place ever hear of at least painting the boundaries of fountains bright red or yellow? This is a basic safety procedure that you would learn in Interior Design or Architecture 101.

The woman is not an idiot. She probably has deficient peripheral vision. Would the TV-watching morons of America laugh so hard if she were blind or legally blind and fell into the fountain? Ha, ha, ha. How hilarious. What a collection of PIGS.

The people who are truly DUMB are first of all the DESIGNERS of that mall, and secondly, people who found the whole thing to be amusing. What a collection of RETARDS!!!

The lady has every right to be angry! She should SUE the SOBs for negligence in not having that stupid fountain surrounded by any sort of railings or brightly-colored boundary, and then she should REALLY sue the SOBs for broadcasting the stupid surveillance tapes! What right did those BOZOs have to broadcast those videos???

After I got thru sueing THOSE Bozos, they wouldn't be laughing again for a long, long time.

And it also totally AMAZES me, that Morning Joe, where I first saw the video, should find the whole thing so freeking funny! Duh.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Republican Healthcare Legal Challenge A Result of Democratic Arrogance

This was entirely predictable. Were Obama and the Democrats really DUMB ENOUGH to think that they could implement healthcare reform at the national level without one single, solitary Republican vote?


Most of the State judiciaries in the USA are either run by Republicans, or heavily influenced by Republicans.

This is the tip of the iceberg. The Republicans will continue to drag their feet on this FOREVER.

Why would ANY Republican, in ANY state of the USA help to implement a healthcare reform package that was not supported by one single, solitary Republican in Washington?

The ARROGANCE and STUPIDITY of Obama and the Democrats on this matter indicates an almost ASTOUNDING un-awareness of the nature of grass-roots American power.

The ONLY real WINNERS on healthcare reform are going to be LAWYERS!!! Lawyers are going to make BILLIONS of dollars in legal fees in the next 10 or 20 years as this 9 million ton dinosaur confronts an ENDLESS succession of Republican-initiated lawsuits in almost every state of the union.

Well, heck, Obama and wife are both lawyers, so they win either way.

Draft 1: 1/19/11

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leave the F-ing N-word in Huck Finn!!!

It is not the n-word that is objectionable. It is the institution of slavery that was objectionable. And Twain painted a portrait clearer than any other American author, of what slavery in the Old South was.

The n-word should most definitely NOT be removed!!! Replacing it with the word “slave” is MORONIC. That is not the same.

Removing the n-word would be as ANNOYING and DESTRUCTIVE as putting a BLEEP in a movie where the use of some so-called “objectionable” word is CRITICAL to the meaning of the movie.

I can not believe how much I HATE censorship! It is so ANNOYING, stupid and destructive!

So what if people find Huck Finn upsetting? It is SUPPOSED to be F-word-ING upsetting! Otherwise, Mark Twain would have called it “Fishing on the Mississippi with Uncle Jim”.

Furthermore, the use of the n-word is CRITICAL to understanding Huck’s psyche. Even tho Huck loved Jim, Huck was still so much a part of the Old South that he was compelled to express contempt for the n-word Jim. Even tho Jim was his protector and more of a father than Huck's real father.

And most importantly, Huck comes to realize the unfairness of this. That is central to the novel.

Taking the n-word out of Huck Finn is a CRIMINAL ACT!!!

Draft 1, 1/5/11.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Tax the Rich, A Little

I would favor the approach of ending the Bush tax-cuts for people making over $1 million a year. Most wealthy small-business owners make between 250K and 1M. People making over 1M a year can afford to pay a little more tax. That is also not going to seriously de-stimulate the economy.

And here's a good clause: Allow a person making over 1M a year to STILL get a tax cut, but ONLY on the money that they re-invest in an AMERICAN business that is demonstrably creating new AMERICAN jobs.

The fact is, the Bush tax cuts for billionaires have really been JOB KILLERS. Because where do BILLIONAIRES invest their money? Surely NOT in America. The returns are too low. People like Bill Gates and other big-money people do most of their investing in cheap labor land.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kendrick Meek and Florida Problems

Obama is as phony as a $3 bill. In the Democratic primary, political newcomer Jeff Greene had an excellent chance to get the nomination away from super-loser Kendrick Meek.

But Obama came down here to Florida and twisted arms, and dragged along a bunch of Democrat Bigwigs to push Kendrick Meek over the top into the nomination.

Why? Obama isn't a moron. He knew Meek never stood a chance. But Obama cares about one thing: Obama.

So Obama came down to Florida to pander to his rabid black supporters to solidify his position in 2012. He didn't care about who would win the Florida Senate seat.

Jeff Greene was impressively smart. If he had been nominated, Charlie Crist might have been squeezed out and the Democrats would have had a chance. Right now Marco Rubio is winning with under 50% of the vote and regular-Democrat Meek is polling an ASTOUNDINGLY low 15%!

As if all of that were not bad enough, Obama has been down here AGAIN recently to campaign for super-loser Meek (and hand more votes to Rubio).

Plus, former Pervert-in-chief Clinton came down here recently to campaign for Meek. Why? Hill-uh-ree! Hill-uh-ree! Gotta suck up to those black votes. Pander to their delusions that Meek has some prayer of winning, which he doesn't.

The question is: How long can a party SURVIVE after they lose all contact with reality? Because that appears to be the case with the Democratic party in Florida.

If the regular Democratic candidate for the Senate comes in with 15% of the vote, in a swing state like Florida, then something is SERIOUSLY wrong. And if it is not corrected, the Democratic Party may have a limited future in Florida.

Of course, this has to be added-on to the fact that Floridians voted for HILLARY over Obama by a margin of 50% to 37% in the 2008 Democrat Primary. But DNC honchos and black racists decided to ignore that. I found that OUTRAGEOUS.

If the Democrats want to survive in Florida, they better get off their delusional liberal cloud and start paying some attention to what the people of the 4th most populous state want. And it is decidedly NOT Kendrick Meek!!!

The only way that Kendrick Meek could salvage his political future would be to now throw his support to Charlie Crist. Then he would be a hero, and would have a chance to save face.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kendrick Meek Should Drop Out of FL Senatorial Race

Meek is a DIMWIT not to quit, but for some reason, he continues. Curiously, the bigwig Democrats have encouraged his madness. Meek would have lost to Jeff Greene if Obama had not come down to Florida to boost him, not to mention Obama arm-twisting other bigwig Democrats to come down here to back Meek.

Now, unbelievably, CLINTON is down here supposedly backing Meek. But what both Obama and Clinton are REALLY doing is simply sucking-up to the black vote in Florida, in preparation for 2012.

Both Obama and Clinton are WAY too smart to actually believe that Meek has the tiniest chance of winning. They are both following THEIR OWN agendas. How do you say HILL-UH_REE, HILL-UH-REE. As if a political genius like Clinton actually believes that Meek has a chance! HA! Meek is a fool.

This election is also a continuation and a manifestation of the fact that the Democratic Florida primaries are a JOKE.

I am still FURIOUS that my vote for Hillary in the 2008 Democratic primary was IGNORED, so that those FASCISTS could ram Obama down our throats, even tho Florida voted for Hillary 50-37%.

And now the same DNC FASCISTS have attempted to ram Meek down Florida Democrats’ throats. But guess what? They puked him out!

Meek is going to LOSE by the most embarrassing margin in recent history. It is almost UNTHINKABLE that a Florida Democratic senatorial candidate can garner no more that 20%!!!

But rather than save themselves that extreme humiliation, and also possibly save themselves from wingnut Rubio, “the big fool says to push on”.

What a JERK! This may even signal the near-death of the Florida Democratic Party. 20%?!?!?! They’re roadkil

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Twitter Address @jackworf

I haven't been blogging very much since I'm a lazy jerk and twittering is much easier. In the past year and a half I've posted almost a thousand twits. Dropping them like little pearls of pigeon-poop.

If you think that your sanity can tolerate it, my tweetname is Jackworf.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Movie Was HORRIBLE

OK, how do you F-up a rubber duck? Go see Disney's movie rendition of Alice in Wonderland. Horrible. Awful. Terrible. Disappointing.

The actors were very disappointing. I was looking for the passion of Bellatrix Lestrange and what they presented was an actress in a straitjacket. They didn't even let her do anything. They dressed her up in some bizarre make-up and had her yell "off with his head" in an unconvincing way. Pretty dismal.

Johnny Depp just looked weird. I don't even know what role he was playing in Alice in Wonderland. Disappointing, since I usually like him.

Then Professor Snape was the Caterpillar, where he was fairly good, but not bad.

What I found perverted about this movie is that lately film-makers seem to have some compulsion to make EVERYTHING into some idiot action/Harry Potter movie. Alice in Wonderland is NOT Harry Potter! And it is not an adventure with wars and battles, etc.

Why couldn't they just do a remake of Alice in Wonderland? That has been a hit since the 1860's. Why change it now?

They tried to make it some sort of Harry Potter movie, which it isn't.

And another movie they perverted was Sherlock Holmes. I'm a fan of Arthur Conan Doyle, and I am sure he would turn over in his grave from that AWFUL, HORRIBLE, movie!

Holmes was super suave and sophisticated, solving problems through logic, evidence and thought. In the horrible Sherlock Holmes movie, he became some sort of James Bond/Incredible Hulk.

What is with Hollywood people nowadays? Do they think that we are all complete NUMBSKULLS??? Do they think that we are incapable of enjoying a movie unless there is blood and guts and gore and fighting and violence? Do they think that we are all too STUPID to appreciate the subtle humor in Alice or the brilliance in Sherlock Holmes?

Both of these movies totally VIOLATED the names that they borrowed on.

4 rotten tomatoes for each of those movies.

Draft 1: 6/25/10

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama in the Gulf: The wrong focus

Lately, Obama is at least doing a decent job at getting some money for the cleanup. But his behavior from the start of the disaster has been a disaster in itself. The Democrats as well.

The whole strategy from the start has been this blame-game to pin it all on BP. This is not only inaccurate, but it has been extremely counter-productive. It is striking that top executives and experienced real-world problem-solvers are almost 100% in agreement on this.

What Obama should have done immediately was to convene a meeting of the top scientists, engineers and oil executives from all over the world. He should have paid them well to sit in an auditorium in New Orleans 24/7 and bang their heads against this problem.

It is TOTALLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me that there is not a way to plug up a damn hole!!! Especially a mile under water. At a mile under water, you have tremendous downward pressures of about 2 tons per square inch. That pressure can not be used to smother the damn hole? I can not accept that!

And Obama should not have accepted that! Anybody who thinks that GETTING MAD is not a part of problem-solving is simply not a problem solver!!! I have found many times that when people get really FURIOUS, problems get solved.

But Obama? He's been sitting there smiling and yakking for 60 days.

I truly believe that Obama simply does not give a damn about the Gulf states, and maybe he even wants to teach them a lesson! Let's face it, none of the Gulf states, other than Florida, voted for Obama. And even Florida had the temerity to vote for Hillary Clinton over him in the primary, by a very substantial majority. Of course, he SNUFFED that one!

So why should Obama care about the Gulf states? Sadly, Obama is a politician, not a President.

And think about this: If 50,000 barrels of oil a day were gushing into Lake Michigan, covering the Chicago Lake Front, do you really think that Obama would be sitting around with his thumb up his yaya?

No way! Obama would be FURIOUS!!! Obama would be SCREAMING!!! Obama would be inciting crowds of 100,000 followers to ACT! To pressure the Government! To pressure BP! Indeed, he would really NOT rest until the damn hole was plugged up.

Contrast that with the Gulf Oil "spill" (gusher). The MSM makes excuses for him that he is just "dispassionate" by nature. Obama? Dispassionate?!?! Is this the meek, "dispassionate" fella who barnstormed from city to city in the 2008 election, firing up crowds of 100,000 people??? Dispassionate??? I don't THINK so!!!

The Democratic Congress has been just as bad. Rather than fixing the problem, they spent the first few weeks having IDIOTIC hearings to crucify BP executives. Guess what? Everybody KNEW from the start that it was BP's fault. Even BP admitted it. What was the sense of this painful elaboration of the obvious, while the Gulf of Mexico was being DESTROYED?

The Gulf is STILL being DESTROYED!!! Talking about money even now is rather irrelevant. It's like a patient who is brought to the Emergency Room bleeding to death, and the doctors all just sit around debating about who is responsible for causing the patient to bleed to death!!! YOU!!! IDIOTS!!!

And why haven't they sent the freeking NAVY there? Send some submarines and freeking aircraft carriers. They could be NAPALMING the slicks. And what about the "bunker blasters" that they developed for Iraq? And is serious consideration being given to a tactical nuke?

It should have been OBVIOUS after the first week that BP didn't have clue. So why did Obama just sit there and do NOTHING? The Coast Guard? They're good people, but we need the Navy. We need the Marines. This is more important then stupid Iraq. Its more important then Afraganistan. And what the F---K are we doing in Afraganistan anyway? Making money off the heroin trade?

Draft 1: 6/17/10.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Helen Thomas: Calculatingly Biased.

What is shocking about Helen Thomas's remarks are not her anti-semitism or her anti-Israel position, but rather her ASTOUNDING ignorance! She seems to reflect the stupidity of some of the poorly educated anti-semites in America who think that the racial composition of Jews in Israel is the same as it is here. Consequently, they think that all of the Jews in Israel are Americans of German or Polish ancestry.

This is ASTOUNDINGLY IGNORANT! As many as 50% of Israelis are of Arabic extraction. They come from countries like Yemen, and even Iran and Iraq. There are LARGE numbers of Jews, the Sephardic branch, who come from Spanish-speaking countries.

Helen Thomas is incidiously attempting to hide the tremendous DIVERSITY of Jews in Israel. The number of Jews in Israel of Polish or German ancestry is not by any means a majority.

Furthermore, it has been 62 years since the formal creation of the modern state of Israel. In that time, there are at least 3 generations of native-born Jewish Israelis. Additionally, there have been Jews in Israel considerably longer than 62 years. The Zionist movement began over a hundred years ago, and of course, there is abundant archeological evidence of Jews in Israel dating back at least 4,000 years.

The people who put forward an "imperialist" idea about Israel have no understanding of the reality of Israel. Any person putting forward the idea of Israelis as imperialists knows nothing whatsoever about Jewish history.

Why on earth would any "imperialist" want to come to a place like Israel!? There is no oil there. No diamonds. When most of the Jews came there they worked slavishly making the deserts bloom and draining Malaria-infested swamps. Indeed, anyone wanting to live in Israel must serve in the citizen-army for 2 1/2 years, and serve one month a year to age 60.

That's a little different then the fat, lazy life in America, where one can live in the richest country on earth and give absolute ZERO service in return. Indeed, it has long been accepted that if an Israeli wants to live a comfortable life, he should go to America. When Americans go to Israel, they are making a significant economic and comfort sacrifice. Life is far more comfortable in America.

People who emigrate to Israel from America are almost always Jewish idealists who are making significant sacrifices to live in the Holy Land. This is a million miles from "imperialism". They are not going to Israel for economic gain.

I'm sorry, but I view anti-Israel people as being anti-semitic at worst and simply IGNORANT at best. I should also add "reverse RACIST" as well. Many black racists like Lewis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright dislike Israel because in their simple-minded, racist pea-brains they think that Israel is all a bunch of rich, white Polish and German Jews. Well, it ain't.

And this is what I most hated about Helen Thomas biased, anti-Israel opinions. That they DO NOT accurately reflect the racial composition of Israel.

Not to mention the ABSURDITY of Jews going back to German and Poland. Didn't she ever hear of the Holocaust? The Jews are supposed to go back to a country that raped, plundered, and murdered 6 million of them! How DUMB can you get?

Or how about going back to Poland, to lovely Auschwitz? Unreal.

I am also rather annoyed with her "apology". There is an old Hebrew proverb that when you tell an untruth, it is like scattering a handful of seeds into the wind. In order to "take back" your untruth, you would have to find every single seed that you scattered into the wind. Not possible.

I would just as soon that she didn't apologize, since it is highly unlikely that she is at all sorry.

And another thing: This business about her "freedom of speech". Sure, she has freedom of speech. But when you insult millions of people, you can expect that those millions of people ALSO have a right to THEIR free speech to say what they think of Helen Thomas.

Additionally, no one took away Helen Thomas's rights. She was not arrested, incarcerated or sued. However, various important people, Jews and non-Jews alike, were shocked at her statements, and told her so. She decided to retire of her own accord. And at age 89, it is not exactly shocking that she would retire.

Draft 2: 6/17/10 Removed some insulting language from draft 1.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

There is Nothing Racist about the Arizona Law

It was truly shocking that Obama should make this into a RACIST issue. There is nothing whatsoever racist about it. In fact, it is actually just the job that he had sworn to do, but has consistently shirked. His first job is to defend the borders of the United States, but alas, he is more interested in getting the Latino vote.

Another thing that annoys me is this idea that Latinos are "brown people". Since when? Turn on Latin TV. About 95% of the stars on Latin TV are caucasians. Being slightly swarthy does not make you a non-caucasian race, otherwise, Italians and Greeks would be considered non-caucasians, which isn't the case.

Spain is a Europeon country, and its people are caucasian. They are not members of some mythical "brown people" race.

Latin America is more "brown" simply because the caucasian Spaniards came to Latin America and conquered the Native Americans there, who are essentially injuns, as in North America. So Latin America is really racially much the same as North America: You have caucasians, native Americans and blacks. And many combinations thereof.

But a "brown" race? I don't think so. Obama is trying to pull off this "brown race" crap so that he can tie Latinos in with his Black power base. But that's rather difficult, because Latinos are far more white than black. Furthermore, they don't want to be black. Most want to be plain, white, vanilla Americans, which their children pretty much are.

But Obama, Sharpton, Civil Rights Incorporated, and the ObaMorons ALL are frantically waving the bloody race flag, trying to get Latinos inspired into the great Civil Rights Crybaby routine. "Oh gorsh. It's not our fault that we are underlings. Boo-hoo." What crap.

And another thing, if the AZ Police don't look for "Mexican looking" people, than who the F ARE they supposed to be looking for??? Eskimos? Koreans? Swedes?

OK, Leroy, don't allow any of those illegal Swedish aliens come in over the Mexican border. Gimme a break! I've never heard so much utter stupidity as this "racial profiling" BS. Who else besides "Mexican looking" people are going to be illegally crossing into Arizona?

Granted, probably a few Muslim terrorists. But who cares about them. Wouldn't want to racially profile those wonderful people either.

Good to hear that a majority of Americans back the Arizona law! And yes, as a South Floridian, I would LOVE a law here like the Arizona law.

Draft 1: 5/5/10

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taxing Medical Equipment Manufacturers is Foolish

A particularly abhorrent feature of the Healthcare Reform Bill is a new tax on the manufacturers of medical equipment. This tax is foolish and counter-productive at several levels. Consider the following:

1. The taxes on medical equipment manufacturing will ultimately be passed on to the average American, who is making considerably less than the much-touted $250,000 per year. Since medical equipment is ESSENTIAL, the taxes will just be passed on to purchasers in the form of higher prices.

Thus, taxing medical equipment manufacturers DIRECTLY CAUSES additional healthcare inflation, which Obama is supposedly opposed to.

2. Taxing medical equipment will ultimately decrease its' availability. This is because the tax will make equipment more expensive and less affordable, therefore reducing its' supply.

People who have successfully passed Business 101 or Economics 101 know that prices are primarily determined by the Demand Curve, or the Law of Supply and Demand. Unfortunately, by taxing medical equipment manufacturers, you cause the price of medical equipment to INCREASE, which will DECREASE it's general supply. That immediately causes REAL PRICE INCREASES in medical care.

3. The Manufacturing Sector in the USA is STAGGERING. It is trying to stay alive after suffering the consequences of the Democrats passing NAFTA, which virtually destroyed American industry.

Now the Democrats are back, kicking manufacturing in the head once again. Medical equipment manufacturing is one of the few areas where America still has some prominence, but rather than HELPING this industry, by passing economic stimuluses, the Democrats are shaking it down for more money!

Why does Obama give BILLIONS of dollars to worthless incompetents at AIG and Wall Street, but then STOMPS on one of the precious few industries that Americans still do well?

4. The medical manufacturing sector is one of the few areas where America could EXPORT products, doing something to repair our insane imbalance of trade. But rather than providing economic stimuluses to medical technology manufacturers, the Democrats CLOBBER them with more obnoxious taxes!

5. Ultimately, a good way to reduce medical costs is to INCREASE the supply side of the Demand Curve. This should be done by applying economic stimulus money to the building of new free clinics and new free hospitals. One of the more expensive parts of that is to provide them with equipment.

The LAST thing that you want to do is tax medical equipment manufacturers. This is totally counter-productive for all of the reasons cited above.

I should also add that I am a lifelong Democrat, but I will probably vote Republican in 2010. The behavior of the Congressional Democrats in the past few weeks is beyond reprehensible. I do not consider them completent to be running the Congress.

Draft 1: 3/25/10

Monday, March 22, 2010

Incompetent Handling of Healthcare Reform

Although I am a Democrat (more or less), watching the Democrats ramming thru so-called "Healthcare Reform" last night was really sickening. Truly, they have become Liberal Fascists. They have no interest in even hearing what the Republicans (about half of America) have to say. They are not interested in Republicans' thoughts or amendments, just their own poorly thought-out abortion of a bill.

I thought it was highly amusing that the Obama-loving media should tout this "victory" as a great Obama accomplishment. HA! This? Passing a bill with ZERO Republican votes is an "accomplishment"??? That's cute.

In fact, Obama could not even drum up 100% support from his own insipid, goose-steping Democrats. He had to furiously bribe and arm-twist just to get the necessary 216 victims to vote for this pile of stale pork.

It was also nauseating to listen to the endless LIES and half-truths of Obama and the Democrats. It was just endless populist pap, which was totally transparent to anyone with more than a 6th grade education.

We heard endlessly about how this would fix the "pre-existing conditions" problem with health insurance. A few thoughts:

1. If Obama and the Democrats had any brains, they would have limited the entire bill to the "pre-existing conditions" problem. It is, indeed, an enormously complex problem, and the Democrats' simple-minded solutions are almost certainly destined for years in the courts, probably reaching the Supreme Court, where the conservative majority will strike it down.

2. Having absolute ZERO Republican votes destins this bill to FUTILITY. Most of the local and state governments in this country, outside of the big cities, are run by Republicans and center-right Democrats. How do all of these exultant Liberal Fascist Democrats expect to implement and enforce this bill in those states?

Mainstream America is filled with Republican governors, Republican state legislatures and Republican State Supreme Courts. They'll do everything in their power to stonewall most of the bill. It's doomed to failure, at least for many years.

3. The bill is filled with pork and bribes. Louisiana Purchase, etc. If the bribes are taken away, the Democratic supporters of the bill will also drop their support.

4. The bill is extraordinarily POORLY thought-out. The IDIOTIC notion that you can force insurance companies to accept all people with pre-existing conditions shows that Obama knows NOTHING about business. This can only be done if insurance companies are allowed to MASSIVELY increase premiums. Otherwise they go out of business.

And if the GOVERNMENT wants to take over insurance, that makes it even MORE expensive than it is already. America is on the verge of bankruptcy. The dollar is coming to be worth little more than paper, but yet the ObaMORON spends and spends and spends and spends. He apparently thinks that "white pee-poe" have an infinite amount of money to give away to poor, oppresed black people. Like him and Oprah.

Poor oppressed Oprah! How does she manage to LIVE on a measely 2.5 billion dollars!!! Black people are all SO oppressed. And poor Michelle Obama! All of those years she had to scrape by on a mere 6 figure salary! All because she was forced to live in a country that she has never been proud of! How tragic!!!

I could go on for a few more thousand words, but I gotta get going. I shall return soon, to regurgitate more unpleasant observations.

Draft 1, 3/22/10

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Senator Birch Bayh Chickens Out

I thought that Bayh's resignation speech was DISGUSTING. Birch Bayh talks about public service. He should talk to some of the marines who gave up their arms and legs and souls at Iwo Jima and Normandy Beach so that America could even HAVE a congress!

And all we get is this whiny, crybaby drivel about how His Sweetness just can't stand all those nasty-nasties in Congress. All those nasty-nasty partisan roughnecks.

Well, if Bayh hates partisanship so much, why doesn't he grow a penis, stay in Congress, and VOTE in a non-partisan way? He is somehow trying to glorify being a GUTLESS QUITTER.

What is Bayh's message? He is now going to leave congress because it is too partisan. And who is he leaving it to? Obviously some jerk who doesn't care about it being too partisan. A totally ILLOGICAL action on Bayh's part. I do not understand his logic, except that he is perhaps saying that he can make more money on the outside.

Democracy isn't a tea party. Freedom isn't free. Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in. But apparently Bayh wants to glorify being a chickenshirt little crybaby who goes running home to his mommy because not everybody in Congress wears white gloves.

Senator Bayh: Take back your resignation! Grow a penis and make a stand.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Why Bullet Trains Suck

As a South Floridian, I was at first impressed with the idea of a bullet train network. But when you analyze the idea further, it is really totally IDIOTIC. I say that particularly because there is a desperate need for commuter rail (or monorail) transportation in Florida cities. Most Florida cities have virtually no commuter rail transportation whatsoever, and very few buses to boot.

Which is the wiser expenditure of train-building money? To build commuter-rail transport in cities that desperately need it and are currently traffic-clogged? Or to spend billions of dollars on some goofy, warp-speed Amtrak that is going to go from nowhere to nowhere?

It is also indicative of Obama's MASSIVE ARROGANCE that he should just plop down in Florida and, in his infiinite wisdom, decide that we should spend billions of dollars on this idiotic, make-work project, which primarily involves spending 10 JILLION dollars on real estate. Do you have any IDEA how much money must be spent simply to purchase all of that LAND? Not to mention billions in legal fees as people contest having to sell their land. DUH.

Here are a few of my objections to the bullet train project:

1. Before a single track can be laid, before any technology is implemented, the state must spend 5 jillion dollars buying real estate. To travel from Tampa to Orlando, you must buy a huge parcel of real estate. Then back down thru the Gold Coast, including astronomically expensive Palm Beach, to get down to Miami. And the ObaMorons think that can do that for a measly 8 BILLION??? They're out of their minds! The real estate costs alone will probably be well over 8 billion dollars. Not to mention the cost of tracks, trains, power grids, labor, designers, etc.

It'll probably be cheaper to get to Mars!!!

While much of this land is relatively cheap agricultural land, much of it would be astronomically expensive urban land, especially in downtown business sectors. Does buying land have any real economic stimulus value? I don't think so.

It is legendary that politicians and their cronies are ALWAYS the ones who wind up making a fortune when land is purchased for a new road or railroad. Politicians will buy up the cheap land near the train stops because that land will skyrocket in value.

It happens every time. Politicians are crooks.

2. Cost estimates for the bullet train seem to be massively understated. A mere billion for a bullet train from Orlando to Tampa? Laughable. The land and the legal fees will probably run 10 times that. What does that stimulate? Lawyers?

3. There is no guarantee that anybody will even USE the bullet trains. They hardly use Amtrak. Why will everybody suddenly use bullet trains?

Will we be spending billions of dollars for some warp-speed Amtrak that nobody is going to use?

Who needs it? For short trips between Tampa and Orlando and Miami, it's just as easy to drive or to take a puddle-jumper flight. The "green" savings of bullet trains will probably take 50 years to materialize. The amount of energy-waste to BUILD the bullet train will take 50 years to compensate for.

It might make more sense to pump those billions of dollars into research on electric cars: Developing new battery technology, implementing solar powered cars, implementing systems for marketing electric power for cars, pumping more money into research on hybrid engines, etc.

Idiotically, we spend almost zilch on automotive research. We need the equivalent of a space program to develop alternate-energy vehicles. America loves CARS, not TRAINS. Spend the money on improving automotive technology, not some pie-in-the-sky bullet trains that nobody except do-gooder liberals want.

Also, as mentioned, there is a DESPERATE NEED for commuter rail (or monorail) in Florida's cities. Most Florida cities have little or no mass transportation, and little or no rail transport. This is an area where trains WOULD actually be used!!! Not some stupid, totally unnecessary gamble, like bullet trains.

And how about spending money simply improving America's freight line track? Freight trains are EXTREMELY GREEN. They save an enormous amount of energy, and they are cost-effective. Having the government help-out by doing track-improvements for freight lines would be quite intelligent and would stimulate business and economic growth.

4. Trains are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE to terrorism. Just think back to the French Resistance. The favorite target was always the railways, because they are so difficult to defend.

You will now have a train zipping along at 250 MPH thru deserted countryside. What more could any terrorist ask for? All they need to is put a teeny little hand-grenade on one of the tracks, and BOOM. Devastating train wreck. Everybody on board the train would be killed. Going 250 MPH? Guaranteed no survivors.

Hey. Who came up with the idea for bullet trains? Osama Bin Laden?

To summarize, these are a few little problems of bullet trains. And that's just the start. And how is it that Obama, Oh Wonderous One, can simply plop down and give away a billion of our taxpayer dollars on something totally dubious and stupid?

My question: How is it that someone as intelligent as Obama can come forward with so many TOTALLY STUPID ideas? Amazing.

Draft 2: 2/3/10

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Needs to DEFINE Healthcare Reform

The biggest reason that "Healthcare Reform" will probably fail is simply because the Obama people have not adequately defined and marketed the idea. They sit around blaming everybody and their mother-in-law, but it's their damn fault, and their own damn intellectual laziness.

I STILL do not know WTF so-called "Healthcare Reform" is. It's as bad as Obama's endless stupid chant of "Change" during the election. Change WHAT? Diaper change? Regime change? Spare change? Change for the better? Change for the worse? Change for the sake of change?

Obama and his people have WAFFLED so much on healthcare reform that they actually make John Kerry look a model of consistency.

First it was healthcare, now it's health insurance. DUH. The Insurance companies are the ones who are PAYING for all this crap! Why are the ObaMorons so busy bashing insurance companies? The high prices are not THEIR fault. They aren't the ones who are charging outrageous prices for drugs, medical facilities and medical services.

Apparently, Obama does not have the guts to criticize the people who set the prices.

The Democrats need to approach reform on a piece-by-piece basis, and not just with stupid government plans that cost trillions of dollars that the USA does NOT have.

What about supply-side solutions, like stimulating the economy by building more hospitals? Increasing the supply of hospitals is the ONLY way that the REAL price of hospital care will go down. You can't avoid supply and demand no matter how much you attempt to ignore it. Supply and demand is the 900 pound gorilla in the room.

The FIRST step in solving ANY problem is to break it down into manageable pieces. Apparently the various geniuses and czars in the White House never took Systems Analysis 101. I would highly recommend that they do so. Along with Business Administration 101 and Economics 101.

After breaking it down into managable pieces, you develop practical solutions that can be implemented.

If you do not take this approach, then you are pissing in the wind and will be rewarded accorgingly.

The ObaMorons have never taken this first step so they continue to blather on about this great, amorphous, undefined, piece of dog patootie call "Healthcare Reform".

Nobody knows what it is or what it does. Obama comes on TV (all networks) and tells us "the truth" of what it is. But nobody knows WTF he is blathering about, including himself.

Step 1: Develop an OUTLINE, with HYPERLINKS, to DEFINE every aspect of "Healthcare Reform". Put that on the Internet and let THE AMERICAN PEOPLE read it, study it, and debate it for a couple months.

From this can come some sort of plan that will be agreeable to most Americans. You can NOT pass any sort of meaningful reform if half of America (the Republicans) oppose you.

Even if the Dems manage to push a partisan bill thru Congress, I will GUARANTEE that they will be CRUCIFIED in 2010, and they will probably lose the presidency as well.

Obama needs to start acting the way he PROMISED to act during the campaign. Remember? "There are no red states and no blue states"? Remember? We are going to have transparency in Washington?

Isn't Obama going to do ANYTHING that he promised?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Healthcare Contract With America

Obama needs to make a "Healthcare Contract with America". That is the only way that this idiotic healthcare debate can make any headway.

The current debate is idiotic, because Obama and the Democrats have not clearly defined WTF their healthcare bill IS. They have thrown a 1400-page boogger at the American People.

Here is how it SHOULD be done:

1. Make up a ONE PAGE Healthcare Contract With America. This document should say PRECISELY what the Healthcare bill is going to do. This CAN be done. It should also be ELECTRONIC and contain HYPERLINKS to additional sections that describe the full detail of how and why this should happen, including funding.

2. They can then have 1400 pages of supporting documentation and detail, but ALL of the 1400 pages must be tied into the outline defined on the ONE PAGE Healthcare Contract with America.

For example, the one page document would probably have the following statements with Outline numbers. Statements would be UNAMBIGUOUS:

I. Policy on Prescription drugs
II. Policy on Hospitalization
III. Policy on Public Option insurance (whatever THAT means)
IV. Policy on Choice of doctors
V. Policy on end of life counseling
VI. Policy on testing
VII. Funding requirements and where the money will come from.

If you were to click on any of the above hyperlinks, it would give you either additional information, or a selection of sub-hyperlinks.

When this one page, electronic, Healthcare Contract With America was complete, it would be made accessible to all Americans, along with some blog where comments could be recorded.

Of course, the Healthcare Contract With America would be a FIRST DRAFT. This would NOT by any means be the final version of the bill to be passed.

In truth, this is the approach that Obama SAID that he wanted. Obama repeatedly stated, during the campaign, that it is not what Obama wants that is important, but rather what YOU THE PEOPLE want that is important.

If the above approach is not adopted, then the 1400-page turd that is currently in Congress will almost certainly not pass. And if it does, it will the downfall of the Democrats. Hello 1994. Deja Vu all over again.

Draft 1: 8/26/09

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Things to do on the Glide Path

Obama now says that we're on the glide path to Universal Healthcare. Well, here's some things to do while were on it.

As I see it, healthcare is a simple supply and demand situation, like any other business. Prices are very high for two reasons: First, there is a scarcity of resources, which means that supply is low. Second, demand for healthcare is extremely high since it is frequently non-deferrable and of life-and-death importance.

Therefore, you have very high, non-deferrable demand, and relative low supply, due to very high educational requirements and very expensive equipment.

How to fix the problem? Giving EVERYBODY insurance is totally INSANE. That is the equivalent of simply printing more money (an Obama favorite solution). It is particularly INSANE because it adds another 48 million people to the demand side and adds nothing to the supply side.

What we must do on the glide path is to add to the supply side. Here's a few ideas:

1. Build more hospitals. Hospitals are ENORMOUSLY expensive and represent a very large percentage of medical care costs. This is also an excellent economic stimulous.

2. Build more free clinics.

3. Bring in the military to assist in training medical workers (other than doctors and highly trained nurses). During World War II, the military trained tens of thousands of medics and hospital orderlies and even nurses to deal with the tens of thousands of casualties of war.

Free clinics would not be as good as private care, but you get what you pay for.

4. Build more medical schools and nursing schools.

5. Re-evaluate the educational requirements of both doctors and nurses. Is it really NECESSARY for doctors to go thru 4 years of college before entering medical school? Could there be new categories of less-qualified semi-doctors to deal with less critical problems in free clinics and free hospitals?

6. The federal government needs to take a more active role in testing pharmaceuticals. Drug companies claim that their high prices are justified because of all the testing that they do.

So get the Federal Government more involved in drug testing so that prices can be reduced.

7. Put more pressure on for the production of generic drugs.

8. Have government subsidize the manufacture of high-tech medical equipment. The more equipment that is available, the lower the cost.

Further, this is an EXCELLENT economic stimulus. Encouraging the manufacture of high-tech medical equipment would help to rebuild the American manufacturing and technology sectors.

Additional, these are EXPORTABLE products, so they help the balance of trade.

To sum up, if enough work was done on the SUPPLY SIDE of healthcare, we would not need ObamaCare, because there would be plenty of healthcare to go around.

Draft 2: 8/4/09

Save BIG Money! Exterminate ALL Undesirables!

This was in response to a post in Salon advocating throwing end-of-life people into hospices, rather than wasting money on hospitals.

This was a rather painful elaboration of the obvious. Please, give me some morphine so I don't feel the pain.

This silly article is filled with ridiculous generalizations. Does she not realize that MANY people ALREADY choose, or have chosen hospice over hospital when it is clear that death is a certainty?

But WHEN is it an absolute certainty? I know a lady who got lung cancer and was given 6 months to live. Guess what? She lived 2 1/2 more years.

And where do you draw the line? There are A LOT of younger people whose lives are pretty much worthless: Homeless people, drug addicts, alcholics, crazy people, the chronically unemployed, mental retards, career criminals, why not exterminate THEM?

Heck, you have 2 million people in jail. Most of them are worthless losers, but yet they get free healthcare. But yet hardworking senior citizens, reaching the end of their lives, should be just left to rot slowly and helplessly in hospices.

I just LOVE the way this DIMWIT paints a picture of how wonderful hospice is. You just sit there and watch a loved one die without helping them because it's CHEAPER that way. Well maybe if your parents had been so concerned about how much cheaper it was, they would have thrown you in the river at birth. Look at how much money THEY could have saved on healthcare!

And how about getting rid of prison hospitals and just replacing them with hospices? Or better yet, just replace them with gas chambers. Just THINK of the money that we could save!

Matter of fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to exterminate bloggers. All they do is sit around and blog all day. What makes them any better than old farts who have worked hard all their lives?

But I think this article gives you a clue about what medical care would be like under ObamaCare, since this lady is obviously an ObaMoron. Under ObamaCare, you would have to make your case for survival to some ObaMoron Burocrat, and if you didn't have black skin, and if you weren't a Liberal, then it would be time for you to die.

Sure, we all know how HONEST government burocrats are. Wouldn't you just LOVE to have your fate in their greasy little hands? Just make sure you got a hundred-dollar bill folded up in your palm. Otherwise, you go to the hospice, cracker sucka!!!

Draft 1: 8/4/09

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reverse-Racist Obama and Professor Gates

Its interesting that nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that one of the arresting officers was black. And he did not appear to be upset. The fact is, the days of "The Poe-Leece" being all-white, is long gone.

It's also rather unusual for a wealthy homeowner like Gates to have to break into his own home. How often does that happen?

I find it particularly OUTRAGEOUS that the whole Obama suckup media is busy jumping all over this poor police officer who was simply doing his job, and nobody criticizes this oh-so-brilliant Harvard professor who screams insults at the cop and even refused at first to show his ID. What was Gate's problem?

And if Obama admittedly knew NOTHING of the details of the case, why then did he proceed to accuse the police officer of being "stupid"? I'm sick and tired of Obama's REVERSE RACISM.

Guess what? We have a black president. Black Oprah Winfrey has $2.5 billion dollars. MANY other blacks are enormously rich and powerful. The Civil Rights movement is OVER. It has suceeded. Blacks should stop being a bunch of crybabies and stop screaming "racism" every time something happens that is not perfect.

And what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if some white professor had come back from a trip, carrying a backpack and looking scruffy, and broke open his own front door. Then when the police came, he would refuse to show his ID and call the black police office a racist, or an n-word, or a M-F'er? Would the black police officer had been accused of racism for arresting him? Or would the white professor have been called a racist for insulting the black police officer?

Assuredly, the white professor would be condemned for being a madman and a racist. He certainly wouldn't get the sympathy of the HNIC.

Sounds like Gates deserved what he got. The police officer was following procedure and he did not deserve to get screamed-at by Gates.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of hearing about how blacks get unfairly profiled. They get profiled because the number of black criminals is vastly disproportionally HIGH compared to the black population.

That is because blacks simply commit vastly more crimes. Whether or not that is because of racism, or whether it is because of a lawless quality in black culture, is a matter of conjecture.

But personally, I am grateful to the police for stopping crime, no matter who is perpetrating it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Chinese Will Probably Dominate Green Technology

Obama seems to have created some nanu-nanu mantra that millions of new "Green Technology" jobs are going to be created in the USA due to stifling regulations. I think that this is unlikely.

In fact, the CHINESE are more likely to dominate the Green Technology field, just as they are coming to dominate almost all technology fields. Why do I say this?

First, the Chinese are going to be FORCED to create green technology. That is because the air in their cities is becoming unbreathable. They will have to either create green technology or die. But this is not the case in the USA, where air quality is quite tolerable.

Since Americans are not suffocating from air pollution, as the Chinese are, there is much less motivation to do anything about it.

The same holds true for water pollution. Chinese water is filthy. As Chinese industry continues to advance, with their famous lack of regulation, the water may become dangerously polluted, causing mass death. This will come to be a strong motivation for green technology in China.

Once again, since water quality regulations keep American water clean, we do not have the same motivation to turn to green technology.

Thirdly, the Chinese have simply become the ruling industrial power. IDIOTICALLY, the USA has given away its' industrial dominance just so that a bunch of MORONIC investors can make a few more dollars by utilizing cheap labor.

So to conclude, I think that the U.S. Government should be focusing on how to keep EXISTING American industry healthy, rather than having wet-dreams about imaginary windmills and other nanu-nanu green technology.

What are some things that America does best? Building space shuttles, airplanes, cars, computers, and high-tech weaponry.

But yet we seem to be giving this away. GM and Chrysler may be dead. Idiot Bush dumped the space shuttle program. Most of IBM was sold to China. Will foreign countries soon be making our smart bombs?

America needs to be furiously defending and supporting our EXISTING industries, not putting our faith in some IDIOTIC, nanu-nanu, green technology which may or may not ever materialize.